Broken Soul part one

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The sun was shining brightly, it was the month of February and people were enjoying the weather and had started their day. A police station was echoing with the laughter of the people. A girl was sitting at the table and police officers were standing around her. The girl was laughing with whole heart, her doe shaped eyes were sparkling anyone can drown in them, her slightly curved hair was long till her waist, the mole on her face was complimenting her beauty and the nose ring was increasing her charm. She was in a red off-shoulder top with jeans and white sneakers. Her sense of humour was very good she can win the heart of people with her charming looks and talks.

A jeep stopped outside the police station and a man came out with swag and looked at the police station. He removed his sunglasses and his bluish eyes were looking at the police station, his hair was brown. He heard the laughter at first he was surprised but soon he understood everything and got angry. He walked to the police station with a swag. The staff greets him, he nods his head. He entered the police station and the view in front of his eyes increased his anger. He is an ACP, ACP Neil Khanna.

Neil: what is going on here?

The girl and police officer turned to him. The staff was shocked to see him then they greet him. The girl stands and smiles to see him. Neil comes to them. The girl salutes him. Neil ignored her.

Neil: everyone, go back to your work.

All nod and go back to their desk. Neil turned to the girl.

Neil: what are you doing here? How many times I have told you to not come here.

Girl: Relax, ACP. I just came to give you breakfast. I know, you again came here without eating anything so hmm.

Girl passed the tiffin. Neil looked away. A police officer comes there.

PO: Why to fear when DD is here. Bhabhi Ji, give it to me. I will give it to him.

Neil gives him a deadly glare. DD gulps. The girl gives him the tiffin.

Girl: ok so I am going, bye.

DD: bye.

She smiled and looked at Neil who was ignoring her. The girl goes.

DD: she is so cute.

Neil looked at him and he was frightened.

DD: tiffin.

Neil: how many times, I have told you to not call her Bhabhi.

DD: ab sir Ji.

Neil goes.

The girl stopped the Scooty and take off her helmet. She goes to her home then the girl was sitting on the single-sized bed and sipping her coffee. She smiled.

Girl’s point of view:

Girl: Hi, I am Avni, Avni Mehta, a journalist. I am an orphan. My parents died in a riot when I was a kid... Anyways, you must be thinking if I am a journalist then what I was doing in the police station. Actually, I daily go there to meet them they all are really cute and kind-hearted people except that Nakchra Khanna.

Avni smiles.

Avni: but I still love him, yes I love him. I love my angry bird. I met him first time when I went to conduct his interview. My boss gave me the responsibility of conducting his interview because he never gave that to anyone. So I went to meet him and…


Avni stopped her Scooty outside the police station and take off her helmet. She looked at the police station and smiled. Avni goes to the police station she saw DD and goes to him.

Avni: excuse me.

DD: yes.

Avni: I am Avni Mehta, I came to meet ACP Neil Khanna.

DD saw the journalist card.

DD: journalist?

Avni nods.

DD: Sorry ma’am, he doesn’t meet journalists.

Avni: just for ten minutes.

DD: I said, no.

Avni: please.

DD: please ma’am, you go. It is not possible.

Avni looked at him angrily and she went to find Neil’s cabin. DD runs after her.

Avni: I will meet him.

DD: please ma’am, listen.

Neil was studying a case he heard the noise and frowns. Neil gets up and goes. Neil opened the door. Avni and DD stopped to see him.

Neil: what’s going on here?

Avni was lost to see him. It was not the first time she saw him but yes first time, he was standing in front of her. Avni came back to reality when DD talked.

DD: sir, she was coming to meet you forcefully. I tried to stop her but she did not listen.

Neil: what is the problem?

Avni: ab, see, he was not letting me meet you, I came from a news channel to conduct your interview but he stopped me. Sir, please give me, your five minutes.

DD: But you said ten minutes outside.

Avni glared at him.

Avni: So you wasted my five minutes so now I have only five minutes. Please sir just five minutes.

Neil: Listen, I am not interested in it so please don’t waste my time and go.

Avni: please, sir.

Neil: no. DD.

Neil signs and goes. Avni was requesting him. She tried to go but DD stopped her.

DD: please ma’am.

Avni shouts, sir, please.

But no reply. Neil was studying the case.

Avni: Nakchara Khanna.

DD laughs. Avni goes from there in anger but she waits for Neil outside. In the evening, Neil came out of the police station. He saw Avni is sitting under the tree cupping her face. Neil looked away and goes to her. Avni saw him and got up. Before Avni say something, Neil said.

Neil: see, don’t waste your and my time, I am not interested in interviews.

Avni looked at Neil who wore his glasses and turned. Neil goes to his jeep and sits. Neil goes. Avni tapped her foot on the ground.

Avni: what did he think of himself? I am also Avni Mehta, I will conduct his interview.

Avni picked her bag and goes. Days passed and daily Avni come to the police station and Neil ignored her. One day, Neil was sitting in his cabin, he heard the sound of thunder. He knew Avni is sitting outside. He goes to the window and saw Avni is shivering by sitting under the tree. Neil shook his head and goes out while DD was holding an umbrella over him. Neil stopped and glared at him but he looked away and again followed him. They stopped and Avni got up. Neil looked at DD he passed him a coat. Neil takes that and passed that to Avni. Avni shook her head.

Avni: first interview.

DD whispered: I told you, she is crack.

Neil: shut up, DD.

Neil looked at Avni.

Neil: take it.

Avni: Interview?

Neil: yes, I am ready to give you an interview but first, take it.

Avni takes the coat and keeps it on her shoulder. She looked at Neil.  Avni and Neil were sitting in Neil’s cabin.  A constable kept two glasses of tea. Avni was rubbing her hands. Neil passed a cup to her. Avni picked the glass and sipped.

Avni: so, can we start?

Neil: Camera?

Avni: oh no, Ali did not come today.

Avni looked at Neil.

Neil: we can do it tomorrow.

Avni: no, I don't trust you, you will flip. I call him he will come in ten minutes.

Neil: in this rain?

Avni: so what you think, only your police officer’s job is tough, we journalists also take the risk, it is a tough nut to crack.

Neil: Agreed. When I denied it. Ok, call your cameraman and start the interview if he is coming.

Avni nods.

Later, the rain was calm it was drizzling. Avni was helping Ali and they were talking, DD was standing there. Neil entered and saw Avni and Ali talking. Avni was smiling, she hits Ali. Neil looked down and come. Avni looked at him and resume her work.

Avni was sitting opposite to Neil. A camera was there on the stand and Ali was standing there. Avni signed done, Ali showed thumbs up. Neil was looking at them.

Avni: Ready, sir.

Neil nods.

Avni: Hello everyone, I am Avni Mehta with cameraman Ali Haider. When it comes to appreciating our brave soldiers then we always appreciate them. They are the real heroes of our country. Today also we are going to make you meet a real hero who has saved many lives by putting his life at risk. ACP Neil Khanna.

Avni turned to Neil.

Avni: Hello sir.

Neil nods and said Hi.

Avni: sir, how you came into this profession? To whom were you impressed? It was your passion or someone influenced you.

Neil: When I was a kid, I saw police officers in movies and got influenced by them then as I grew up the attraction converted into the passion and today I am here.

Avni: what was your family reaction when you told them about your decision of becoming an IPS as you are their only heir so was it difficult or they were ok with that?

Neil: My dad is a very chill person so he accepted my decision with whole heartily but my mom opposed my decision she was not against it but she is a mother so it's obvious she will think about her child but when I talked to her she permitted me and today they feel proud of me.

Avni smiled.

Avni: that's great we all are proud of you. Ok, so Sir, as we know it is your duty to save people but don't you feel scared or afraid that if something happened to you then who will take care of your family and all.

Neil: if I was scared of death then I would have joined my father's business, no IPS. And about my family then yes sometimes these things come to my mind but as an IPS officer, I have to think for all not only about my parents.

Avni asked him questions and Neil answered her.

Avni: any message for the nation.

Neil looked at the Camera.

Neil: believe in yourself. Whatever profession you pick, be honest and loyal to it. And beware of your surrounding, be careful from fraud people. Thank you.

Avni: thank you, sir.

Avni sighs and catches her head. She was tired. Avni gets up, Neil also gets up.

Avni: thank you, sir.

Avni forwards her hand. Neil shakes his hand with her. Avni smiled.

Flashback ends.

Avni was smiling.

Avni: till now things were going good. All the screws of my mind were fit and tight after that day, I could not meet Neil as my work was done but one day.


Avni was walking on the footpath under the sheds of trees by carrying her bag. Two men came in her way and shows her a knife. Avni looked at the knife then at the men.

Man: you sent us jail now see what we will do.

One man holds Avni's shoulders from behind and the second man was about to stab the knife in her stomach but someone holds his lower arm. Avni closed her eyes. Avni opened her eyes when she did not feel any pain. Neil comes from behind the man. Avni was surprised to see him. The men were also shocked.

Man: ACP Neil Khanna.

DD caught the second man. Neil jerks his arm and the knife falls from his hands. Avni picked that with a handy. Neil beats the man and DD also slapped the one. Avni was looking at Neil and lost.

Neil: DD, take them.

DD nods. He takes them from there.

Neil: you ok?

Avni nods.

Avni: thank you if you did not come then today I was.

Avni signs up.

Neil: why do they want to kill you?

Avni: enmity. I sent them to jail so they were taking revenge.

Neil nods. Avni was about to go but her leg twisted, she was about to fall but Neil holds her and Avni lost into him. Neil was saying something but she could not be able to listen. Neil jerks her shoulder, Avni came back to reality.

Neil: oh hello, where are you lost? I am asking you something. Are you ok?

Avni looked down she nods. Neil makes her stand. Avni keeps the hair strand behind her ear then she looked at Neil and again looked down. Avni tried to go but felt a pain in her foot.

Neil: wait, let me help you.

Neil holds her shoulder and hand. Avni was looking at him. Neil takes her to the bench and checked her foot. Avni was looking at him, Neil twists her foot, Avni winces.

Neil: relax. It's fine. You can walk now.

Neil got up and he helped her to get up. Avni walks and smiles. She jumped. Neil was smiling he shook his head.

Avni: I am jumping. Wow, it's magic.

Avni hugged Neil.

Avni: Thank you.

Neil was shocked. He did not understand what to say.

Neil: an, it's ok.

Avni realised she hugged him. She feels shy, awkward.

Avni: wo, sorry, in excitement, I hu...

Neil: it's ok. now take care and be careful next time from your surroundings, I will not come to save you every time.

Avni nods. She said thank you and goes. Avni stopped and turned to Neil and smiled.

Flashback ends.

Avni: and that day the third wicket of my mind also fell down. You must be thinking that when the first two wickets fall. Well, the first wicket fell when I saw him the first time and the second one... I don't know but that day, I got clean bowled. That night, I could not sleep and think about him.

Avni was about to say but her phone rang. She looked there.

Avni: one minute.

Avni turned her face and picked up the phone.

Avni: the information is authentic? Ok, I am coming.

Avni cuts the call.

Avni: sorry, I have to go. I will continue my story later. But you can hear my story from that NK means Nakchara Khanna. He must be thinking about me but he will bore you still if you want, you can hear but don't mind his words. He never talked good about me. Oh, I am getting late we will meet later. Bye.

Avni gave a flying kiss and goes.

On the other side, Neil closed the file and saw the lunchbox, he picked it up and opened it.

Neil: Poha.

Neil shook his head.

Neil: this girl is crazy, I mean who eats flattened rice on daily basis but she can eat because she is mad. I bet that she can eat it three times a day. When she took my interview, I thought, she is a sensible girl, the way she asked the questions is incredible but no, I was wrong, she is a mad girl. How can she say that she likes me that too in front of other officers even commissioner sir was present there. It was so embarrassing...

Neil recalls that day.


Neil was standing with the staff and commissioner outside the police station. Avni was standing there.

Avni: I will take your five minutes. I know, it is not the right time but it is very important.

Avni closed her eyes and huffs. Neil frowns.

Avni: I love you.

Neil was shocked. DD was more shocked.

DD: Haan?

Neil was shockingly looking at her. DD was in shock who was standing by opening his mouth. Neil feels embarrassed and looked at people.

Avni: I know, you must be feeling shy in front of officers but it was the best opportunity for me. I knew you will not cut me in between so I said what was in my heart. So, I love you and I will wait for your reply. Bye.

Avni turns and goes fastly and Neil was just looking at her.

Flashback ends.

Neil: I did not understand what to say, what to do? She went by saying that she will wait for my reply, like seriously. And since that day she is behind me.


Neil was standing with Avni outside the police station.

Neil: see, I don't love you so please stop this all.

Avni feels hurt. She doesn't have a family. The first time, she feels that she has someone whom she can call hers.

Avni asked innocently: do you love someone else?

Neil feels bad to see her.

Neil: that is not your concern. It is personal.

Avni: means no one is there. You don't love me fine but don't stop me. I promise the day, you get the love of your life, I will move away from your life but till then I will try my luck.

Neil looked at her. Avni turns and goes.

Flashback ends.

Neil: isn't she crazy? And my family, don't know what magic she spelt on them they just praise her.

Neil shook his head and closed the lunch.

The next day, Neil entered the police station and saw the scene which he daily saw. He was already frustrated because of a threat call and it increased his anger.

Neil: what is going on?

Avni flinched and turned to him. DD and all were shocked. Neil comes to them.

Neil: Is this a fish market? I have come to the police station or fish market.

Neil turned to Avni.

Neil: And you what are you doing here? How many times, I have told you to not come here.

Avni: I just came to give you this.

Avni forwards the lunchbox. Neil takes the lunchbox.

Neil: I don't need your lunch.

Neil throws on the table. Avni flinched she looked at him.

Neil: I am warning you last time don't come here else consequences will be worst.

Avni: sorry.

Avni goes. Neil looked at her then he turns and keeps his hands on his waist.

DD: sir, she was going but we stopped her. Today is her birthday she was feeling low so we thought to cheer her up. We planned a surprise for you.

Neil feels bad. He was looking at him, he remembered that she is alone in this world.

DD: sorry sir, I crossed my limits.

DD picked the lunchbox and goes. On the other side, Avni sits on her Scooty and tears roll from her eyes. She wipes her tears. She wore her helmet and starts the Scooty.

That day, Neil feels bad but then he went for his work to the crime site and was there.

The next day, Neil was about to enter the police station and he heard the laughter. But a constable saw him and runs.

Constable: ssshhh, sir is coming.

Avni: so what, let him come, it is his police station.

Constable: he will again scold you.

Avni: today, if he uttered a word, I will not leave him.

Neil was listening to her. DD saw him and widens his eyes. He signs Avni to keep quiet but Avni was Avni she did not listen.

Avni: what? Why are you asking me to keep quiet? Listen, I am not afraid of him.

Neil: really.

Avni: yes, I...

Avni stopped and gulped. She looked at DD, points back at Neil and nodded. DD nods. Avni makes a crying face and turns. She makes an innocent crying face. Neil raises his eyebrows. Avni makes a serious face and said while looking at Neil.

Avni: DD, Shweta aunty is not at home so she asked to give lunch to her Tillu so here I am keeping that if he wants then give him else you have it.

Neil raises his eyebrows. Avni kept the lunchbox there and turns to Neil then she passed by Neil.

Avni: hmm.

Neil raises his eyebrows and turns to Avni who was going with her swag. Neil smiled.

Neil: Miss Ajooba.

Neil smiled. DD comes to him.

DD: sir, you will have breakfast or I eat it.

Neil glared at him. DD gets scared.

DD: Sorry Sir.

It was their daily routine. One day, Avni was going somewhere she saw Neil with a girl near a juice stall and narrow her eyes.

Avni: Avni, don't be jealous she must be his friend. Today is friendship day so that's why they are enjoying the day. Let's go and wish him but first buy a rose.

Avni bought two roses (yellow and red) and kept them in the bag's open pocket and goes to Neil who was sipping juice and smiling.

Avni: Hi ACP.

Neil turns to her and looks away.

Neil: you came here also.

Avni: I was going somewhere but I saw you so thought to meet you.

Girl: who is she, Neil?

Neil: she is Avni Mehta, a journalist and Avni, she is Juhi, my...

Neil stopped and thinks. Avni was looking at him.

Neil: my girlfriend.

Avni felt like something broke inside her. Juhi gets happy.

Neil: you were asking me about my love so (Neil side hugged Juhi) she is (Neil looked at Juhi) my love.

Neil smiled by looking at Juhi then he looked at Avni who had tears in her eyes she looked down. Neil was shocked to see her tears and feels bad. Avni wiped her eyes and take out a yellow flower and passed it to Neil.

Avni: Happy friendship day.

Avni smiled but Neil understands she is hiding her pain behind her smile.

Before Neil takes the flower. Juhi takes that and throws that on the road. Avni and Neil looked at the road. Neil grins his teeth. Avni looked at the flower emotionally. The car passed over it and it broke Avni's heart more.

Juhi: don't you have manners. Your parents did not tell you to not disturb a couple's privacy.

Avni looked at her.

Neil shouts: Juhi.

Juhi flinched.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil looked at her then he turns to Juhi. Avni goes to the road to pick the flower. Neil saw that and he was shocked to see a car coming to them. Neil goes to her and pulled her back. Neil holds her both arms and looked at the car. Neil sighs he looked at Avni.

Neil: Are you mad? You were about to come under the car, what if the car hit you?

Avni was looking down.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil looked at her. Avni goes fastly, Neil turns and looks at her. Avni runs. Neil feels bad he did not know that things will go like this. Neil looked at Juhi and goes to her.

Neil: what was that, Juhi? I was talking to her, why did you interrupt and how can you talk to her like this and the couple's privacy? Who is the couple here? Where it is?

Juhi: you and me, you told her that I...

Neil: Juhiii... she was behind me for long so to get rid of her I said that to her. I don't love you. I thought you are my friend so you will understand me but...

Juhi: Neil, I really liked you.

Neil: But I don't. You are just a friend that's it, nothing else and don't you dare to talk to Avni like this again. I am warning you first and last time.

Juhi runs. Neil catches his head and saw the flower, the cars were passing over it, he goes to pick it up and comes to the side while looking at it. Neil recalls Avni's sad face and feels a pain in his heart.

In the nighttime, Neil came to the room after taking shower and a towel was kept on his shoulder. He sat on the bed, he picked up his phone and checked it. He was surprised because daily Avni send him good night and good morning messages but today she did not send him a single message after that incident. Neil thinks. Neil lays on the bed and thinks about Avni he was restless. Neil turns his sides and slept by thinking about Avni.

The next morning, Neil woke up with the alarm and checked his phone but no message it was a shock for him. Avni never did that.

Neil: she must be angry. She will be fine soon.

Neil gets up and gets ready for jogging and goes. He continuously thinks about Avni. Neil came back home and gets ready for the police station and picks his phone but no message from Avni. Neil thinks.

Neil entered the police station and got another shock. Everyone was sitting in their seat and doing their work. Neil looked around but Avni was not there. DD comes and saw Neil, he salutes him and wished him morning and others got to know that Neil had come they greet him. Neil saw all are sad.

Neil: DD, come to my cabin.

DD nods. Neil looked around and goes. Neil was standing in his cabin and thinking.

Avni: means no one is there. You don't love me fine but don't stop me. I promise the day, you get the love of your life, I will move away from your life but till then I will try my luck.

Neil heard the footsteps. DD comes and Neil was standing at his table and finding a file.

DD: sir!

Neil: what happened why everyone's face is down?

DD: Wo Avni did not come today that's why.

Neil looked at DD surprisingly because he called Avni bhabhi but today he said Avni.

DD: what happened, sir?

Neil looked down and shook his head he looked at the table and acted to search for something in his files.

Neil: so what is a big thing in it. She will come.

DD: you have prohibited here and yesterday Shweta aunty also came back so maybe that's why she did not come.

Neil thinks.

DD: anyways, you want something

Neil sits and shook his head and opened the file.

Neil: no, you go.

DD nods and goes. Neil looked at him he thinks. Neil waits for Avni but also scolded himself many times. Neil was studying a file but couldn't be able to concentrate. Neil closed the file in frustration.

Neil: what the hell, Neil? Concentrate on your work.

Neil closed his eyes and caught his head. Neil sighs and drinks the water. Neil again opened the file but his mind was somewhere else. Neil looked up and saw that lunchtime is about to start. Neil looked at his file. Neil heard the knock and he permitted to come inside. DD entered and a lunchbox was in his hands. Neil's face light up but he covers that and looked at the file.

DD: Sir, lunch.

Neil looked at him.

Neil: so your beloved Avni came. You all were unnecessarily taking stress.

DD: no sir, you are misunderstanding. This lunch came from your home, your driver brought it, not Avni.

Neil looked at DD then the lunchbox. Neil looked at the file.

Neil: Keep it here, I will eat it later.

DD nods and keeps the lunchbox there. He goes. Neil looked up and recalls Avni's words.

Avni: means no one is there. You don't love me fine but don't stop me. I promise the day, you get the love of your life, I will move away from your life but till then I will try my luck.

Neil thinks. His phone rings and he instantly picks it up.

Neil: Hello.

Shweta: Hello, Tillu.

Neil's smile faded.

Neil: mom!

Shweta: yes, who else will call from my number.

Neil scratched his head.

Neil: no, I was studying a file and did not see the caller I'd. Anyways you say why you called.

Shweta: I called to tell you that I have sent the lunch for you. Usually, Avni sends it but she said, she has some work so I send it for you.

Neil thinks.

Shweta: Hello.

Neil: han. yaa, yaa mom, I got it don't worry.

Shweta: ok, have it. I want it finish.

Neil: ok mom.

Neil cuts the call. Shweta frowns.

Shweta: he hangs up the phone. He did not even argue about food. Strange. Maybe he is busy that's why.

She shrinks her shoulders and goes.

Hours passed but no news of Avni. Neil was restless. He checked his phone from time to time. In the evening, DD entered the cabin.

DD: Sir, If you have no work then can I go, I have some work.

Neil: no, I have no work but what happened you are looking worried.

DD: I am going to find Avni. She is not picking up my calls. She never did that.

Neil was shocked. He thinks.

DD: she always messed with the wrong people. I prohibited her but when she listened to others that now she will listen.

Neil frowns.

Neil: what do you mean, what are you saying?

DD: she was covering the story of Mafia don Vidyut.

Neil was shocked.

Neil: what?

DD: yes sir, I prohibited her but she said, it is her profession to show the real face of these people to the world.

Neil: why didn't you tell me?

DD: you don't like to talk about her so I did not tell you but I kept two officers for her security but she identified them and refused for any security.

Neil: this girl. Ok, you go and do inform me.

DD nods and goes.

Neil: crazy girl, what was the need to go alone. She can tell me. I have a meeting with the commissioner else I would go.

Neil runs the hand in his hair. Neil waits for DD's call. His phone rings and Neil immediately picked it but it falls from his hand on the table. Neil picked it.

Neil: DD.

Neil's hands were shaking. He received it.

Neil: yes DD.

Neil heard the other side and got numb. If he was standing then he will surely fall. Neil was shockingly sitting by holding the phone.

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