in the silence

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Near silent footsteps wandered through the quiet forest. Gentle rain and the sounds of wildlife echoed in the silence of the dark forest. A soft breeze filled with the unease of the dark clad figure, seemed to grow with each second he moved. But his movements seemed to slow because if the injuries he had sustained to get away from the castle, in hid arms laid the hope and light of the people. The sleeping princess that he was ordered to defend with his life.

       The princess was about four years of age. She had fallen asleep long ago, blissfully unaware of the battle that had taken place at there home. She was small in his arms, with a pail complexion, black hair, and when she was awake she had deep blue eyes. She would grow up to become very beautiful. She would look just like the queen when she got older.
               The sound of a branch snapping close by alerted him. Looking up he continued to move forward despite his fatigued form. He couldn't afford to stop moving now, he needed to get her to the shrine, to get her to safety. Ignoring his own intense pain, he ran. Holding the precious treasure that was the princess in his arms. He had come to adore the little princess. Come to be a brother of sorts to her, so he desperately wanted her to be safe. He would make sure it happened even if it cost him his life. The sound of thundering footsteps could be heard in the distance behind him, 'just a little more!'  He thought desperately. Torches lit the path as he ran along. But he knew he couldn't out run men on horse back for long, especially in this condition. "Over there!" A soldier of the land of snow shouted.  Just as the man had spoken, lightning struck, killing the men on horse back in seconds.  He would have to remember to thank the lightning Guardian later.

        The doors of the shrine soon came into veiw, just as the sky opened up, rain poored from the sky soaking him in secounds. A sharp pain in the center of his back caused him to cry out. An arrow jutted out from his back, but he refused to stop moving. She needed to live, needed to come back to them! He ran with all of his might, making it to the doors of the temple.  He slammed the door open, stumbling inside barely able to stand anymore. He barely made it to the feet of the statue, setting the princess at the feet of the cat guardian, "Shin-ah! Guardian of cats! Please I beg of you! Protect the princess!" The man begged. "She is the light of hope to our people! For our kingdoms!" Loud voices could be heard outside the doors calling out orders to surround the temple.
        There was movement, and the stone statue came to life taking the form of a black cat before them. "I shall look after her. She will be the bright light pf our people. As the Guardian of the Royal family, you have my word." The cat moved over the sleeping child protectively. His eyes glowed with an unnatural mysterious light. "Your sacrifice has been heard. " Shin-ah spoke. The cats blue eyes reflected the face of the man who had brought the princess. "Farewell princess. Stay safe, grow strong.." Said the man softly.
       His mind off in the memories of his time together with the little princess. He had been a servant for the Royal family, and often looked after the small child. He had grown rather fond of her. She even called him big brother. The eyes of the princess opened, and she began to look frightened when she saw the condition of the servant in front of her. "Big brother!" She called out. The doors flew opened. Shin-ah stepped in front of her, his head lowered and his hackles risen. The servant threw himself in front of them as the soldier swung his sword to cut down the princess.
  The scream of the tiny princess could be heard as the servant laid before her. The servants eyes held that last wish of protection of the princess. The light of his people, and the promice of a great warrior that she would become. The hope that she would return one day and save they're people. He took his last breath as the princess cried out his name. Her tears spilling onto the floor of the room. A bright light exploded around Shin-ah and the princess" engulfing them and blinding there enemy's. They had dissapered before the soldiers had a chance to grab her. The only things left were the princesses tears and the body of the faithful servant.

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