The Life we used to know

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Jodie stared at the tent ceiling. Although she was exhausted and had been in her sleeping bag for two hours, she couldn't fall asleep. Currently she shared her tent with Marsha and Cindy. Melvin had been against it, but since he couldn't 't give a good reason why his stepdaughter couldn't share the tent with two the same age girls, it had been okay. There was not enough space for four people in his own tent, so he agreed to the offer of the girls and their parents. '

Cindy and Marsha were twin sisters who, except for the hair color, looked very much alike. Both were tall and athletic and had long curls. Marsha and Cindy were both a year older than Jodie, but very nice and openminded. Jodie, who had always been shy, had immediately felt comfortable with both of them. Most of the people in the camp where they were right now seemed nice. By now they were about seventeen people and to keep track, Jodie had drawn a picture of almost everyone and written the names below.

Jodie sat up when she heard a whimper. It seemed to come from outside. Then a soft sob. Jodie swallowed and took a deep breath. She knew the sounds only too well. Melvin was probably angry about something and had found a way to punish Jody's Mum Molly. He had probably dragged her somewhere to a sheltered corner, shut her mouth so she wouldn't get too loud, and hit her. And Melvin's biological daughter Clara was probably in the tent in her sleeping bag and didn't notice anything at all. Or at least she pretended so. Jodie felt the urge to run out of the tent and help her mum. But she stayed seated. For two reasons. First of all, her mum didn't want her to help and would defend Melvin again and again, and secondly, Melvin would then start beating Jodie as well or make it even worse for her mum. She remembered the last time she tried. Melvin had beaten Molly in the kitchen, Jodie, who had heard her mother's screams, had run to her, trying to pull Melvin away. Wanted to help her mum. But Melvin had just turned around, shoved Jodie into the kitchen counter and punched her in the face. Molly had told Jodie in tears that everything was alright and she shouldn't worry.

How could she have believed a stupid apocalypse would change Melvin's character? Although undead people were running around outside, eating other people alive, Melvin seemed unable to let go of old habits. For example, beating Molly or occasionally Jodie and putting them in their place. At least it had been less since they were in the camp. There were other people around them and privacy was very limited. Which was a bit annoying on the one hand, but in this case also a blessing.

If the situation wouldn't been so serious, Jodie would have thought that they were on a camping trip with complete strangers. But it wasn't like that. She had already seen things she would never forget. When the situation escalated, Jodie and her family had gone to the CDC to seek shelter. But they hadn't even come close to the building when the slaughter started. They had been standing on the highway, waiting to be let into the building when suddenly the infected people stumbled from all over out of the forest beside the highway and started to attack the people in the cars and on the street. Soldiers had stormed out of the building, starting to shoot wildly into the crowd. No matter at infected or normal people. It didn't matter. There was no difference anymore. Jodie fled to the woods with the others. And finally, they had come to the camp, where other people had been. Couples, families or loners. Melvin had warned his family not to be too friendly with the others, because he distrusted everyone immediately. That was Melvin. Either he controlled the people around him or he mistrusted them. That had been like that from the beginning. Since Jodie was very reserved anyway and suffered from the family situation, she avoided most of them. But Cindy and Marsha had welcomed her so warmly and accepted her as she was, that she couldn't help but befriend the sisters.

The whimpering stopped and footsteps went away. It was over. Jodie took a deep breath, then lay down again and within a very short time, fell into a deep sleep.

The camp was an abandoned warehouse where tents were set up and there were several corners for cooking and washing. There was also a river nearby where you could bathe. Jodie liked the hall. There were many corners where she could retreat and think without being disturbed. So, she had found one or two hiding places from Melvin and his annoying daughter Clara. While she was doing the laundry with Cindy and Marsha this morning, Clara sat outside in the sun on a camping chair, not even thinking about helping them. All that matters were, she was sunbathing and got what she wanted.

"Isn't she not going to help?" Cindy asked jealously while she and most of the women were busy in laundry and cooking.

"Clara? Forget it, she doesn't even know how to do it and has no interest in learning, "Jodie mumbled.

"Your sister is ...", Marsha began unsure, wondering if she should finish the sentence.

"... spoiled, arrogant, selfish, and... spoiled?" Jodie guessed smiling.

"Let's put the word a" beast " behind all of it and we're very close," grinned Cindy. All three laughed and then hung up the laundry.

"Jodie, did you draw me already?", Cindy asked her out of nowhere.

"And me?", Marsha wanted to know. They had discovered Jody's drawing book and had really loved the portraits.

"Yeah sure. I believe you were among the first. "

"Did you draw every one of the Camp already?"

"Almost, I think there are two or three to go."

"Are you gonna show us the drawings later?" Jodie nodded with a smile.

After the laundry was done, she made her way to the people she hadn't drawn yet. There was Cole, a nice guy in his late twenties, Kelly who was pregnant and a Chloe, a naughty teenager who was here with her dad. She decided to see Cole first. She found him sitting outside on the slope in a camping chair, where he kept watch with his rifle.

"Hi Cole," she greeted him, smiling shyly. He looked up at her and smiled brightly.

"Hey Jodie, how are you? "He greeted her back.

"Good, thank you. What about you?"

"Can't complain. How can I help you?"

"May I draw you?" She asked.

Cole asked with a smile, "For what?"

"I'll do this with everyone so I do not lose track."

"Clever. But I have a easier method, "he said.

„Like what?"

"You have to talk to the people. If you know what they are made of, you don't forget them and don't mess things up. "

Jodie looked down at the floor, embarrassed. "Talking to people isn't really my thing."

"But you're talking to me," he grinned at her openly. What was she supposed to answer? You're nice. Maybe I can trust you. My stepfather doesn't want me to talk to the others? None of the answers seemed appropriate.

"Yes," she replied simply embarrassed.

Cole seemed to realize that she was quite embarrassed, so he said, "But I don't mind being drawn. Besides, everyone has their own way of keeping people in mind. "

Jodie smiled happily, over the topic change and sat down next to him. She pulled a pencil out of her pocket and began to draw. Now and then her eyes flickered back to Cole, but otherwise they floated directly above the paper. Cole couldn't help smiling when he saw the concentrated face of the girl.

"All done," the girl finally said.

"Can I see it?"

Jodie gave him the book and Cole smiled at the drawing where he sat there with the rifle. The approach of a smile crossed his lips as he looked into the distance. "That's good, that's very good. You made me even more beautiful than I already am, "he grinned. Jodie smiled and lowered her eyes.

"You're obviously not lacking self-confidence," she stated.

"And you're not lacking any talent," he said as he paged through the book and looked at the drawings. "They are really beautiful."

"Thanks." Jodie smiled sheepishly.

"If we weren't in this situation, I would say that you should keep this up."

"If we weren't in this situation, we wouldn't even know each other," Jodie said softly.

Cole nodded and for a moment all the mischief disappeared from his face. Finally, he returned the book to her. "Well, everything has its pros and cons."

She smiled weakly.

"Speaking of which, are you interested in learning to shoot?" He asked her.

Jodie hesitated. Actually, she would have liked to learn it, but she already knew what Melvin would say. "I think my dad wouldn't like it so much. He thinks that children shouldn't hold a gun yet."

"Usually, your dad is right. If you were my daughter, I wouldn't give you a weapon either. But this is different. The infected don't care if you're a kid or not, "he said.

"I know" she nodded.

"Maybe I should talk to your dad."

Jodie shrugged casually. What could she say to that? He would bite anyway on granite with Melvin.

"Jodie, are you alright?" He prompted as she remained silent.

She nodded. "Yes ... yes I'm okay."

Cole eyed her scrutinizing, but didn't seem convinced. He ruffled her through the long reddish-brown hair and grinned. "See you later. Unless you want to keep me company now."

Jodie smiled. The offer was tempting, but she was afraid. Afraid of Melvin, what he could do to her mum or to herself. "Another time. I still have to draw other people, "she smiled apologetically.

"Okay, see you later", Cole continued, before returning to his task.

Amused and somehow elated by the conversation, she made her way back to the hall. There she met Kelly, who was carrying an obviously heavy basket of laundry. Jodie ran to her and took the basket from her.

"Thank you. It's nice of you, "Kelly smiled and caressed the clear baby bump.

"Where is this supposed to go?"

"To my tent, I have to fold the laundry."

"I can help you," she offered.

"Gladly, thank you," Kelly accepted the offer visibly relieved.

At Kelly's tent, they put the laundry on the tarp in front of the tent and began to put it together. "What was your name again?" Kelly asked.

" Jodie ".

"Jodie, that sounds nice. If my baby becomes a girl, I wanted to call her that," Kelly smiled.

"When's your baby coming?" Jodie asked.

"In about 1 ½ months, if it is on time. I just hope it's safe for so long. My baby shouldn't have to grow up in such a world, "Kelly said worried.

"Maybe ... they get the situation under control," Jodie tried to encourage, even though she knew the prospects weren't really good.

"Oh Honey, it's nice that you want to cheer me up, but you can forget about that. Too much has gone wrong, too much has happened. There will be no salvation. I just hope that I can raise my Baby safely and prepare it for this world, just like I have to prepare myself. We all have to. "Kelly's eyes wandered off into the distance. She looked as if she had had that thought infinite times.

"Prepare?" Jodie asked, irritated.

"We have to learn to fight. For survival, for our safety. And we have to learn how to handle weapons. "

Jodie nodded. "I understand." She knew that Kelly was telling the truth, but it actually discouraged her more than it helped her. Melvin would never allow her to carry a weapon. Not to mention that she fought.

"Jodie, don't worry, you will learn it, time isn't running away. We have more than enough of it. "Kelly smiled at her. Jodie nodded in agreement.

"What's your baby's name if it's a boy?"

"Jesse. I wanna call him Jesse. "

"Jesse sounds nice."

"I know."

"May I ... may I draw you?" The thought suddenly came in Jody's head. Kelly seemed surprised, but nodded. Finally, she started again, letting her pen wander over the paper while Kelly watched her.

"Jodie?" She asked suddenly.

"Hm?" Jodie looked up.

"Is everything okay?" Concern was drawn in Kelly's face.

"Yeah, sure, why?" Jodie replied with a frown.

"That's why." Kelly brushed her hair aside and pointed to the dark blue spot on Jody's neck. Jodie turned her head away and didn't look at her. Embarrassment burned on her cheeks.

"Hit my neck," she said evasive.

"Hmmm," Kelly wasn't convinced. Yesterday Melvin grabbed her too hard on the neck because Jodie hadn't given him the right answer immediately when he told her not to have any contact with anyone.

"You know, I've also 'hit my neck' before." Want to tell me how it happened to you? "Kelly asked her now. Jodie understood the message, but remained silent.

"Jodie, if there is anything wrong, or you need help, you can talk to me or Cindy and Marsha. You're safe here. "Kelly spoke quietly but insistently.

"Thanks, Kelly. I ... think about it, "she replied softly.

Kelly nodded. "You do that."

Jodie drew the last few lines before she got up and said goodbye to Kelly. She thought about it. She had never dared to confide in someone, but now the situation was different. If it was so obvious that she was beaten, they would certainly figure out very quickly who was responsible. She decided to think about Kelly's offer again.

She actually wanted to ask Chloe to draw, but suddenly Melvin appeared in front of her. He literally built himself up in front of her and looked threatening at her.

"Where is your mum, Jodie?" even his voice sounded threatening. He wanted to control her again.

"I do not know," was her only answer.

"Where were you?" Still controlling.

"Doing laundry and then I was with Kelly," said Jodie truthfully, she had lowered her head, didn't dare to look into Melvin's eyes.

"What did you do there?" His voice had that dominant tone again. As always, when he controlled. When he didn't tolerate lies. He always had that tone with Jodie and her mum. Never to Clara. And when he did, he never beat her

"Helped her folding the laundry."

"Someone else could have done it."

"She's pregnant and her baby will be there in less than two months. She needs help and she's nice, "Jodie said softly.

"Jodie, we don't know these people. They are not our family. We have to think about who we trust. Surely there are people in this world who are nice. But not all of them. And certainly not here. And you don't have the experience to decide that. "

Jodie knew that wasn't true. Maybe she was too shy to stay in contact with people. But she wasn't stupid. And even in this situation, she knew that. But that didn't count for Melvin.

"Maybe you're right," she just said and put her head down like she recognized a stupid mistake. Melvin smiled, pulled her over and waxed her hand through her hair. Once you submitted to him, everything was fine. But Jodie didn't like it, and she felt reassured that he wouldn't punish her, but that gesture felt so wrong. If her mum did this, it was because she loved Jodie and wanted to show her, Melvin did it just to show her that he had the power over her. Jodie didn't want to be touched by him, but she did go through with it.

"You can go now to this Marsha and her sister, but if you see your mum, let me know."

Jodie nodded and Melvin let her go.


"Did you get all the drawings? Let me see," said Cindy and Jodie gave her the book.

"Chloe isn't there yet, but I have the rest."

"Is this Cole? "Marsha also leaned over a drawing. Jodie nodded in silence.

"Oh, he looks exactly like Chris Pratt," Cindy said.

Jodie raised an eyebrow in question, "Like who?"

"Well, the guy from Jurrassic World, who is really hot by the way," Cindy fancied, and Jodie looked at her like a single question mark.

"Don't worry, she often fancies guys that no one else knows," Marsha teased.

"Hey, a lot of people know him," Cindy said a little offensive.

"Who else in the camp knows about him except you? "Marsha asked in doubt.

"How many teenagers do we have here, and how many adults who are not interested or have not seen the movie?"

"Let's just agree that he looks exactly like "Chris whatever", and maybe others know him, or not, for Cindy, okay? ", Jodie said with a grin.

"Agreed. "

"Okay, I'm going to take a bath, is someone coming along?"

"I would be happy to do so," said Jodie, who also hadn't been able to wash herself properly for three days.

They used to go to the river to take a bath. Since someone of the armed men had to come along, they did as little as possible, which is why Jodie had set a limit on every three days. Her stepsister Clara didn't care, she bathed every day, and she didn't care if someone was watching or not. She had the self-confidence to strip down to her underwear and go into the lake, and she had the figure for that. But Jodie was sure that this would stop if any of the men could come along. After the bath with a little soap, she felt much cleaner and finally laid down in the tent to read until she finally dozed off.

She was awakened by a loud call in the middle of the night. It took a moment for her sleep-drunk brain to process the information that just entered her ear.

"Infected! "


Hello, this is my first story, which I publish in English, so I hope you enjoy it. If there are any Gramatics or time errors, I apologize in adavance. If you like the story, please leave a comment. I really would like that and if you find anything wrog, just tell me.

best wishes, Liz;)

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