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"We've been making good progress." Emma held up the pen and continued checking our current location. "We're getting closer each day." Gilda said standing next to Ray when they looked at Emma. Maybe in a day or two we'll be arriving at Mr. Minerva's place, hopefully everything is true and this unknown man isn't planning to do something to us.

We've been walking for hours so we rested up again and noticed more sea anemones that contain water, few kids began filling up the empty bottles again. Ray and Emma sat down next to each other and began talking to Sonju.

"Grace Field isn't the only house. There are many others." There are many other Plants around and it'll be impossible to rescue every single children.

Other houses other than Grace Field? That reminds me of something..the boy I would exchange letters with back then, is he still alive? No, the higher ups would never do such thing and take in every girl and boy they have. I was one of the lucky ones that made it out and it was because of Isabella offering me a spot.

"We have to see Mr. Minerva and ask him how to cross to the world without demons..We'll prepare, set up a plan go get Phil and the others, and save the children from the other houses. Then we'll all go to the human world." I listen to Emma confidently say.

"But will I be easy? Our escape from our house was difficult already." I hear Nat speak for the first time in a while and Gilda next to him agrees.

I stay in my spot and look at them back at forth. "We all have to think this through, this'll n nothing like what we did. We were all at risk and got out but now demons are at every corner hunting for us, they might catch me and God only nows what they'll do to all of you."

The smaller kids shriek in fear and the older ones stay quiet and frown. "I'm saying all of this from experience since I know what they are capable of doing. I've never met the strong powerful people from the higher-ups but they won't let us win if they discover what we're about to do.." I tell them and don't feel quite ready with myself

If only we had someone else, another adult helping us, after we leave Sonju and Mujika, I'll be the only adult again trying to see what to do and how to take care of these many kids.

Emma decides to speak again."Right, I never assumed this was going to be easy. But hope is becoming more of a reality. We escaped not knowing what to do next. But now, we see a path and I won't let anyone die. We'll live together again. Sister! You've done nothing but support us so please continue to do do." Emma quickly grabbed my hands and smiled.

"We'll do this together!" Ray exclaims next to me. I smile at them both, "I'll continue doing my best."

Emma wanted to go with Sonju and practice, see what it's like up there and spot if there are demons nearby, learn how to hunt since she asked Sonju if he could reach her a thing or two. "I'll be right back then, Ray you're in charge since your the oldest." I heard Don whine in the background while I finished tying up my boots and buttoning up my beige colored coat, I seriously need to find some pants around because wearing this dress for a week is driving me crazy.

"Alright let's go." Sonju said up ahead. The three of us got out and jumped from the demon horse..thing? Sonju has been riding.

The reason I decided to come was because Emma begged me to let her but only if I'd come with her. I don't entirely trust Emma being alone with Sonju, he might do something or a demon may suddenly appear and attack.

"I've done everything you've been teaching me, only thing that's left is to hunt. I want to be able to do that before we say goodbye. Food is something we need to get by our own."

Silently watch Emma get off and look up at Sonju. "Please teach me to hunt, kill and prepare food." I followed Emma behind and saw her moves, she spotted a bird, pulled her arm back ready to aim but hesitated, slowly she lowered her arm.

I crossed my arms and listened to Sonju. "If you dont fight, you won't be able to protect anyone."

I sighed and grabbed my own bow and arrow and raised my arm up and caught sight of another bird nearby. Without hesitation I let go of the arrow and saw the bird hit the ground when I shot it. Sonju hummed which must mean he must be impressed. Sonju said a few more things and Emma repeated my actions. If Emma or any of the older kids want to do these sort of thing they must act on it, on this part I have to be serious with them and tell them the consequences.

After Emma shot the bird we went up ahead to retrieve both birds. "Alright, next is the Gupna." Sonju held up two flowers with a pointy end, I instantly recognised the flower.

Emma also recognized it and gently took it and examined the white pale flower "Pierce this through the heart. If the gods accept it, the flower will bloom. Then, you can eat the meat. This is Gupna. How we traditionally slaughter meat."

"It also works to drain blood, preserving the meat longer. Emma stayed silent and knelt to her knees and didn't pierce it.

"Should we not this time?" Sonju asked and Emma shook her head.

I grabbed the other Gupna from Sonju and pierced it through the bird I shot without remorse. It kill of be killed in this world. "Emma..I know this isn't easy for you.." I've seen this way too many times to affect me .

Emma stays silent and looks away from what I did. I kneel down to her level, "If I were to die you'll have to be the one to do all of this." Emma grimaced at my words but said nothing.

Instead, she placed her hand together and started to pray, few seconds later she held the same flower up and pierce or through the dead animal, now fully blooming to its color.

When we arrived back the kids raced to see what Emma hunted. They all began asking questions and I rested a hand on her shoulder and comforted her.

Everything has been going nicely, I would help Mujika around with the few things she would need help and she taught me a thing or two since I was forced to learn most things back then when I was with the upcoming mothers and sisters. I'm actually feeling at home here then I was back then, I will say I miss the showers and toilet a lot, a bit of privacy would be nice since I'm surrounded by loud kids.

I noticed Emma has her hair braided now, the side where she lost her ear, I feel bad for not being able to help her out back then. We were all still inside with Emma showing Mujika the rest of the kids back home, Ray is playing chess with Sonju and won yet again.

It's been six days since we've been here. I was sitting down stitching a few clothes which were ripped up a bit and I noticed everyone gloomy, I realized Emma was showing them a picture of Norman.

"Norman would be proud of all of us, everything we've been doing is thanks to him, do not forget that children." I ended up reminding them and trying to not get upset, Emma must remember what I said yesterday. I continued the stitching the last article of cloth and handed it Anna.

"Well let's continue we're close." Mujika said and the younger ones cheered and began following the pair. I tightly hold the straps to my backpack and follow them too.

We were finally out of the underground, the sun was brighter than any other day and everyone cheerwd again and smiled, I did too. It feels nice the fresh air and freedom. Time to give our thanks to Mujika and Sonju, they certainly did a lot.

The landscape was huge only a couple of trees nearby and mountains of rock. "Head South from here and you'll reach your destination." I heard Sonju tell Emma.

"No, Mujika. Please don't leave us." A couple of kids began telling the female demon.

Ray appeared behind them both and pat their heads. "Don't be spoiled. They have their own places to be." I walked over to them and smiled at Mujika.

"We can't thank you enough. You've done so much for us,we're forvever grateful for what you did." I bow my head and hear her giggle.

"it has been our pleasure." The demon smiled and Sonju appeared behind her.

"There are no demons up ahead, if you're lucky you'll meet Minerva tonight. If you run into a demon, run. If not then shoot and aim for the face." Sonju reminds us and Mujika gave something to Emma, some sort of pendant.

"It'll keep you safe. Take care everyone." I stand next to Ray and he begins to call Emma go us to leave. We all wave at them goodbye and continue walking. I frown and begin to remember on what I overheard last night.

"I won't give them away to the farm and I don't plan on eating them..but..If they breed outside of the farm that generation on will be wild humans. All natural. And if there's more of them out in the wild, I can eat them someday."

He plans on eating our future children..demons are still demons after all that wont change as long as they're still alive.

"Are we there yet?" I tried my best to keep my eyes open while carrying Christy now who was asleep and told me to wake him up when we would arrive at Mr. Minerva's place. It was already way too dark and only a couple of stars lit up the sky.

"Ray, how much further is it?" Ray proceeds to check and furrows his eyebrows together. "It's here."

"What? This is B06-32?!" Don exclaims and we all stare around and see nothing.

The younger ones begin to freak out and shout. Ray looking at them unimpressed by the sudden outburst. "Feeling better?" He asks with crossed arms.

This place is deserted so there's not way that this is our location. I begin searching with my eyes and begin to think, if we can't see it then I must be hidden. That's right!

"It's hidden.." The kids look at me confused. "The location..bunker..it must be hidden so no enemies can see it. Must mean that it's underground." Ray smirks looking at me.

"Good thinking, Sister." He quickly examines the hologram from the pen and types 'History' a map pops up and the kids rush to search it's location.

"Ray it's here! Something happened." Emma says away from us. Christy who was in my arms jumped out and ran to check on Emma. Ray and I ran over and he began to turn a handle and it opened itself up. We peeked in and saw that it's entirely black.

Everyone wonders who will descend to this mysterious dark place. "I'll go in first." I carefully begin to climb down and grabbed a lantern from Gilda and continued climbing down until I reach the ground.

I raised my hand and began illuminating what's in front of me, making she nothing jumps up on me. "Okay it's safe." Emma heard me followed me. One by one everyone began to enter the bunker. I made sure to count everyone and make sure no one's left behind and they securely locked up.

"This seems-"

"Shhh!" I raised my finger up to my lips and everyone stayed shut. "We never know if some might be here." I whisper and see everyone shut their mouths.

"Or it could be abandoned." Lannion muttered when he saw a couple of spiderwebs on the ceiling. He could be right but it never hurts to stay quiet.

We all remain close as we walk and it feels to quiet and cold in here. I don't get scared easily but Thu is something else, we walk down a couple of closed doors and reach one thats a bit further away from the rest. Emma reaches for the doorknob and I quickly stop her and shake my head.

"Don't open. I'll go first." I whisper and slowly reach I the doorknob and turn it sideways. I feel a cold chill up my spine when I slowly begin to open the door and turned the lights on.

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