🌺Friend or Foe?🌺

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A/N: I'm back with a new chapter. I didn't expect to end it by writing tonight, but I did because I need a distraction from some personal things which are happening. I'm sorry I couldn't update sooner but I promise the next chapter will be longer and Ryo will interact more with Yuugo🥰please let me know if you like the chapter and what you think of those two characters. Again, thank you all for the support. Also if you are all interested you can check my anime one shot book or Demon Slayer book on Kyojuro.


"Just please, don't hurt the kids." I internally smirk and keep my eyes on Emma who's being held tight against her will. The tall man keeps a close eye on us, I see Ray glancing over at me and sees the small blade I'm holding in my hands, I'm about to strike him.

Okay you can do this. I'm going to save you Emma! I won't let a dirty man like him hurt you- I scream and see the man cry out in pain.

Before I could attack him, Emma got to him first and stabbed him. "Emma!! You can't stab a man in his privates."

I scold her but I follow him my plan and I turn him around with all my strength and make him fall back onto the table. "Gilda give me some rope." Quickly she hands it to me and I begin to tie his hands together and made him turn to look at me and so I push him back onto the table.

"Mess with my kids again and I won't go easy on you." I warn him and the man still seems in pain but his cheeks are lightly pink?

The kids surrounded the table and we all begin to tie him up until he's unable to move. "You're making a big mistake here-" I hit his head and like that he passed out.

"Umm are you sure he's still alive?" Don worriedly looks at me and at him.

"Sure he is! I didn't hit him that hard. Let's go and explore the bunker now kids." The smaller kids cheer and each of them begin to leave this room.

I stop by the door and glance back at the unconscious man on the table.. He's gonna be fine. I frown and continue making my way to follow the kids.

We begin to walk around and turned the lights on since it seemed like a cemetery in here.. "Stop." I whisper when I notice an open, dark and empty room. The kids look up at me confused as I begin entering the room and my blood runs cold when I see names covering the walls, and there seems to be blood?

Carefully I step in and take a closer look and read the many names. "W-What are those?" I gasp and look down to see a couple of kids gripping onto my dress and looking scared.

"I told you to stay behind!" They jump in their spots so I sigh knowing I have to go easy on them.

"Let's go, I don't know what those names mean but I'll find out soon, in the mean time take a quick bath before heading to bed. I'll cook something for all of you."

The children still look concern but slowly they start to leave the room and I stay behind and keep an eye on Emma and Ray. I decide at the end to say nothing, so I continue my way into the kitchen and began to chop down some vegetables we brought from the forest.

I boiled some water and began to make some soup, it won't be the best since we don't have much things and this place doesn't seem to have fresh vegetables or fruit.

I take out a bunch of bowls and waited for the soup to heat itself up, I quickly headed into the boy's bath and grew annoyed when I had to roll up my sleeves and bathe Lannion since he just wanted to stay in the hot waters and not do anything else. The rest of the boys laughed while the young boy looked away furious and embarrassed.

The girls were out first and already into some pajamas they found in some drawer, I handed the rest to the boy's and headed back to the kitchen and began go serve everyone their meal.

"Ahh this sucks again with this." I stopped eating and gave a death glare at Thoma. Dominic continued to play with his food and Christie had a pout on her face.

Don slapped the kids head upside down. "We should be grateful that Sister helped us prepare this food, there isn't even much left."

"There was no need to hit him." Gilda glared at Don who shivered and sat away from her.

I stay silent and can't help but agreed,we've had the almost same meal for days, I need to hunt some more meat and plant some seeds I got from the house. I listened to the children talk about many things until they all headed to a room feel asleep in minutes.

They were all quiet and fast asleep. It reminds me of the peaceful times we used to have back at home. I found a couple of clean blankets and covered them with it, they must be exhausted, I am too but there's a lot to do.

Quietly I shut the door and rolled up my sleeves and began to dig up some fresh dirt and placed it into a row in another room, I grabbed some vegetables and fruit seeds and quickly began to plant them down once the dirt was disgustingly fertilized and ready.

I lined up and write down on a small piece of wood which vegetable was which and so on. I went to the bathrooms and began to clean them properly while washing up some dirty sheets and clothes, I got rid of my own dress and found something comfortable for me, a decent sized shirt and pajama pants.

It was finally nice to wear something else other than that dress.

I don't even know what time it is but I continued with the many chores and began to dust away the many spider webs and worst of all, the awful smell of dust. I tied my short hair and put on a cloth covering my mouth and face and I began to dust away all of the dirty places.

Who can live in a place like this?!

I furiously began to clean around and scrub the floors clean.


"Morning Sister!"

I rose my head up and looked around frantically, oh right! we're at the bunker. I noticed Ray was finishing cooling breakfast, so I realized that I had fallen asleep while holding onto a broom.

"You've only slept for two hours, Sister. You should rest up." Ray said sliding a plate in front of me, of the soup I had made.

"There's so much to do." I mumble as I take a bite and fight to keep my eyes open. I see Ray glaring at me and Emma who nervously smiles.

"We can do things on our own, Sister. We're safe here and I know that as long as you are here we won't have nothing to fear." Emma is such a sweet girl.

She's right. I stand up and hear Don mutter something about the man. "Let's just dump him while he's still unconscious."

I say nothing and continued listening to the children speak about contacting William Minerva. I grabbed the remaining of my food and headed out to check up on the weird man. "Huh?" I noticed the door was slightly open-

The plate was thrown from my hands and I an arm on my shoulder and neck, I felt something cold pressed against my neck as I see silently gasped.

"Make any noise and I'll cut your throat."

The man leads me over to where I came from. He is right behind me and I feel him now pressing the knife on my back do the kids won't notice it.

"Yo." Is that the best he can say?!

The kids looked surprised when they saw us together, the smaller ones shrieked and ran away. Emma on the other hand wasn't afraid and now smiled up at him, "Oh, I was waiting for you. Good morning, Mister. Let's make a deal."

The room fell silent until she spoke again. "Lets start over! My name is Emma. What's yours?"

"Get the hell out. I don't have to tell ya my name, and I don't want to." This idiot! He's beyond angry at the moment. I also decide to stay still since he already knows I won't hesitate to knock him out again.

Emma sat down in front of us and she noticed tense me but said nothing. "So, how are you feeling?"

"I'm a bad mood."

"I'm sorry we had to tie you down like that and for the cookies. You must be hungry, to make up for it Sister Ryo made you some soup." Where are you heading with this Emma...

"Don't worry, it's not poisoned or bad." Emma said sliding it to him. He stares at it and slides it back aside.

"You know, this soup is all made with ingredients we brought ourselves. We're not a drain on your food supply. From now on, we'll make do with our own food sources. As for water, energy and space.. we'll make sure to keep our use in minimum."

I feel the blade against me again. "No way get out. You figure I'm sharing my shelter if you do that?"

"No, that's not it. This is all just courtesy so that we can start in the right foot. After all, I think you're not really worried about resource limits, am I right?"

When we searched the shelter yesterday it became clear it was all just talk. His motive is something else.

Emma stood up and stepped closer to us now. "Let me get right to the point. We're going to meet with Minerva, and we'd like you to be our travel guide and body guard."

Hold on why didn't Emma let me know of this?!

"Guide and body guard?"

"You're strong right? You've survived here for 13 years by yourself, and also I'm guessing you have a lot of experience going outside."

Well his shoes are quite worn down...and he is fit. Not to mention there was fresh fruit earlier while I was cleaning up.

"If we manage to find Minerva and return safely, we're leaving the shelter at once."

"All of us." I grit my teeth and continue to see hung glaring at us.

The man sighs and seems bored of this. "Do that's your deal? And with this crappy offer, you expect me to risk my life going out? To protect s bunch of assclowns? Don't make me laugh, kid."

"Well, you want us to leave right?" Emma continued to say.

"Yeah. But it's easier to kill you all here." I feel his arm in front of me again, pressing the knife against me. "Yup. You're going down. When I make my mind, I don't look back."

I feel s bit of blood trailing down my neck. Ray pulls out a gun so we look at him. "I'm not gonna kill you, I'm just returning it." He calmly hands it back.

"Well then, Mister, let's make a deal or else we'll blow up the whole shelter!"

What the hell have they been hiding behind my back?!

A couple of seconds pass by without any answer until he finally gives one. "Very well. If you're all so eager to throw your lives away, I'll help you die." He boredly replies.

One if the smaller kids begin to sniff as he cries, "But Mister you can't let them die." He says holding onto Ray's pants.

"You shut up!!"

I remain quiet and close my eyes at how annoyed I am and angry. I feel him let go of me and he hides his knife away as soon as I smacked his hand away.

"I'll go with you and help you search for Minerva. But! I'm showing the way and that's that. I'm not guarding crap. And I'm certainly not putting my life on the line."

"I understand! So what's your name?" Emma asks. I can't help but be curious myself.

"I said I'm not giving you my name antenna kid."


"Don't get me wrong, I don't have the slightest intention on getting close to you all. And stay outta my sight I don't wanna state at your stupid faces."

"Hey, how could you live in a dirty place like this anyways? This place was filthy." I finally decided to say. He looked down at me.

"Well, I wasn't expecting some guests you clean freak!" He turns his back quickly to me and I smirk.

"Please to meet you, then. Dear man with no name."

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