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A/N:Months ago I started reading the manga and I couldn't help myself but fall in love with a character who hasn't appeared on the anime, but he will next season! If you know who he is then welcome to my story, I have a Ray book too which is amazing in my opinion so you are welcome to read it if you haven't. Season 2 will be crazy and I cannot wait to watch it on January.

Summary to this book:Ryo is a young girl who works at Gracefield as a sister,she is loyal to Isabella and does whatever she commands.But what happens when she overhears three of them trying to escape? Will she help them and get out that hellhouse? Especially when she reunites with an old friend.


"Make sure to not fall and get your clothes all dirty, supper is almost done!" I called out to the children and heard most of them respond and happily running around and some even getting mud when they fell on the grass. I looked up at the sky and it was sunny with almost no clouds in sight, "Make sure the children don't get in trouble." A female voice behind me told me. I bowed my head and began to go out and see what the children were up to.

"Sister Ryo! Look what I did for you." I glanced down at the small voice and smiled.

I knelt down to the girls level and carefully touched the flower crown the little girl did, "It is a very beautiful gift, thank you Conny." I reached over and gently patted her head and saw her smile widen and her cheeks turn bright pink.

"Here take care of Little Bunny for me!" Conny excitedly handed me the stuffed bunny and ran off to play tag with some of the kids. I looked around and saw that those three weren't nearby, where are they now? I jumped up a little when I looked back at who was hugging my legs and saw Vivian, Phil and Jemima smiling up at me and begging me to play with them.

"All of you children have high energy but I cannot play today, go and round up your brothers and sister, we're having your favorites for dinner." 


"Yes roasted chicken, rice and mashed potatoes!" 

The three of them shouted and began running off into the woods. I went opposite to them and quietly past the area they shound't go further and up ahead I noticed a strand of bright orange hair. I frowned and quickly put on a smile when I approached them, "Norman, Ray, Emma. I had a feeling you were here somewhere."

Emma turned back and smiled and held onto her chest, "Sister Ryo! You scared me." I giggled at the girls dramatic face and Norman gave her a small smile and patted her head.

Ray kept a frown on his face and looked away. "Sister! I was wondering what's behind those gates?" Emma pointed at the giant gates. I didn't change my expression and said, "Well..that's where we get our food and supplies." 

They all looked back and stared at the gates, I caught sight of Ray doing the same and I glared at his back. "It's dinner time children! We better head back before it's all gone." The three of them walked ahead of me and soon we were back inside the house. 

"Wash your hands with plenty of soap and sit at your spots when you finish up." All of the children ran past me to get upstairs and prepare themselves for tonight. I walked past Isabella who was handing me the now full plates of food and one by one I placed them on the large tables and placed their cups next to each plate. I smiled at my work but sighed to myself since I know I have to wash the dishes when this is over.

I looked around and saw almost everyone taking their seats, I walked past the calender and stopped to see the date. October, 12, 2045. Today Conny is leaving...

I started walking upstairs and walked past the girls room but slowly walked back when I noticed Conny's short blonde pigtails sitting on her cleaned up bed and hugging Little Bunny. "Conny." The girl quietly gasped and cleaned her cheeks. She's crying. I went over and sat by her side, "Why are you crying Conny? Aren't you happy at getting adopted?"

Conny quickly shook her head and kept on wiping her tears. "I-it's not that. I'm going to miss my brothers and sisters so much. They are going to miss me too right, Sister?"

I frowned at that and millions of things were passing through my head. I hummed and gently wrapped my arms around her tiny figure, Conny tightly hugged me back so I heard her continue to sniff and cry. "Everyone will miss you Conny, you've been a great sister to your brothers. Now don't cry." I brushed her hair with my fingers and sat back to wipe her tears with a tissue.

"Small beautiful girls shouldn't cry, how about we head downstairs and have dinner?" Her big bright eyes lit up and she smiled now. "Only if you sit by my side, Sister!"

I smiled and patted her head. "Save me a seat then, i'll be right behind you." Conny yelped excitedly, she grabbed her stuffed bunny and ran off. I frowned again and slowly began to fold her small clothes into the black briefcase and closed it back. Leaving on top of it her suit and white fedora. I took a look at her belongings one last times and began climbing down the stairs.


"I-I'm going to miss you all!" Conny began to cry again. We finished dinner and time felt like it was going faster, I grew nervous when minutes turned into seconds for her to leave. The sky was dark and the house was already feeling a bit more empty, just an hour ago the house was filled with laughter and joy, now everyone is upset that one of our family members is leaving for a better home...or so everyone else thinks but Isabella and I.

I furrowed my eyebrows and watched all of them hugging Conny goodbye. Emma crying a lot like the little ones, "Did you say goodbye to Sister?" Isabella looks down at Conny who's all dressed up hugging Little Bunny with her small hands. "I d-did. I love you all so much I don't want to leave!" I took some small steps and knelt to her level again.

"Everything will be over little one, soon you'll find happiness again." I smiled a little and kissed her forehead. Isabella smiled and grabbed her hand. "I'll be back soon make sure the kids are in their bed when I come back." The dark haired woman told me. The Mom of the household.

"Of course, Isabella." Everyone began to wave and say their last goodbyes when Isabella and Conny disappeared. "Tomorrow is another day..let's all get ready to bed and wish Conny luck with her new parents." I told the kids trying to make them smiled again.

They all sniffed and Emma pouted. "I miss her already!" "Emma quit crying like a child." I heard Ray tell her and Norman who tried to make her feel better.

I looked at them and began to carry the smaller children up, "Let's go to bed everyone" one by one the kids were preparing for bed. I helped the smaller ones change into their pajamas and read them a short story, "And so the kids had to grow up one by one..the end." I finished telling them Peter Pan. I heard slight snoring and glanced at the kids in their respective beds.

Everyone already asleep. I carefully made my way out of the room and looked up from the stairs and saw Norman, Ray and Emma helping up with cleaning the place up. "Thank you for the help children but that's enough work for tonight. Head over and get some rest."

"Aye aye ma'm." Emma saluted which made me smile.

Ray had his back to me and Norman smiled back. "We'll be done in a few minutes, Sister."

"All right now. Goodnight children." I told them and left to my room which was opposite place from where Isabella's is. My room is close to the stairs in case I hear someone at night walking by. I locked my room and sighed sighed out, i peeled my long dress and took my long hair out of it's ponytail. I changed into my nightgown and sat down in bed, my hands went up to my bangs so I held my hair tight and closed my eyes shut.

My breathing got a bit heavy but slowly I regained my breath. I'm very tired but can't sleep, being a Sister to this house as left me restless but everytime a children leaves I feel a bit awful. No, this is my job I shouldn't feel this way. I blew my candle and stepped closer to the window and stared at the full moon and starry sky.

I hear footsteps. "Huh?" I looked over and saw Emma and Norman running back into the house...Where did they go? Don't tell me they saw them.

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