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"This is the third time now, she won't cut it. Mr Ratri won't approve of this-" I heard someone inside the room comment. I had my eyes closed, still unconcious but could still hear everything me rrounding me, I was layjng on a bed with a mask givng me oxygen. 

"There's no need to be like this." Another male voice spoke up. Peter Ratri. I don't know how many people were inside the room but I could sense there were more than three. "We have mother's already so she has no choice to become a Sister." The man sternly said and I could feel the man close to me, slowly running his hand down my hair.

The room fell silent and someone disagreed with Ratri. "Glory Bell needs a Mother and she was supposed to take its place-"

"I made a deal with a special someone. Mrs. Ryo will assist Mrs. Isabella at Grace Field as a Sister. They grew up together so they know the place just fine, as long as they deliver the children everything will be fine." 

I felt the man walking away and before he left the room he said, "Make sure to do as I told you. She's as valuable as Isabella is to me and my workers."


I woke up in a sweat and looked around my room. Slowly I began to regain my breath and ran my hands over my hair and checked the clock up on the wall. 11:40 pm. I slowly got up trying not to tumble down the floor, quietly I left my room and the house felt so quiet, the kids are fast asleep in their rooms. Isabella is too I suppose. I glanced back and saw the candlelight to her room was out. 

I checked the rest of the rooms and peeked into the infirmary and spotted Emma's orange hair, she was fast asleep. Finally the poor girl has been through so much for these couple of weeks. I started helping them out with a couple of thing's but I havent been able to a lot since Isabella kept a close eye on me now.

She would sometimes lock my door when she thinks I am fast sleep, so I can't help the children out. Isabella and Grandma are the same. Krone shouldn't have died in the first place..

Despite being crazy she was always right. This life of living side by side those demons won't change. 

I stepped outside of the house and began walking further into the woods, I noticed a rope up ahead, so I caught it and easily swung myself up and frowned when I saw Norman staring up ahead.

"How did it feel when you found out you couldn't escape?" He whispers.

Today is Norman's final night. He's to be shipped tomorrow. "I felt hopeless..I know why you came here for..I did the same as you when I turned 12. I came here on my own ready to end my life, I was even a coward back then that I was afraid to jump." I smile sadly at the memory and looked down at him.

I placed my hand on Norman's shoulder and saw him relax a little bit. "I raised you along with Emma and Ray. I swore to protect you three but it seems like I've failed you kids as always." I whisper and sadly looked at Norman.

Norman smiled a little and now stared up at the sky. "You haven't failed us. You still have yet to protect Ray and most importantly Emma. I don't want to disappoint Emma so I've chosen not to end things here. Ryo..take care of Emma for me." 

I nod my head and see Norman wanting to say something almost like he's struggling. "Can I-I..hug you Ryo?" I smile and feel the tears flowing down my face and Norman's also. 

"Of course, Norman." I open my arms and stumbled a little when Norman quickly leaned in and hugged me tightly. We both sat down on top of walls and held onto each other, we shared some conversations and stared up at the sky. I can still remember how little Norman and the other's were back then, how much I protected them and made sure they would never get hurt.


It was my first year at GraceField and I was still so young and learning new things, so far everything was going smoothly, I didn't expect to still be alive but I was grateful to be even if I knew the darkest secrets of this place, but I swore to make the children always be happy and make sure the will continue to be until their last days. I held a tray and walked closer to the infirmary room and noticed Isabella outside with Ray who was sitting on the floor reading a book. 

"Ray can you open the door for Sister?" Isabella smiles down at the little boy. I looked down and saw the boy close the book he was reading and opened the door for me. I smiled down at him and patted his head. "Thank you, Ray." The little boy blushed and looked away from me.

I giggled and entered the room. I saw Norman under the warm bed sheets and heard him lightly cough. "Norman! How are you feeling?" I smiled and placed the tray next to the table and sat down on the other side.

Norman opened his bright blue eyes and smiled a little and coughed again. "I'm still cold." He mutters and shivered. I checked his temperature and it was slowly getting better. "You'll be feeling better in no time." I smiled and ran my fingers through his white hair.

"It's still snowing outside so that means you have to stay here and rest up." I grabbed the bowl of soup and lightly blew on it so Norman can eat and feel better. "Open up wide." I giggle and saw Norman pout but blushed anyways.

"Norman!" Emma shouted and raised her hands up. I jumped up and Norman did too in his spot. I held my chest and Norman seemed surprised by her sudden presence as well. "Emma! When did enter?!" I look around and try to spot where she came from. I noticed a couple of orange flowers on a vase and deadpanned. So Emma hid behind those with her curly straight up hair.

"How are you feeling?!" Emma wasn't the best as being too quiet. I tried to calm her down but she would continue to ask questions, she sat down on another stool and continued to swing her legs back and forth while I continud to feed Norman his soup before it would get cold. 

"You'll get sick if you stay here." Norman said pulling the sheets over his head.

Emma kept a smile on her face, "I don't ever get sick."

The door opened and we looked up and saw Isabella with her arms crossed looking down at the orange headed girl. "Emma." She warned and the yelped and looked back up, "But Mama I won't Ray said so!"

"It says here that idiots don't get sick." We looked back and saw Ray pointing doen to his book. I try to not laugh and Isabella sighs and begins to take Emma out. I remained to give Norman his meal until Emma snuck back in and handed Norman a cup with a string attached. 

I placed the bowl down when Norman ate half of the soup and heard Emma talk from the other side of the door. "It works!" We heard Emma shout excitedly. I smiled and patted Norman's head. "Rest up, Norman. Tomorrow's another day.."

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