🌸The Forest🌸

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A/N:Whoo we're on chapter 14 to this book and have started season 2 to The Promised Neverland. I didn't update as soon as episode 1 came out cause i wanted to see how things would go from there, I have read part of the manga from this season many months ago so I'm uoset they've skipped on a lot especially on this third season since Yuugo was supposed to be there! Rumor has it that the anime will skip him and the best arc which is the goldy pond one. I swear if they skip that or our man Yuugo then i'll be angry, also have you noticed my new book cover? I've had it saved up for weeks now.

So again if you haven't seen the anime or part of rhe manga there will be spoiler. I have decided to include parts of the manga which werent adapted in the anime so if you are confused by something which wasnt in the episode, then you know where its actually from cause i cant wait for Ryo and Yuugo to meet😍

Thank you to those who have read and have voted so far on my book so i will continue to write for this and my other tpn book (I also have an attack on titan one for those who are fans of Jean. Especially since this is the last season😭💔) this pandemic isnt over so please bare with me if i havent update, there are many family related things that has happened to me that i wont go into detail, all i'll say is my beloved father had covid and he's had many problems with health so please pray for him. Stay safe everyone!💕



Freedom is so beautiful..Yet so cruel.

"Hurry up! We can't let them take us!" I loudly shout back at the kids who are running for their lives like I am. I am carrying two kids one being Jemima and the other Lannion who isn't quite helping since he can't stop shouting over my shoulder. I try to ignore his loud screams and continue to running making sure my long dress doesn't get tangled in one of the many branches

Here I thought everything would go out smoothly but it hasn't. It's been just a day since we've escaped and now demons are chasing us. It is already dark which is making it harder to see, I want this day to already end.


"Whoa they're huge!" The children stared up fascinated by the giant trees surrounding us. Incredible..so tho is the outside world this is completely different from the forest we were minutes ago.

We all silently begin to walk and check out surroundings. "Okay! Everyone! Time to rest. Let's eat breakfast here!" Emma cheerfully tells us

No matter what she always has a smile on her face and thinks positively, unlike me and Ray back then by we do our best to think differently. "Great thinking, Emma." I smile and help to prepare breakfast with the food we brought.

"Don't eat too much at once! We want to make sure our food lasts as long as possible." Gilda remembers them when the kids begin to drool at the thought of food.

Our first breakfast outside. This is where we begin. Safety. Food. We'll find it all and live together happily as a bit family.

"This certainly is another forest than the one we came through." I mutter as i look out my surroundings. "Hey watch out!" I shout at the two troublemakers who are running across in top of a tree trunk, a very giant one. I pinch the bridge of my nose when Lannion fell off the large height and Thoma laughed.

I glance back down at Emma and see her checking the compass in her hands so is Ray. "Hmm we don't know what's out there, and pursuers from the farm might come." Emma tells us and we begin to round up with what food we can find.

"Let's try and find any source with water, search close to the trees." Half of the kids went to do as I said, still staying close to me.

The forest is quiet with only a couple of birds and other harmless creatures flying by. I spot a smaller tree nearby and was careful at climbing it. "Yes!" A couple of eggs are resting on a nest, the eggs being a bit more bigger than normal ones.

Don gathered a couple of branches with Nat and I tried to light it up after a couple of times I successfully lit up fire.

Emma let's out a scream and I look back to see that Ray had accidently scared her. "Is everything alright, Emma?"

Emma relaxed and continues to touch over to where her ear once was and she nods her head giving me a smile. "I'm fine, Sister." She affirms but I have a feeling she's hiding something.

"We're aren't at the farm anymore. I've told you to call me by my name." I smile sitting down and making sure the other kids don't get close to the fire of they might harm themselves.

I look ahead and see Ray keeping to himself as usual. "Any trace of any demons nearby, Ray?"

Ray glanced at me and shakes his head. "No footprints or clawmaeks nearby, we should be safe. It's just like when we play tag. You're too eager, I'll keep watch. You should rest." He also tells Emma.

"Sorry, Emma." I listen closely and here Ray apologizing for all he did. I stand up from my spot and walked over at them both.

"There no need to apologize." I rest my hand in their shoulders. "You and I had the same intentions but lucky for us we decided to choose the right path."

Emma agrees with me and smiles. "We'll keep doing this together. As long as you're alive and smiling,that's all I need." Ray sincerely looks upset but thanks us right after and feels better.

"We're here do you no matter what." I remind him. "Food is ready, head up when you are done talking." I turn my back and start climbing back up where everyone is.

We are to head Southeast where William Minerva is waiting. Ray has been protecting the pen Norman made me give to him. We were surprised when we found out that pen wasn't actually a pen but some sort of map.

B01.14 is our current location so we still have a lot to go. The pen or not like holograms inside of it has morsecodes and other clues for the kids to find, the exact location to our refuge.

"If you new my help, come visit me."- William Minerva. "I'm located at B06.32."

"We miss Norman." One of the kids said then everyone else for upset. I put on a strong face and saw Emma do the same.

"Come on! If we're all mopey, Norman's going to laugh at us!"

"Exactly! Now give me a smile!" I smile and the kids do the same when they look at me. "Let's eat up fast and continue our search for Minerva." The kids ran past me and began to eat up their small portions of food fast.


I hear a loud scream and Thoma came running to me and Ray. "Lani disappeared! We were walking together a minute ago but then just now I looked over and he was gone!" My eyes widen and i leave what I was doing behind and begin to search for the blonde headed troublemaker.

"Ray! Emma-" I begin to show but stopped and see that no is around. Where did everyone else go? I notice that the surface were I'm standing is different, it has many vines I stumble when it begins to move and I begin to fall down the dark hole.

i reach my hand to grab into anything nearby even if I can't see, I hold onto something but it slipped from me and I fell into the ground. "Ow!" I rub my bottom and slowly stop back up.

What just happened? Did the ground just split?

"Children!" I shout and it only echoes in the dark I try again and I was blinded by sudden light. "Sister!" Don and Emma wave their hands and I run over to them.

"Thank goodness you're all okay." I look and make sure they are all still here. Ray looks around and certainly this is like a cave with walls made out of roots.

Ray is standing next to me begins to talk to himself, "This is nothing like the creature above ground. Did their ecosystem change because of those demons?"

"Whatever this is we really do need to get to Mr. Minerva as quickly as possible." Emma tells me and we gather into a group and continue walking forward.

We notice there is an opening up ahead when we get closer. "Whoa! Amazing! a field of flowers!" The children run up to smell the glowing flowers that at in a bunch on the ground.

Nat gasps and we look back at the boy who is staring and pointing up. We all look up and see dead animals hanging."We're in deep trouble. This place..this forest is..." Before Ray finished Emma grabs him and I grab Gilda when a root flew through us.

"We need to-" I look back and notice the entrance we came from is gone. These roots blocked our route! This is where the tree feeds itself, the trees around here live off the nutrients of live animals!

The smaller children begin to whimper as we all get cornered when the roots start getting closer. "Ray, this is 'the snake of the something something!'" Emma shouts.

"Say what?!" Ray shouts confused more than ever.

"From one of this books I read! Mr. Minerva's adventure book! A story of the main character Ugo and the lemur friend Marvine..The snakes of the alvar pinera? That's it! The deep sea cave knows as Alvar Pinera turned out to be a best of poisonous snakes. The countless snakes I interwined with each other as if they were tree roots. Similar right?!"

So it's true then, the book is a sort of guidebook! Th roots have no eyes or nose. Ray throws a cups and the roots easily destroy it. "It uses touch! These things can only find us if we touch the tip of its root." Ray tells us and I get nervous when he and Emma start walking forward.

The children scream in fear but Emma and Ray just smile and spread their arms. "See, it's fine! We'll be fun as long as we don't touch them, come on!"

Emma and Ray are the first to climb back up, the roots open themselves up and the sight of the bright beams of sunlight the roots fall asleep. I make sure everyone is up and then I start climbing back up and everyone cheers. Who might you be Mr. Minerva? It's impossible that human could've done so many books without dying here.


As soon as we finish we continue walking down the forest and I run up ahead when I see Yvette running. "Yvette what are you-"

"Look! I saw this plant in the same book" The small girl is looking at a small plant. I crouch down and examine it in case it's poisonous.

"I've seen it in The Adventures of Ugo! Yes the one Emma mentioned!" She says and I begin to help her along with Anna to pout out some water in a few empty bottles we have.

"Good work Yvette!" Fresh sea anemones with drinkable water. Now we won't have to go new rivers were its dangerous. It appears that the book is some sort of a survival guide.

Quickly it becomes dark but that doesn't stop us from continuing to head out. It's so dark that we need to hold up lanterns in order to see where we are going, only a few bio luminescent creature fly by.

I'm the one in front of the group of kids when I heard some sort of screech. "Turn off the lanterns." I quickly tell them.

We all stand in darkness until the screech happened again but closer and a huge creature appeared before us. Quickly we begin to run when the ground behind us continues to shake and the creature is eating anything in its path.

I snatch up a few kids who weren't running too fast and I flinch when Lannion continues to scream close to my ear. I jump across a small river and pant heavily when I continue running faster.

Its difficult to see in the dark but I don't need sight. I can clearly hear the other group close to me, I jump down and saw Anna with the rest of the children running, "Sister!"

Anna shouts and I run over to where they are safe. The demon is away but where did it go? I look around and see two left "Anna, Nat, Don, Gilda...Where's Ray and Emma?"

They look at each other and look worried. "Emma left to find Ray who left off to guide the demons away."

"HE DID WHAT?!" I shout and turned around and starts running ignoring the kids shouting my name. I abruptly stop and see Emma on the ground.

"Emma?!" I jump down and lift her up. "Gilda! Anna!" Luckily the kids heard me and joined me down at where I found Emma unconscious. I hold her head up and Gilda examines her ear.

Emma should've told me she let Ray go and lure these demons away. "The wound on her ear opening up again, and and she has a burning fever."

Shit. I press my hand on her forehead and an is boiling hot. Emma needs medicine and unfortunately we ran out of it.

"Follow me." I gasp when a voice nearby says those words. We all turn around and see someone, another human with fireflies brightening up the path.

Should I trust her? I look down at Emma who's still resting on my lap. "Damn it...kids let's go!" The kids who were looking for my answer began to follow me when I decided.

I hoisted up Emma and tightly held her making she she doesn't fall from my arms. We run and follow the mysterious lady, I just hope Ray is alive.

We enter a dark cave and and I can see the woman now clearly, lilac hair, wearing a long dress with matching hood. "Pardon me for suddenly appearing but I thought you'd need some help."

I took a step back and felt my heart stop when she held the lantern up and realized she isn't human. The demon looked at us and smiled as I protectively stood in front of the group of kids and glared at her.

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