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A/N: Hi again! I'm back treating you all another chapter, you all left such nice and funny comments which made me happy last night. My earlier situation just got solved thank God because it was serious, but I'm happy now again. Thank you all again for those sweet comments❤️❤️ this chapter is for you guys. I'm still figuring out on how I can end this book once it'll be done, but please leave your suggestions. Also I'd anyone up for a Yuugo pov on the next chapter? So many have you have been simping over Ryo😂so I forgot to mention that her oc model is apparently from a hentai manga I believe..yeah it's titled batou shoujo if anyone's interested. )


When I said I needed another adult to look after the kids, I didn't mean by this. I was tiredly resting my head against the table and would see the kids walking around doing their own thing.

That man only known as Mister has been avoiding us but he had been calling the kids by many awful nicknames.

Emma is being called "Antenna"

My nephew Ray "Sleepy cyclops"

Don as "Bean Head"

Gilda as "Prissy Four Eyes"

And so on with some other off nicknames for the rest of the kids...He even started calling me by many names too!!

"Clean freak"




Ugh he's such an annoying man! I didn't think it would get to me but it does, I sometimes lash out or just stay came but I'm furious on the inside.

He began bullying me with those awful names so I began also calling him a name. "Seaweed hair" and "Grumpy old man"

We just finished having lunch and we're in the library room, it's been about three days since we've arrived and everything has been okay..except for that man.

"This sucks he's bullying all of us."

"That man doesn't want to learn our names, he's so stubborn about it!" Some kids began to say while moving and grabbing some more books.

"He's still refusing to give out his name."

"He probably doesn't want to grow too close. To us, I mean. He must figure its better to remain detached." Ray tells Emma.

He is right but why? If I were alone for 13 years I would be happy to see humans, the kids certainly are happy to see him since he's the first man they've seen, well, in probably all their lives. He's a man..I guess since he isn't acting like one, he should be grateful that we are here.

I had started walking around aimlessly when I noticed the little ones smiling bright at the man, they were all in a room together. I stayed hidden and peeked my head out to see what they're doing.

"Repeat after me. Take care of the rooms"

"Take care of the rooms!"

"Stay outta my sight." I frowned at what he was saying and the kids repeated what he said, "Don't even walk around to begin with. If you use something, put it back where you found it. Break any rules and you die." He ended up with a smile at the last part.

I saw Jemima holding out one of his precious porcelain cups so he shrieked. I giggle to myself and stepped forward, "Alright kids, you can torment Mister later."

"Aww." They cried and one by one they began to leave. It was just me and him.

I smiled up at him and he stared down at me with a frown. "So? Are you having fun?" I ask with my arms behind my back.

"What do you mean by fun, clean freak?" He scoffs as he crossed his arms. I glanced back the many porcelain cups he has.

"I just find it cute when a man holds something do dear, like collecting things he enjoys."

Again he stared at me like I'm crazy. "Cut the crap, what do you want?"

"I need your help. I hate doing this to myself, but the kids are warming up to you and-"

"No. I made things clear, I'll help your brats out and you'll all leave. I don't give a crap if the demons catch you, the kids will be eaten and you'll probably get tortured or killed for helping them."

I stare up into his sharp eyes and didn't realize that he'd do much taller than me, I feel my cheeks warm up but I put those thoughts aside and smirk again. "Now if I kick you out of here, remember I was the one who tied you down."

"That's because I let you sweetheart." He smirks again. "Just leave me alone." He walks past me and continued his way down the hall.

I follow closely again and no see him into that room with many names on it, Emma is there with him. "What's a poacher, Mister?"

"Stay out of my sight, and quit wandering around. Did that Sister or yours send you?" He asks in a whisper.

"I'm not in your sight, and no she did not. Besides, I need you ask you things before we leave." Tomorrow Emma and Ray are leaving with him. There's no way I am trusting them with that guy, which is why I've been watching his every move.

"What's a Poacher? How far have you gone, Mister? Have you made it to A08-63? Did you stop looking? And why'd you annihilate them all?"

"Don't feel like talking. It's all a secret." I step forward and place my hands on Emma's shoulder, we both began to listen to him.

Mister seemed sad, like he's lived something he wants to forget. "You guys are a good little family. And I hate good little families. Eyesores, disgusting. I want you to get lost. Do you even know what it feels like?"

"Realizing that just one choice can throw everything off the rails. The terror of seeing your ideals, your choices, kill your friends."

He turns around and looks at us, his eyes changes when he sees me, like he's annoyed, angey, or disgusted?

Emma places her hand on top of mine and smiled at him. "We'll all live in the human world together!"

"Was that choice really the right one? Will you still be able to spout pretty words like those are the end of this journey, I wonder? I can't wait." He walks past us and down the hall again.

"Follow me, bring sleephead too."

Emma and I both raced after him and we saw that the piano Nat was playing earlier was hiding something, it moved aside when Mister touched something, there's a door leading us below.

"This is our final preparation before we're off." He tells the kids and the four of us begin to climb down the stairs.

"Time to go find Minerva in hell, huh?"

Whoa, this is an entire armory. I can't help but stare at the place in awe and wonder. This is so cool!

"Seems like Minerva left and entire armory for us cattle children." Ray begins to follow the man and stare at the many bombs, blades, shields and find surrounding us.

"What was Minerva's plan?"

"Beats me. Pick whatever you like, I don't give a crap about Minerva's goals. These are weapons. This room was made for someone to use it, right? We'll be getting into enemy territory now. If they come for you, weapons won't really Dave your life, but it's better than putting your ass out there bare handed. I'm not helping ya with this. Choose something that will help you survive."

I roll my eyes at his words but continue to check around. I'm good as guns so I can use a rifle! I begin to take the rifle when he grabs it and places it back down.

"Who said anything that you're going?"


"I let you come here because your their guardian, but they doesn't me I'm letting us go with us. You're too clingy, kids gotta go on their own and grow up or they never will if you keep chasing after them."

I glare up at him and for once he isn't glaring back at me. For once I don't argue back and slowly I let go of the rifle and turned my back to him. How dare he tell me what to do?! I feel my entire face burning up.

"So, what do you think?" I glanced back and saw Mister had given Emma another rifle while he held the one I had gotten. "I think something lighter should be fine. I want to avoid anything that could make it hard to run."

"And you, Mister? What are you taking?"

"Don't want to explain. Pick whatever you like and come up. Just play anything on the piano and return. Shortie, follow me." My blood boils when he says that. I'm not even that short I reach his shoulders.

Okay, I'll follow him then. Mister ignores my angry look and continues to climb up, I almost tripped and I huffed when I saw that he didn't even check up on me.

"I saw you moving some things around earlier, so I gotta ask..Where are my shoes?!" He barked. What? I looked down and noticed he only had socks on.

"I didn't..Oh, you mean those?" I ask and walked past him and grabbed his boots which were on top of a table. "I noticed their were torn and worn out so I decided to fix them. Back at training we had to learn these types of things to become a Mom, I hope you aren't upset since I'm not an expert when it comes to shoes."

I handed him the pair and Mister stood quiet, just stating at me. "What?"

"Nothing!" He looked away and started putting them on. I smiled internally when I saw that they were perfect. "Say, Girlie. If you learned these types of things, how did you make it out?"

I stayed silent and frowned. "You have your secrets and I have mine. Let's keep it like that."

"Right, I wasn't that interested in it anyways. You brats Will be leaving soon." Mister quickly said and began to walk away while muttering a couple of things I didn't understand.

I smiled as I watched him leave.


"Take these with you." I insisted as I pushed the cloth towards Ray who tried to push it back, he'd too embarrassed. "Thank you, Sister." Emma grabbed it instead and placed it in her bag. I made them some cookies, I tried to make the same ones Mister was eating.

"Hurry up, brats." He said beginning to walk away.

"Last hug." I grabbed Ray again and held him tight, he frowned as he made strange noises and tried to get away.

"You better-"

"Bring the brats back to safety yeah yeah whatever." Mister waved his hand.

"No, I'm not finished." I walk over and step in front of him. "Please bring them back to safety, they're all I have with these children. If something were to happen and you need to run back here. You must bring back at least one alive."

He continues to frown at me. "That a request? Sorry girly, but just because you say something doesn't-"

"No, it's not. It's my expectation of you. I won't let you kill them because if you do, I'll destroy this shelter and kill you." I carefully warn him.

Mister scoffs but days nothing when he turns his back to me again and leaves.

It's early the next day and today those three are heading to search for Minerva or any clues on him. I hope those two make it back safe.

"See you later!" The children waved and we watched them leave. Anna and Gilda were helping me prepare dinner for when they arrive.

"Umm Sister.. what are you doing?" Nat asked when he saw me wearing the same outfits as those three with the same colored coats. I began to hurry and tie my boots up.

"Don't tell me she's going too." I heard Don sigh in the background.

"Yup she's doing it."

"No wonder Mister calls me a hot head."

I look back at Thoma and Lannion, they shiver and hug each other when I give them a death glare. "There's no way I'm leaving them alone with a stranger. We barely know Mister do it's my job to follow them in case he does something."

I loaded up my rifle and put on my backpack, I stop and look at them all. "Gilda, Anna, I leave you both in charge. I don't know when I'll be back but don't worry, try to entertain yourselves and behave. I know you'll be find without me."

I pat Christie's and Dominic's head and smiled at them all. "Wish me luck, children!"

"Good luck, Sister!"

I climb up the stairs leading to the outside and I begin to hurry up and run through the forest, now all I need is to find where they are and remain hidden so Mister doesn't see me. He better not betray my trust.

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