🌸William Minerva🌸

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I finally decided to update..because it is my birthday!!🎈🎂😄i dont care with revealing my age so I am oficially 23 today. I still do my birthdays parties about themes so this year it is about Sailor Moon🐱🐰🌙I want to thank you all for voting on my book and leaving nice comments and opinions. In all honesty I wasn't planning on updating until S2 is over to see what they'll do, but screw that now. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I made my decision on which version to write wether anime or manga..Please enjoy💕


"It seems like nobody's been here."

I shush whoever said that behind me and opened up the dark room. It's pitch black with a couple of screens on the back of the room, but no one seems to be here. I move my hand to the side of the wall and flick the lights on and the dark room lights up now revealing....

"Hi there. You've come a long way. Congrats. Welcome to Shelter B06-32."

A deep voice can be heard. I softly gasp when I spot someone. I aim my bow and arrow to a man, sitting in front of the many screens, his feet are on the table and he's holding a broken glass tea cup in his empty hand.

I glare at the man and take a good look at him now that the light are on. He has messy black hair with a few white streaks and sharp eyes. How could I be this stupid and not spot him earlier?

The kids behind me gasp and stare at him in awe. "Don't make a move." I bitterly tell either of them.

The man stares at me unimpressed and moves his eyes to look at the children behind me. Is this man..William Minerva?

I didn't expect another human to be in here, let alone a man, also..this place is filthy how can he live like this? Though..it has been a while since I've seen a male.

The kids behind me begin to whisper to themselves but I still don't take my eyes off of him. "It's a real person..a real human being! But..His..His manners we just terrible!!"

"And what's with that cup..It's totally broken..so it has to be empty right?" I begin to get annoyed at the kids asking these ridiculous questions.

"Are you William Minerva?" I raise my voice and continue to glare at him and he does the same.

"Nope." He then smirks and I raise my weapon up again. "Too bad for you, kids. I'm not William Minerva."

The younger kids begin to freak out again and I order Ray to shut them up and make them calm down when they continue saying that William Minerva was a liar.

"Clearly you know of Minerva, too. Where is he right now?" Ray asks and stands by my side.

"No idea, kid." The weird man says and continues to eat his cookies. He is so weird!

Ray also seems to get ticked off by him."Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Don't tell me we came all the way here for nothing. The kids are freaking out, I am tired but angry at what's going on. We need to more about Minerva if this man is lying to us.

"Who I am? I'm your senior." My eyes widen when I see him holding the same pen Ray has been keeping with him. Where the hell did he get that from?

The man stands up and I feel intimidated when I notice he's a lot taller than me. He could tal me down if he wanted to, wait what am I saying? I'm the one who can do it with all the training I did back then.

"I come from a plantation called Glory Bell. I escaped it 13 years ago with my colleagues thanks to this pen." Now I remember of Glory Bell. I have little memories of that place, well information that was handed to me. 

My eyes wander down when he lift his shirt and shows us his abdomen.He has some sort of ID code. Is is the same as ours? But we have it on our necks. Everyone behind me gasps and begins to get too curious on him when they take a step forward. I move over and stand in front of them again.

"That's right. I'm just the same as you. Ended up here while searching for Minerva." The man grabs his long coat and places it over his shoulder and sits on top of the table now.

"However..When I finally reached this place Minerva wasn't around. I waited for him a hella long time, ended up loving here, and no trace of the man. No way around it, man's a dirty liar."

"See?!" The kids shout and continue to whine.

"Though..I gotta say I'm grateful for this shelter, y'know? There's a stock of water and food,running electricity..plenty of living space too. Everything's provided for. And a lot of material about the world, and valuable information."

He said 13 years, so Minerva hasn't come here in 13 years? He has to be lying.

"Where's the rest of your group, then?" I ask and th man frowns and looks at me boredly. He's so odd.

"Dead. All of 'em. I'm the only survivor."

I see Emma staring up at him and frowns since she knows what it feels like to lose many. "Ah come on, don't get so gloomy now!! It all happened a long time ago." He shouts like a crazy person. "And I gave up looking for Minerva a long time ago, too. Now I'm just taking my time and having it easy."

"Whaaa?! You gave up, Mister?" I notice the kids are no longer behind me but close to the man now.

I try to stay calm but my face is telling me otherwise. "What's up with you guys, though? What sorta group are you?" He looks down at the smaller kids and ignores me. How dare he?!

"Hold it. You're from Grace Field, and the wrong of you escaped it 7 days ago. That much is clear enough. A glance at this and it was obvious. What I wanna know is..How come a bunch of total suckers like you chumps managed to survive this long, without a single one biting the dust."

That's it. I angrily step forward closer to him and glare at him hard. "They managed to live because of me."

The man frowns and looks at me up and down. "You their mother or somethin'? Cause you that weird one looks like you." He points back at Ray and I feel the need to punch him.

"I'm not answering your stupid question. All I'll say is that I'm a Sister."

The man smirks and tilts his head looking up at me from his spot on the table. "Sister? How interesting. I wonder how you escaped then? did you owe any of the higher ups a favors, princess?"

I feel my cheeks heat up so glare at him hard and clench my fists tight. "Just answer my previous question!"

The man hums but shrugs his shoulders and continues to talk. "Look, it's just like I said. This is a shelter. Food, water, furnished rooms..It has everything. However, stocks at limited, you know? I'm not letting anything take a single bite of my share. I'm serious."

He is such a selfish egotistical bastard.

"And consequently you're all gonna die. So one or later, you dead. 100% chance. 'Cause you're weak." Why am I letting him speak to us like this.

"We're not!" Someone of the younger kids shouted glaring up at him.

"Are too! Just look at you." And now he's fighting with a child?...

"Its obvious you all never even been on the grip of death. You've barely scratched the surface of the very basics..and yet you're all here. This is nagging me. The very image of naive chumps who know nothing. That's why I guarantee it. You will die. No matter what you do, It's simply impossible to stay alive out in this world."

Ray is fast to ask a question. There's a reason why he is saying this after all. "That's what happened with your former colleagues?"

The man now looks at Ray and I can see another smirk on his face. "Exactly. Dead one after another. 'Cause they were all wimps until I was the only survivor. I was the only one able to live. 13 years..Only I figured out the trick to stay alive. The trick?"

"Drop the dead weight. Comrades equals dead weight. Hope equals dead weight. Caring equals dead weight. All of that just weights you down. So if you wanna live I suggest you leave these brats and tend for yourself, the world needs women to reproduce right? So stick to that like you're supposed to." He is now angrily telling to me. I take a step forward ready yo hit him until Emma shouts.

"You're wrong!!" I realized Emma was a lot closer to him now, she forcefully hit the table he was on.

"Afraid I'm not. It does." He moved his hand back and I gasp when he pulls out a gun and quickly grabs Emma and holds her tight now. Having his gun now aiming at Emma's .

"Shit!" I raise my own weapon. It's not as powerful as a gun but it'll do. No one harms my children.

Everyone gasps in fear so Ray, Gilda,Nat and Don stand in front of the kids just in case this get messy.

"Worst dead weight of all is a troupe of clowns passing a chums. Hand it over." He looks at Ray now who seems confused. The man frowns and rolls his eyes, "Your pen, kid. Fork or already. I'll be keeping it, so that you all will never step on here again. I dont want any one weighing me down."

His sharp eyes now look at me and yet again he gives me that stupid smirk. "Sorry, but you guys will have to leave. Well then, gimme your pen and get the hell away from my face. Otherwise every single one of you is gonna die right here and now." I lower my bow and arrow and toss it down on the floor.

I begin to shake and begin to fake cry "Okay..just please don't hurt the kids." slowly reach into the pocket of my long dress and hold tight of the small blade and get ready to attack him.

I feel some of the younger kids grip the back of my dress and begin to whimper. There is no way this bastard is hurting Emma or any of us.

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