Chiron's Home For Heroes

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Solace gripped her sword tightly and took out every monster until the remaining fled from fear.

Kane and Cassie stared at her in shock.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so angry," Kane said. "What's wrong?"

"It's Kronos," Solace said, ignoring every question sent her way from both Cassie and Kane. "Of course it is. He needs a child of Hades, Poseidon, or Zeus. Skylar, stick close to us, and keep a close eye on your brother for us, will you?"

"Okay!" the girl said cheerfully. "I've never been given much responsibility before. But I can handle it."

"Cassandra, my apologies for ignoring you. Kane is quite used to it at this point, but I just needed to make sure the monsters would leave us alone. With me here, we'll get to CHFH two times as fast."

"It's fine," Cassie said. "And no need to be so formal. Just call me Cassie."

"Alright. Let's get going, we should try to get there sooner rather than later."

"Jason! C'mon!" Skylar said quickly.

"Coming, Skye!" the boy shouted. The five-year-old skidded to a stop before them and Solace scooped him up.

"We need to move, or else more monsters will catch up to us," Kane said. "I can smell them."

"Alright, satyr. Don't go full out on us. And don't scream either."

"Mhm," he said. "But really, we should move."

The group ran through the forest and stopped shot upon seeing Artemis's hunters.

"I'll deal with it. They follow Artemis and raised demigod twins. They're suckers for children," Solace responded.

"So they won't hurt us. I'm a satyr and Jason's a five-year-old," Kane explained.

"Okay," Cassie took her son from Solace, clearly not trusting their word.

"Cousin!" Solace said as she entered the camp.

Artemis smiled at her. "Hello, Solace. Is this the family you saved?"

"It is. Will you allow us to stay for the night?"

"Of course. Why don't you all stay in that tent over there?"

"Wonderful idea, Artemis. We'll go there."

Once inside the tent, Cassie and Kane turned to the immortal suspiciously.

"What was that about?" Kane interrogated her.

"The reason I had to go. Just because she trained me and we're very close, doesn't mean we don't have our differences. I beat up her nephew, and though she pretends not to care, she truly does," Solace sighed.

"Wasn't she encouraging you?" Kane asked.

"You heard the whole thing, didn't you."

"Yep," he bleated nervously. "You had the mind link open the whole time."

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I? I'm just stupid like that." She huffed.

"Don't say that!" Cassie protested. "You're just as smart as any! Probably smarter!"

"Thank you for that, but we're just staying the night here, so don't unpack."

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The quintet trudged towards what looked like a small cave. A girl burst out of the woods, and Skylar yelped in surprise as she crashed into her.

"I'm sorry!" she cried, jumping up and bolting away.
Solace and Kane exchanged looks.

"Demigod?" she asked.

"Demigod," Kane confirmed.

"Alright, I got a cyclops. I'll take it out, you get the girl back here."

"Alright." The duo went in separate directions, leaving Cassie, Skylar, and Jason.

Within a minute, they were both back. Kane had the girl beside him.

"I'm Cassandra Jones," Cassie said smiling. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

The girl hesitated, but then, seeing Solace covered in monster dust, she answered. "Lucy Skye."

"My name is Skye!" Skylar said gleefully. "Well, technically it's Skylar, but you can call me Skye!"

Solace smiled. "I'm Solace. We're going somewhere safe for people like us, would you like to join us?"

She smiled hesitantly. "S-sure."

"Great! I'm Solace, this is Kane this little one is Jason."

Lucy smiled, this time more freely and jumped into conversation with Skylar and Jason.

The three adults exchanged looks and made their way to CHFH.

"I do miss Home," Cassie admitted as they made their way to the cave. By this time, they could see the sign that read "Chiron's Home For Heroes" and underneath that in smaller print was "Co-Run by Solace, goddess of heroes among other things".

Kane chuckled. "That's new."

"Sure is. Guess we're running this place together."

Solace winked at Cassie before waving the kids forward. "Almost there, kids!"

Skye ran over with Jason on her heels. Cassie picked up her son and Lucy came up behind them.

"It's small," Lucy decided.

Kane, Cassie, and Solace all laughed.

"Think again, kiddo," Cassie said smirking.

Kane grinned and pushed open the door. Skye and Lucy gaped at everything around them. Even though it was inside a mountain, it was naturally lit. Jason just grinned and asked where they were staying.

Before anyone could respond, Chiron trotted over.

"Hello, children. Good to see you again, Cassie."

Cassie smiled. "I've missed you Chiron," she looked up at her mentor.

"Ah, Kane. Good. I need you to go out at a school. It's in Massachusetts."

"I'll pack," Kane said.

"And Solace, there's been disturbances all around Home. Inside and out. I think it's—"

"Chiron," Solace interrupted. "We need to keep an eye on Skye. She may be spoken to by Kronos. He's trying to rise."

"That's not good," Chiron murmured. "Alright, well, Cassie, we can arrange for you to stay in your old dorm with your children."

"Lucy, you'll be claimed soon. It's rather dramatic, if I say so," Cassie said. "Skye may be claimed, but we know her parentage."

Chiron looked at Cassie in surprise. "You do?"

"She's my sister," Solace managed. "She's a daughter of Hades."

"The prophecy may just be about her."

"Oh no," Solace and Cassie looked at each other in horror.

Solace felt herself fall back into Tartarus as Kronos cackled around her.

"Solace, Solace," he cackled. "You might as well just give up."

"No," Solace said aloud. "I'm not giving up. You should stop your whispers. I'll... I'll make you stop!"

"Silly girl. Your sister was stronger than you and she couldn't resist me. My words were too tempting. You'll fall too, child. Better give up while you still can."

"Calypso owes me a favor," Solace argued with the voice echoing in her mind. "After getting her off Ogygia, she said she owed me. She'll fight for the gods if I ask her to."

"That little girl is nothing against me." Kronos said, but he was losing confidence.

"Calypso is a lot stronger than you think. I'll talk to you next year when you've got some more words to try."

Solace snapped back to reality to see that she was in the Infirmary.

"I freaking hate that Titan," Solace growled. "He's a lying, good for nothing, son of a—"

Chiron coughed. "Solace, dear, there are children in here."

"Sorry. He was trying to turn me. I have a stronger resolve than he thinks."

"This has been going on for nearly a century, Solace," Chiron warned. "He may get you on his side, child. If he does, we won't show you mercy. We cannot."

She sighed. "I know. That's why I'm fighting him so damn hard. Excuse my language."

Chiron sighed before letting her have her moment. "Solace, you need to rest. You may want to change, too."

Solace snapped her fingers and she was wearing pajamas before laying rack down on the bed and letting sleep overtake her.

And three! Six hundred words were already written so I had a little to work off of.
~ Ella

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