Chapter 1 - The First Snow

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-A year ago-

I expected this to be a usual night.

Get ready, perform, meet and greet, smoke, drink, sleep.

But boy was I wrong.

After the meet and greet I went to take that smoke.

I step out into the quiet alley covered in snow behind the venue and light a cigarette as I wait for Ryan, who was calling Allie for a bit before he said he'll join me.

As I let the nicotine fill my lungs and warm me up, I then hear a small whimper echo.

It sounded human.

I look down, but can't see very well.

"Hello?" I called out. "Anyone down there?"

The whimpering got slightly louder, but loud enough for me to realize it was human.

I took out my phone and light the flash light as I directed it towards the alley.

That's when I felt my heart stop.

At the end of that alley, laid the pale body of a girl, surrounded by pill bottles and shiny objects and blood.

"Oh god, hey!!" I shouted, dropping my cigarette and rushing over to her.

As I approached, I realized the shiny objects were blades, and her arms were horribly split open almost showing bone.

She was still alive, but her breathing was getting slow.

I hurried and got my jacket off, covering her with it and scooped her up to get her out of the snow and tried rushing over the snow towards the door to get her help.

That's when I saw Ryan open the door and look around.

"Ricky?" he called out.

"Help!!" I screamed as I stumbled through the snow.

He looked over and his eyes widen in shock.

"Ricky, what happened?!" Ryan shouted, running towards me. "Who is she?!"

"I-I don't know, but we got to rush her to the hospital, now!!" I said. "Call, 911!!"

Ryan nodded as he pulled out his phone and we rushing inside.

"Make room!!" I called as Ryan dialed for an ambulance.

"What the-?!" Chris shouted as he saw us.

"Lie her down here!!" Balz shouted as I placed her on the couch and Balz and Ghost grabbed towels for her arms.

That's when I got a good look at her face.

She was so beautiful... And young...

"Please, don't die, you can't die like this," I muttered as I pressed down on one of the towels.

It wasn't long until an ambulance came.


"Ricky, you gotta calm down," Angelo said.

I swear, I was trying... But nothing worked. I kept looking at the ID bracelet we found on her wrist.


That's all it said. We figured that's her name. A nickname most likely, but its all we have for now.

"She shouldn't die like this," I said.

He sighed. "We know."

It was a while until a doctor called us, and we walked up.

"Well?" Chris asked.

The doctor sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry. She didn't make it. We did all we could."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach as everything froze.

"Y-You mean..." I asked.

"I'm sorry, but, she had cut too deep, and it was too late to remove the pills. And the hypothermia was already almost severe, meaning she was there for quite a while. Did you know her?" the doctor asked. "Any of you?"

We all shook our heads.

"Ricky found her behind the venue in the snow," Ryan explained. "All we have is a bracelet with the name 'Onyx' on it."

The doctor nodded in understanding. "You can see her now before we hold her here to be identified," the doctor said.

The guys looked around nervously, then at me.

"I'll go," I said and followed.

I enter the room to find "Onyx" lying motionless in the cold hospital bed as nurses disconnected machines and wires.

I walked up and softly touch her pale ice cold skin.

I sigh, feeling a single tear falling.

"I'm sorry," I said.

I gripped her cold limp hand before I got up.

"See you in the next life, Onyx. I hope," I said.

I left the room, wiping away the tear as I met with Ryan in the hall.

"You okay?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Just shocked."

"Not to sound like an ass, but there's no need to really cry for someone you don't know, much less one that just died," he said.

"Its just... Nobody should die like this," I said.

He sighed. "I know. Let's just go. Its been a long night, and the snow is gonna fall harder," he said.

I nodded as we all left.


New Ricky Horror Story I will start working on soon once I complete at least 2 stories, give or take. I'm going to be drafting this one so it can be quick.

**WARNING: This story is Rated R for it may contain scenes that may be found triggering and graphic, so viewer discretion is advised.**

Picture is of Onyx---->>>>

Continue, yes or no? ^.^=

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