Chapter 7 - Blades

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**Trigger Warning**

I laid down on the bed, looking at the bracelet in my hands.

The bracelet that a year ago helped identify a girl who both lost too much blood and froze to death in the snow, making it a peaceful suicide death for her.

Ever since that day, I hated myself.

So many people like or almost like her, wanting someone to save them! Someone to hold her and tell her that its gonna be okay.

She's been broken to a point where she thinks she doesn't deserve any comfort or love, yet she continues to comfort my pathetic being.

It says so much of what she was probably like when she was alive.

So many people look up to us, see us as heroes, but what are we really doing?

We're musicians. We can't be there for them, no matter how much we wish to be. Its like we have to watch them cry until they can't take it anymore, ands then hear about how they left this world too early.

I burst out crying, thankful the guys have left, then immediately my urges were getting strong.

I felt myself scratch my arms as I got up, gripping the bracelet in my fist before heading to my bathroom and pulling out my lucky blade from its hiding place under the sink.

I lifted up my sleeve, revealing the healing scabs on my arm.

Its been a week. I just can't take it anymore.

I bit my lip as I slide the blade across my wrist, wincing a little, but then sighing in relief.

I watched the blood rise up and slowly drip onto the white tile as I slid down the wall to the ground.

I added another cut...

And another.....

And soon it just began multiplying and spilling onto the next arm.

I ended up carving 14 cuts on my arms, 7 on each.

I let out a choked sob as I then raise the blade for one more.

I froze when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and thought it was one of the guys stopping me.

I slowly looked up, and gasp when I see it wasn't them.

It was Onyx.

"Ricky.... That's enough," she said sadly.

I let the blade slip from my hand, and fall to the tile with a quiet clink before more tears overflowed my eyes.

"P-Please don't make me fall asleep when you show up. Let me at least stay awake to be with you," I begged.

She knelt down and embraces me in her arms, my face in the crook of her neck as I cried.

"I won't. Now don't cry. I'm here," she said, smoothing my hair as she held me.

I cried quietly as we stayed there on the bathroom door for a while and once I calmed down, she helped me to bed, lying down with me.

"I'm pathetic. I shouldn't cry, I shouldn't be doing this," I said.

"You've been strong for a long time. Its time to release the emotions you've held in for so long," she said.

I wiped my tears as she held me.

"Every time you fall asleep, I will be there in your dreams, so you can be at peace,"she said, giving me a kind smile.

I gulped and nodded as she then bought my wrist to her rosy lips, and gently kisses the fresh bleeding cuts.

Immediately they stop bleeding and close up, but look dry and clean.

She does the same with my other arm and gently pull down my sleeves before smiling up at me and kissing my forehead, her soft lips lingering on my forehead before she gently laid me down.

I the remember what was on my fist and took her hand in mine, and carefully clasp the bracelet on her small wrist.

She smiled, before we cuddled together. Just fall asleep and I'll see you tonight in your dreams," she said.

I nodded as I then drifted to sleep with her murmuring soft songs in my ear.


Example of Onyx's bracelet--------->>>>

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