VIII: The Poem of Beginnings

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VIII: The Poem of Beginnings
Nixie P.O.V

"It's quite touching to see a princess who cares for her people. But just how truthful were you when you said that?" A Holy Knight asked, her voice so venomous and I glared daggers at her.

She must mean when Eli promised she'd defend her people.

But there's no reason for her to do that!

She brought up her green whip and whirled it around in circles below a tree. Hundreds, if not thousands, of bugs emerged from the tree and I took action as they flew towards us.

"Retaw llaw!"

A wall of water exploded from the ground when I brought my hands up, killing most of them, but they only went over my wall and I gritted my teeth.

I'll need a more powerful attack!

"Storm Rondo. . .now, my dear little scarabs, rend their flesh with your sharp horns and wings!" She cackled and then just as I was planning my next attack, I heard a bell ring.

"Huh? Where did everybody go?" I asked, looking around and seeing nobody.

What's going on?!

"I despise you."

That voice. . .

"You're never going to be as great as her. You're too weak."

"Stop it! I know this is a trick!" I yelled out, looking around frantically for any signs.

My breath hitched when someone leaned down and whispered the one thing that made me hate him,

"And that's only the few reasons why I did what I did."

Turning around, I didn't get a good look at my attacker because they slapped me across the face.



"Ban? What are you doing?!" I demanded, my voice shaky as I got up and held my cheek from the harsh impact.

"Showing you just how much I hate you, heh," He chuckled and my eyes went a darker shade of dark blue.

"After all you've done to me, you think I'll just let you talk to me like that?" I questioned, glaring daggers at him when all he did was smirk.

"It's not like you're gonna do anything. Unless you're just gonna throw yourself at me like you did that night," My eyes widened and tears started welling up.

That night was supposed to be special to me.

But it's clearly not to him. . .


My body turned into water as tears spilled down my cheeks.

"Retaw kcol."

A dome-like shield of water went around him and his eyes widened and he started choking.

"I think you know this spell pretty well. . .only this time, there's no oxygen," He was gasping for air and looking at me like I was a complete animal.

"Retaw ekips."

Spikes as long as a human body stuck inside the Water Lock and hundreds pierced through him, causing him to cough up blood.

"I may not be able to kill you. . .but I'm going to make you pay for all you've done to me!" I screamed, my anger taking over.


"You can't even try and kill me? Knew it."


Releasing him from the Water Lock, my arms turned into long water whips and I started thrashing at him. Picking him up, then throwing/forcing him into the ground, bringing him up, and doing it again.

Then, I heard the bell again.

"N-Nixie. . .? What did you do. . .?"

Eli asked in a trembling voice when I looked back at her, then back at Ban.

Only, it wasn't Ban. It was all a mind trick and what I really did was almost kill the female Holy Knight. . .

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