A Few Words...

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Dear reader
안녕하세요! (Hello)

(I couldn't really wait till tomorrow 😝🙈)

Thank you for reading Sinners.
감사합니다🙏(thank you)

Now here are some precious readers who stayed with this book from even before I published it, cheering me and supporting my work all along and giving me all the motivation that I ever needed.

I love you guys to the moon and back!!!🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗😘❤❤

Every reader is precious to me, and I love each one of you immensely. 😍❤😘🤗

How did you like Sinners?

A lot of planning and hardwork went into this book.😊😊
And as always, I'm super excited to publish this part.

Thank you to the lovely friends here who contributed to this book by writing poems.

(Those of you who haven't read the book fully, stop reading right here and go back to the chapter you last read, because this part has spoilers that will ruin the book for you!!)

So, now I'll give you some behind the scene insights about this book...

1. This book was originally written with Taehyung and Jungkook's roles switched. But somehow I ended up exchanging their roles because I felt the dark role suited Jungkook better 🙈
However that doesn't mean that Tae will be the male lead (I'm really trying to get there) or the most important character in all my books, although I end up writing it that way.

2. The original plot was one where the main male lead dies and after a few years at the time of Jimin and Sooya's wedding, Amanda enters into a new relationship with the investigating Police Officer, who was also supposed to have lost his wife earlier. However, I twisted it a bit and gave it a sadder ending. The death of some characters was one of the main reasons why I didn't publish this book on Wattpad for a long time. 🤯 At one point, I even contemplated publishing this as a non fanfiction because of character deaths.🤧🤧

3. I wrote a few random smut scenes when I felt like it and intended to publish a smut oneshot book or something some day... *embarrassed laugh* but I compiled them and used those scenes wherever appropriate in this book. 💀💀

Psst... there are a few more left and I may or may not publish that oneshot book some day. 😏 And there are also some deleted scenes and a happy ending epilogue that I wrote for this book, all of which I may publish some day in the one shot book.

I have a few scenarios that I haven't included in the book as well, that might go into that one shot book some day. For eg., a night where all friends stayed at Jungkook's apartment was mentioned twice in this book. But I omitted that scene here. And also, Amanda and Taehyung spent the weekend together after their mutual confession. I had also written some content where Taehyung and Amanda do their post graduation at different universities with a little bit of separation and lots of possessiveness. And another one scenario of their honeymoon, their first time at the rooftop on Amanda's birthday, when they were far from falling in love... these would all be included in that planned one shot book, which I have no idea when I would be publishing because those are still in raw format. I have to re-read and edit those. But I will definitely do it soon.
기다려 (wait for it)

4. This book was actually super hard to write given that I had to insert many psychotic scenes, torture etc. I'm more of a fluff, angst, romance and smut person and this was completely out of my comfort zone.
진짜 어려워 (really difficult)
Do you think I did reasonably well? Please give in your genuine feedback... 🤓

5. Merging the past and present tracks wasn't something I planned originally, but I felt it was needed to reduce the number of chapters, resulting in slightly longer chapters, and everything also kind of fitted well with the theme of each act and the transition between past and present in each chapter happened quite seamlessly. 어떻게 생각해요? (What do you think?) 🤔

6. A storyline with a curly girl with ramen (라면) as her nickname was something that was on my mind for a very long time and I also wanted to write one with doctors in it. Initially I wanted to make the male and female leads to be senior and junior in college but I just settled with them being the same age. 😁

7. I'm not part of the medical fraternity, although my family is overpopulated with doctors and surgeons, my own parents being surgeons as well. So, although I took care to keep the details clear, there might have been some errors in my description. Kindly excuse those... *puppy eyes* 🥺
죄송합니다 (sorry)

8. Amanda is the center figure of this book and three men simp over her, but I want to make some things clear :

(a) Namjoon was a typical rich and arrogant playboy and his intentions were nothing romantic ever. Asserting power and amassing wealth were his focus and not women, although if women were in the way, he wouldn't hesitate to enjoy.

(b) Taehyung here was the adorable, the most desirable and irresistible man. I need not say more because, well, this was a Taehyung ff and we've had a good dose of him, I suppose. 😉

(c) And finally, Jungkook... he had a kind of obsessive attraction towards Amanda, combined with a lot of unexpressed feelings and emotions that all snowballed into something big and that satanic synergy made him truly monstrous. Yet within himself, he was still a soft, totally confused and insecure person. I feel so bad for him.
😭😭😭 ㅠㅠ

9. Deciding on an ending for this book was a hair-pulling experience to say the least. I had two epilogues written, a happy one and the one that is published now. After a lot of internal debating, I chose to go ahead with the sadder epilogue because it just felt right. Jungkook and Namjoon biased 아미 (army) please don't kill me 😭🤧🕳🏃🏻‍♀️

10. I made the book cover with Jungkook just above Tae, very subtly highlighting the importance of his role in the book. The rest of the guys were just positioned randomly wherever their images fit well in the collage. *smirks* 😏 ㅎㅎ

This is the original cover that I had on this book for over a year and a half, in case you're wondering. 👇

11. Little things like the header image in the introductory chapter of each act with the poem was selected to match the theme of the act, for eg., a very furious looking fire for wrath, a sexy looking flame for lust and so on. Even though the images were all fire, I did invest some time in picking different appropriate ones for each act🙃🙃

12. When I described chestnut hair Taehyung in their initial days at college, this is what I pictured him as 👇

And for the present track, it was precisely this image that I had in mind. This is what I imagined him to look like 👇

I also had an inspiration for Amanda's character, but I'll skip that image here since I want the readers to imagine her however they wish to. I do not want to change the image in your mind.

13. The seven deadly sins has always been a very intriguing thing to me and I try a lot to watch movies and read stuff related to it. 7 is almost like a golden number (not just because of BTS) and I actually wanted to write 7 chapters per act but it didn't work out and I didn't want to write filler stuff just to make it reach seven. So I had to settle with 6 chapters per act. Slightly disappointed but still it seems good as it is right now.

14. I had this entire book written out before I published chapter 1 and so I was able to give daily updates and also put out well edited chapters. I'm happy and proud to say that I haven't had the need to edit anything in any of the published chapters of this book so far, since I spent a lot of time re-reading, proof-reading and perfecting the content of each chapter before publishing. I'm satisfied with Sinners.
만족해요 (satisfied) 😇😊

Also, if you go back and read the 7 deadly sins poem at the start and the end, you might see that the start poem suits Taehyung's character in the book and the end one suits Jungkook's character in this book. It just happened as a coincidence, but I love it. 😁😁😁

Aahhh... that was all that I had to say.


So, now you tell me which was your most favorite moment or chapter in this book?
For me, it were these 👇

1. The scene where Tae saves Mandy from Namjoon and takes her home and delivers a monolgue when she's sleeping.

2. Their mutual confession in the heavy rain.

3. The honey sex scene in the kitchen.

4. When Tae freaks out during the dinner with Jimin, and Amanda comforts him that night.

5. The text chat where Tae tells her that he'll be buying two dresses for her.

6. Revealing Jungkook... (that dream sequence was the very first part I wrote in this entire book, but when I wrote that Tae was the character that was having that dream. And later, I changed the character to Jungkook.)

7. Amanda collecting Jungkook's blood.

8. Confronting Jungkook and their angry reactions.

9. Most importantly, revealing Kim SeokJin. 🔥

There are a lot more too, but these are my top favorite moments in this book.

And now, to make up for the disgusting, indigestible psychopath that Jungkook was in this book, I've planned to publish my next book with him as an adorable lover boy. That book has been in my drafts for over a year now and I haven't been able to finish writing it even though I'm more than halfway through with it already. I actually started writing it around the same time that I started Therapist but it just decided to rest in my drafts. I'm kind of demotivated to finish writing it because I don't know...I just feel I'm not doing a good job. But I am obligated to do some justice to the most relatable and lovable member of BTS, who is 9 years younger than me, yet I shamlessly drool over him because hey age is just a number!
*smiles through the pain* 😭🤧
So, I will genuinely try.
파이팅 (fighting!)

I also have a Min Yoongi ff in my drafts, along with a historical ff with Taehyung, a maknae line ff that is loosely based on a very old kdrama that has my heart and another OT7 ff based on an anime. I've written like ten chapters each in these but I'm someone who will not ever publish a book until I have the entire plot figured out and at least 90% of the chapters are written out.🥲
Which one among these would you like to read next? Go on, pick one!!

Currently I'm a bit demotivated to write and although I have many ideas inside my head, I'm not able to write anything. I start writing and give up quickly, but it is a phase and I will resume very soon.

This book had just a few random scenes written here and there and I never thought I would publish this one before the others. I wanted to finish and publish the historical ff with Tae first. But all of a sudden, this story didn't let me sleep, literally, and I just had to publish it to make peace with it. So I myself am unsure which book would come out next. It could be any one from my drafts or I could write something real quick and publish it like I did with Sperm Donor. It was entirely unplanned and I wrote it and published it in like two days.

And trust me, even though Taehyung is my ultimate bias and the rest of BTS are my bias wreckers, Jungkook is in a different league of his own altogether, and so is Jimin. Personally, I always feel that Namjoon and Jungkook would be among the easiest men to get along with in real life—purely based on what we all see and know of them—and I shamelessly made them both unadulterated assholes in my book and I even killed them. *dramatic slow claps* 🥶🥶💀🤧

I hope you are mature enough to understand that the characters of the idols in this book is absolutely not how I see them, not that I know anything at all about them than what every other fan on the planet knows. Their names and faces are used in the book with the only intention of letting the readers imagine them as actors in the story and nothing more than that.

Thank you once again for trusting my work and giving it a chance. Do vote for the chapters if you haven't yet done so, and know that I love and value each and every reader a lot.
정말 고마워요 (thank you so much)

P.S: Let me take this opportunity to do some shameless self-promo. If you haven't read my book Finding Love, do read it, because it is a sweet book with no bad guys and just a bunch of innately good humans dealing with their emotions and relationships.

Until next time!!!
안녕!! (Bye)

Love you all
사랑해요❤ (love you)
보라해 💜 (purple you)

(Yeah, I installed Korean keyboard and I wanted to show off my primitive Korean typing skills, and no, I didn't use a translator.💀🤓)

Me: *internally cringing at the Koreaboo vibes of this chapter*

Published on 10/30/2021

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