Chapter IV

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"Moisten your face with plain water and use a pea-sized amount of this face-wash. Work up a nice lather with a few drops of water using your palms, and then apply the foam in a circular motion, focusing on your T-zone and lastly on your cheeks, since they're drier," I orchestrated the circular movements to the young woman, and she nodded.

"And, most importantly, only pat dry your face with a clean and soft cotton or terry towel. Pump out a single squirt of the toner onto a clean-" I paused when the door of my room opened following five knocks in quick succession—a telltale sign of who it was.

Fixing my eyes on the doorway, I spotted the tall and masculine frame of my husband who stepped in with a wave of his hand and a warm smile. I returned his smile and shifted my gaze to the patient.

"Yeah, so apply the toner using a clean cotton pad only and use a small dollop of moisturizer evenly all over your face and neck. Do not skip the sunscreen even when you're at home and also follow these medications as per schedule. I'll see you again after three weeks, okay?" I smiled at her, and she thanked me before collecting her printed prescription and her belongings and stepping outside.

Taehyung moved aside from the doorway to allow the woman to exit the room, and, once she left, he closed the door, pressing his back against it. He then walked up to me with his hands inside the pockets of his trousers. He looked so attractive and as he neared me, I sensed that he had just taken a shower and looked and smelled like a meal.

Internally zipping my sex goddess shut, I looked up at him and asked, "How did the surgery go, Dr. Kim?" I tried to get up from my seat, but he pushed me back with his hand on my shoulder and sat down on my table, pulling my swivel chair closer to him.

"Dr. Kim never makes a mistake," he let out proudly.

I mean, where's the lie?

I chuckled and punched his abs, dragging my chair closer to him to let myself drown in his addictive masculine scent. Resting my elbows on his strong thighs, I asked him, "So, where are we going for lunch?"

"I don't mind having you for a meal..." He winked and flirted with a sly smirk, pulling a curly lock down from above my ear with his two fingers and letting it spring back up; something that he loved to do all the time.

"I do have appointments for the rest of the day, Dr. Kim." I slid my hands around his waist and pulled us closer, trailing a finger up his chest and neck and to his sharp jawline.

"Well, Dr. Amanda, I have good news for you. Your best buddies might soon be getting married," he uttered in his Pacific-deep voice and winked at me with his head slightly tilted to one side.

"What?" My eyes widened. "SOOYA AND JIMIN? JIMIN PROPOSED?" I screamed in excitement.

"And Sooya said yes." He laughed, and finally let me get up from my seat.

"Oh my God! Is this for real?" I was almost bouncing on my heels, and a few drops of happy tears already began clouding my vision.

Taehyung got up from the table and stepped closer to me, and I pulled him into a tight hug, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He brought his hands to my back and stroked lovingly.

"I'm so happy for them, Taehyung. How did you know?" I asked him softly, our bodies still in a tight hug.

"Jimin called me a while ago," he said softly, and I loosened my grip on his waist, pulling away slowly.

"And Sooya never called me?" I frowned and walked up to my handbag, pulling out my cell phone thereafter.

"When did you ever unmute your ringer?" He chuckled, not missing the opportunity to point out my top bad habit that I could never outgrow.

To my dismay, there were four missed calls and about twelve texts from Sooya. Smiling sheepishly, I unlocked my phone and the photo of me and Taehyung taken on our wedding day blessed my eyes. Taehyung stepped closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I proceeded to call Sooya. It was almost the same kind of excitement that I felt while I called her after my first day at college.

༺───※ ·❆· ※───༻

I walked back home carrying a few books that I didn't want to leave in my locker. Mom wouldn't be home for at least an hour. I unlocked the front door while still balancing the books and my phone and other stuff, and somehow managed to stumble inside without dropping anything to the floor.

Kicking the front door shut, I dumped all my stuff on the couch and threw myself onto another couch when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it, and instantly a smile crept up onto my lips. It was from my best friend, Choi Sooya.

Mandy... how was day one?

I feel so bad for missing out😢

Aww nooo... day one was great

But you didn't miss out on much

You'll catch up tomorrow..

Luv 'ya

Anything fun?

Call me

She called right away, and I talked her ears off about the student council introduction, about the hot seniors, about Taehyung, Jungkook and most importantly about the student orientation that was planned to happen in a month.

Sooya was ecstatic hearing it all, and we literally squealed over the phone while talking about a couple of our immediate seniors whom we had known right from our school days. They were the hottest guys in school and the fact that they always chose to speak to me and Sooya despite there being many other hot girls around made us raise our chins in pride.

That was precisely the reason why many girls either spoke to us or hated us in school; spoke to us hoping to befriend those guys—Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok, to be precise, and other girls hated us because they couldn't get closer to these two hotties.

I was pretty sure that it wouldn't be too different in college as well since these two guys hadn't changed much as I noticed from the student council meeting this morning.

Sighing, I went to take a shower and got dressed in my pajamas. As I descended the stairs to the living room, the doorbell rang, and I knew it was my mom. I jogged my way to open the door, and she greeted me with a big warm hug and the sweetest smile.

"Mandy, darling..." she pecked my cheek, "how was your first day at college?" She asked me as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder and stepped inside the house, closing the door behind us.

That was all it took for me to replay everything that happened in college. I followed her around like a puppy and kept yapping all the way. I even sat outside the bathroom door and kept talking to her while she was showering since I didn't want to waste time waiting for her to step out, and I couldn't miss out any of the details.

༺───※ ·❆· ※───༻

"Should I pick outfits already?" I giggled when she answered the call.

Taehyung chuckled beside me and walked us over to the window in my room, with his arm still around my shoulder. He pulled open the shades to give us a clear, direct view of the Seoul Olympic Stadium right behind the hospital building.

Sooya and I chatted away for a while and Taehyung spoke to her, too, and we all decided to meet for dinner that night. After ending the call with Sooya, Taehyung and I headed to grab a quick lunch before my next appointment was due. We had only about twenty minutes, and hence we decided to have sandwiches from the eatery just outside the hospital.

"I'm leaving early today. You can bring the car with you," Taehyung tossed the keys to me. "Dr. Moon will drop me," he pecked my lips before leaving my room.


"Thank you, Dr. Moon. I'll see you around," I waved to him and waited until his car drove off. Walking up the cobbled path leading up to the main door, I unlocked it and stepped inside the lonely house.

Without Amanda around, this place will never be home, and the emptiness in the house suddenly reminded me of the dreaded lone year that I spent here by myself before she entered my life and painted it with all her hues.

༺───※ ·❆· ※───༻

Getting back to the confines of my lonely home, having no one to talk to about my first day at med school was the most depressing thing of the day, yet the emotion was so familiar to me that I chose to ignore it. After parking the car in the garage, I was walking down towards the front door when my phone rang.

It was my dad. Without any emotions, I answered the call.


"Taehyung, are you at home?" He asked in his usual cold and unfriendly tone.

"Yeah," I replied as I unlocked the front door.

"The last transaction to your account shows the status as failed. Could you check if the money is credited to your account?" He asked, and I heard various beep sounds and other vague noises in the background.

'How foolish of me to think that he called to ask about my day!'

"I'll check," I replied indifferently, and we ended the call after exchanging goodbyes.

My mom and dad separated when I was very young, and I don't have siblings. Mom cheated on dad with one of her colleagues, and ever since the separation she has never been a part of my life. I grew up with my grandmother throughout my childhood, and my father has only been a father to me for the namesake.

My dad strongly believed and still believes that I was born out of wedlock, and he keeps his distance from me. He works and earns like crazy and sends me money—lots of it. He has provided me with this house to live in even though he doesn't consider me as his son, and he does that only because my grandma loved me unconditionally. There are also about four servants to tend to the house and to all my other daily requirements like cleaning, cooking, laundry and stuff. But I lead such an empty life.

My grandmother passed away last summer, and I have been living alone ever since—the most depressing year of my life so far. She was my only family member that cared for me and truly loved me, and I shared every little thing with her. Some day, her death was inevitable, yet, when that happened, I was broken beyond words. It was around the same time that my crush in school rejected my confession and friend-zoned me. Nothing was working out in life, and I had no one to share my pain with.

Receiving an admission letter from Seoul National University was the only good thing that happened to me in recent times, and I would give credits to no one but myself for this achievement. I turned my pain and sadness into hard work and spent all my days and nights studying hard to get to where I am now. I have always been a bright student, yet when it came to med school admissions, it was a totally different ball game, and I am proud of where I am today although I have no one to share my happiness with.

I strolled into the kitchen, and, as always, the counter was lined with dishes prepared for me, to my liking, by one of the servants that worked here. I never met them except on the weekends, since they arrived, finished their duties and left when I wasn't around. After taking a shower and downing the food that was left for me, I decided to watch something on TV, which was a simple pleasure that I denied to myself during my preparatory years.

Well, there are so many things that I have been denied and so many other things that I have denied to myself—none of which I will spare. I vow to myself to experience all the forbidden things and pleasures before I grow old. I deserve everything, after all.

As I mindlessly flipped through various channels, a particular curly girl on TV suddenly reminded me of Amanda. Smiling to myself, I pulled out my phone and decided to text her.

Hey Amanda

You there?

She replied in a few minutes.

Heylo! Yeah

What's up?

'My mood is up'

Was bored

I just finished delivering my pep talk to my mom

About my day at college😅

Oh.. nice

I'm super excited about the student orientation

Same. Me too 😁😁

See 'ya tomorrow!! Mom is calling me for dinner.

Bye... eat well 😋

I wanted to talk more with her to kill my loneliness, but she had to go, and I could always do that at college tomorrow. So, I put my phone aside and drifted off to sleep on the couch while an unfamiliar movie kept playing on TV.

༺───※ ·❆· ※───༻

Shaking off my thoughts, I took off my shoes and placed them inside the shoe rack, most of which was filled up with my wife's prized possessions. I ended up with just one rack and still had room for at least two more pairs, which she would most certainly occupy very shortly.

I walked up to our bedroom and into our shared walk-in closet, flipping on the lights thereafter to pick out our outfits for dinner tonight. Mandy would be late, and if I kept everything ready for her, she would get ready in a jiffy since she didn't have to wash her hair today—which would otherwise take up half a day with the washing, air-drying, styling and scrunching.

I loved helping her out with her hair care, yet it was a luxury that we could afford only on weekends and Wednesday evenings when both of us invariably returned early from work.

Since it would be a casual dinner, I picked out a pair of skinny jeans and a casual oversized, off-the-shoulder sweater for my wife, and a pair of jeans and a vest and pullover for me that complimented her outfit perfectly. I picked out her earrings—a simple pair of Diamante studs which wouldn't get tangled in her curls, a pair of pretty bracelets and a watch which would go well with her other accessories.

I stripped myself of my workwear and slipped into just a pair of sweatpants and spent the rest of my alone-time watching a series on TV while waiting for her, sprawled on the couch. Soon enough, the sound of metal creaking indicated that the front gate was being opened—also indicating that I wouldn't be alone anymore.

Combing my hair with my fingers, I switched off the TV, and headed to the front door. The sound of the car ignition being turned off brought an eerie silence to the entire house. The sound of soft clacking of heels followed, and I threw the door open, only to be greeted by a warm hug in the arms of the prettiest woman on the planet—my wife Amanda.

Any curly girls here?

Published on : 09/26/2021

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