Chapter XLII

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༺───※ ·❆· ※───༻

Amanda's POV

"Whoa! What the hell have I become?" I shook my head and sulked to myself as I wore my washing gloves and prepared to do the mountain of dishes piled up in the sink. I was never someone who procrastinated, yet just three months of marriage had been taking a toll on me. Cooking all meals, buying and stocking up grocery, taking care of the house, doing the laundry and the dishes and maintaining the garden, and to top it all off, going to work on all days of the week — all of it was super hard. Not to mention, the major chunk of time we spent making love that literally left me with no time for anything else.

'Dishes and laundry have been the worst affected chores, and it gets so hard to the point where I just feel like throwing stuff around and bringing the servants back in — if only Taehyung doesn't want to roam around half naked all the time and make-out at random locations within our home.'

I tied my hair up in a careless bun and started scrubbing the dishes, trying my best not to slam them into the sink or anywhere else. Suddenly, I felt an arm wrapping around my waist, making me roll my eyes in frustration.

Taehyung bent in close to my ear and began kissing and nibbling my earlobe, while his one hand held me tight around my waist keeping my bottom stuck to his crotch, and the back of his other hand slowly glided along my outer thigh, lifting the T-shirt that was covering my body.

"Taehyung, stop it." I hissed and slammed a bowl into the sink.

He growled and breathed on my neck, his one hand already cupped around my bare breast under the T-shirt.
"Just ten minutes, baby. You're so irres-"

"STOP IT, I SAID!" I shouted and turned off the tap, causing Taehyung to retract his hand from my body and back off.

Turning around to face him, I started shouting in a high volume.

Taehyung's eyes followed the path of the spoon and then lifted to meet mine.
"But sex is better than everything else, right? See what you've done to me already" He winked and chuckled, pointing with both his hands to the tent in his shorts where his erection was poking through.

"SHUT UP! Look at this mountain of dishes" I pointed to the sink. "And have you even bothered to look into the laundry basket? I bet you haven't. You just fling your dirty clothes around the basket and go on. That bloody basket is overflowing, and I haven't gotten anything washed!" I roared angrily.

"That's why I keep telling you to stop wearing so many pieces of clothing at home." He chuckled casually, and that irritated me even more.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Am I the only one living here? Tell me!" I demanded and crossed my arms under my chest.

"I guess not," he replied with a wink and sat down on the bar stool, inspecting the fruits in the fruit bowl.

"Then why the hell am I supposed to do all these? You never even offer to do the dishes or the laundry. Can you at least take care of the garden? Oh! No, of course not. Your precious skin is gonna get tanned if you do that..." I rolled my eyes dramatically and huffed out.

"What's the actual problem now? You want me to do the dishes?" He asked taking a bite out of an apple.

"So you finally understood, huh?" I planted my hands on my hips. "And what about cleaning the house, watering the garden, doing the laundry and buying the grocery? Huh? I hate it that there's so much to do, and there's no help from you." I shouted angrily.

I wanted an answer, but Taehyung kept eating the apple and humming in response.

"Why the fuck are you just humming now? Am I telling a story?" I took two steps forward and tilted my head to the side, my eyebrows knitted in annoyance.

"What do you want now? I'm not used to doing these chores. I've never once washed dishes or watered the plants. I've always had someone do it for me." He flipped his hair back with his hands and spoke in a slightly irritated tone.

"Oh yeah, you did. And now you have someone who can do all of that, plus work like a cow all week and also have sex with you every fucking night. What a great life you have, Kim Taehyung!" My patience was thin, and I was arguing with all my might.

"Not just nights... some times in the morning too... that's even more hotter, right? And that makes it four.." He winked.

"What four?" I scowled, also confused by what he meant.

"You said fuck four times. I'm so ready!" He rubbed his palms together and licked his lips, and the next thing I knew, I ripped the washing gloves off my hands and threw them on the floor.

"You know what? Let these dishes get done on their own! I'm not ever touching them. FUCK EVERYTHING! And I'm not going to cook anything until the dishes get done." I angrily stomped my way out of the kitchen.

Taehyung giggled behind my back.
"You don't have to touch them. You can touch me, baby," he followed me into the bedroom and pushed his way into the room before I could slam the door on his face.

"Aaarrgghh! Just get out. I'm so mad right now. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Angry morning sex is the best. Fight me if I'm wrong." He stood facing me with his head tilted, chin raised and arms crossed under his chest — shirtless chest, mind it!!

I tore my gaze away from him and didn't bother to look into his eyes, keeping my eyes glued to the floor when I felt something landing on my face, making me gasp.

It was Taehyung's shorts, and I pulled it away from my face, angrily rolling it into a ball and throwing it at the laundry basket.

"See, you don't get it right all the time as well" he laughed at my failed aim and stepped closer to me.

I buried my face in my hands, not wanting to look at him and end up naked under him. But was that even possible?

He tried to remove my hands away from my face, but I kept them tight in place, and he stood so close that his erection was hitting against the back of my hands.

"What the fuck? We haven't even done anything, and you're already leaking? I swear, you were really born with some vitamins in your veins." I put my hands on his hips and tried to push him away, but he held my shoulders firmly and pushed me to lie on my back, crawling on top of me with not a single thing on his body except a thin silver chain adorning his smooth neck and collarbones. Taehyung was straddling me and holding my wrists firmly down against the mattress — rendering me fully immobile.

"Makes it sexy six now," he winked and blew me a kiss, "and that's the Amanda effect that gets me leaking..." he pressed his naked body onto mine, nestling between my thighs, his strong legs intertwining with mine.

"You need to de-stress, baby" Taehyung said in his deep raspy voice, looking directly into my eyes, and I was so compromised that I broke into a giggle before I could even realize it.

"Having sex is not going to get the dishes done, Dr. Kim" I mumbled when he leaned in and latched on to my neck, hands still holding mine down in place.

"We'll de-stress you and later do the dishes together. I'll try, I promise." He moved his lips against my collarbones at a tortuously slow pace, breathing against my sensitive skin that he wetted with his open-mouthed kisses, making every hair fiber in my body stand on its end.

I let out a low moan when the tip of his nose brushed against my jaw and his tender lips connected with my lips, his tongue teasing mine, making me want him so bad, kicking every other thought out of my mind. He let my wrists go, and my hands immediately gripped on to his silky hair almost magnetically, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

My body arched, and my hips lifted slightly, helping him succeed in his mission of getting my underwear out of the chat. With slow and steady thrusts, he filled me up, and my eyes shut tight at the euphoric sensation of feeling his love. Reaching my climax, right along with him, with our moans as the music in my ears, the pleasure of our orgasmic union attacked my body wave after wave, letting me crumble under his body, and my eyes closed to completely take in the feeling of bliss.

༺───※ ·❆· ※───༻

May 22, 2021

My eyes clouded with tears as I collected the dirty clothes from the laundry basket to get them washed. I hadn't done the laundry for over ten days, and the basket still had Taehyung's unwashed clothes from when he was still around.

Hugging his clothes tight to my chest, I let my tears run down my cheeks, my chest vibrating with my whimpers inside the locked bedroom.

"I miss you so much... I'm sorry, Taehyung. I'm so sorry for fighting with you over silly stuff like these." I was speaking to his clothes that were crumpled up in my tight hold — the clothes still having the faint lingering scent of my husband to them.

"It has been a week now, and I feel so lifeless and useless without you by my side. I have no idea how I'm surviving all this..." I buried my face in his clothes and cried my lungs out.

"I would do anything to bring you back to me. I miss you so much, Taehyung..I don't know why I have to continue to live like this..." I sniffed my runny nose. "Are you safe somewhere?"

The irony of life is that we never realize what we have until we lose it, and that was my current situation. Taehyung had always been there for me, with me through the years and I was always thankful for his presence in my life, yet I had never once imagined how my life would be without him in it. I had never known, not even in my worst nightmares, that I would miss him this way. My whole life seemed so dark, purposeless and empty.

"I have to confront Jungkook today, but I am still clueless how to do it. You'll give me the strength to do it, right? I trust you, baby." I smiled through my non-stop tears, holding on to my husband's clothes and talking to them like a crazy person.

I wiped off my tears and picked up all the dirty clothes and unlocked the bedroom door very softly. Jungkook was on the living room couch watching something very intently on his phone, with his back turned to me. There were no sounds coming out of his device, and I guessed he was watching something on mute.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I made up my mind that the laundry could wait.

I will confront him now and see what he has to say.

Tiptoeing my way to the back of the couch, I placed a hand on my chest to confirm if the tiny transmitter-GPS-tracker was still in place, pinned to my camisole. It was.

Once I was close enough, I peeped over to see what Jungkook was watching. He was completely unaware of my presence as I noticed now that he had his earphones connected on. But what I saw on the screen of his mobile phone made my heart explode into pieces and made my whole body freeze on the spot.

He was watching a footage, probably live, of a person tied to a chair, head drooping, shirtless, weak and exhausted, and I didn't have to look for more than a second to tell that it was my husband — Kim Taehyung.

My eyes widened and hands shook as I brought them to Jungkook's shoulder and tapped him gently.

He turned around, utterly stupefied, his eyes as wide as they could possibly get, mouth gaping open when his eyes met mine, and he pulled out the earphones from his ears and stood up from the couch.

"What were you watching?" My voice and limbs trembled, and my heart was pounding violently inside my ribcage.

"I- it w-" he stuttered and stammered while his eyes were still glued on to mine.

"TELL ME NOW JUNGKOOK! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU WATCHING?" I roared in rage and stormed my way towards his towering form, my hands reaching out for his phone.

His eyes showed panic and guilt, and he shook his head when I held his strong biceps and tried to shake him violently; yet he pulled away his hand holding the phone, moving it to his back.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO TAEHYUNG?" I clenched my jaw and dug my nails into his biceps, making him wince.

"TELL ME!!" I began slapping his arms and chest as my tears fell non-stop.

Jungkook dropped his phone on the floor and held my wrists firmly from delivering any more slaps to his body. I looked up at his eyes that were now cold and dark.

"You need to calm down, Mandy. It wasn't Taehyung." He smiled devilishly.

"SHUT UP, FUCKER! I DON'T HAVE TO LOOK TWICE TO IDENTIFY HIM. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIM? TELL ME NOW!" I wriggled my wrists, trying in vain to yank them away from his strong hold.

He laughed sadistically, and I froze on the spot, unable to digest his sudden shift in behavior and demeanor.

"So you know now, isn't it?" He asked in a voice much deeper than his usual, sending chills down my spine.


He tilted his head to the side and nodded a few times.
"Missing him too much, is it? Taehyung is still my friend, you know? We're all still friends, aren't we?" His grip on my wrists tightened as he clenched his jaw and spoke through gritted teeth, eyebrows raised and demanding an answer from me.

I winced and hissed in pain.
"YOU'RE HURTING ME, JUNGKOOK. LET MY HANDS GO." I screamed and wriggled my hands, and my tears streamed down my face, and then he let my wrists go before taking my hands in his.

Jungkook's eyes widened and his gaze softened at once.
"I'm so sorry, Amanda. Did I hurt you too much? I didn't really mean to do it." He swiftly took my hands to his lips and kissed my wrists before I could even react.

Disgusted and terrified, I snatched my hands off and stumbled backwards, moving away from him with each step I took.

"Mandy, please don't move away from me. You're all I have. Don't be scared of me. Please." His round eyes suddenly clouded with tears while my tears never stopped.

"Don't come closer, Jungkook. I WILL KILL YOU." I warned him, fumbling around to find a wall to my back, fully aware that he could manhandle me and knock me out in a few seconds and that he wouldn't be bothered a bit by my empty threats.

"I won't, I won't. I'll stay here. But please don't be scared of me. I would do anything for you, Amanda. Anything to keep you with me. Please... don't go away from me." He shook his head and pleaded desperately.

"Anything?" I asked when my back hit the wall behind me.

"Anything. I promise." He nodded enthusiastically, holding his hands out in front of him.

"Take me to Taehyung." I stood straight and locked gazes with him.

His expressions turned ghastly, and he stood immobile.

"What, Jungkook? You told me you'd do anything, right? TAKE ME TO TAEHYUNG NOW!" I yelled at him.

He let his head drop, and his shoulders slumped as he let out a long, defeated sigh before his hooded eyes lifted to meet mine again.

Jungkook smirked and took a step forward. He spoke as he kept nodding and shaking his head slowly,
"Alright. No use trying to fight you now." He took a few steps closer to me, and I kept sliding sideways with my back to the wall.

"Let's go?" He reached out for me, looking up at me through his hooded, dark eyes, but I didn't hold his hand, and I tried to slip away further from him when he suddenly lunged forward and trapped me firmly in his hold. Holding me tight from behind, he slammed his rock hard body against mine, his one strong hand was crushing the air out of my lungs while his other strong hand smothered me until everything blacked out, and I saw or felt nothing.

We've neared the climax.
Excited? Eager? What are your thoughts?

Published on : 10/27/2021

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