Funtime freddy/bon bon

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" I don't want to get too comfortable with this place, but I'm still glad we all have our own rooms." I say out loud to myself as I walk into my room. "Tell me about it, your friends are starting to change." I only got a little scared hearing someone talking, I felt my arm raise and was soon face to face with my puppet on my hand.
"I almost forgot about you. Its so strange seeing you actually talk now. I mean, to me you were always talking. But now the others can hear you too."
"Well, I wasn't always alive. I was just some puppet when you got me.. But unlike the other kids you actually cared and loved me. You took me everywhere with you, and pretending I was real was the final thing that made me become alive. I wanted to surprise you by saying hi or something, but then someone came up behind you with a knife, and sadly I couldn't warn you in time.."
" This is the most I ever heard you talk. Wait, so you have heard what I say in my room and see what I do?"
"You mean the times that you pretend to talk to Charlie and dance with her at prom?"
he said laughing. I started feeling embarrassed that someone was actually watching. "Yeah, that.. Lets pretend that never happened.."
"You can try. I already know it won't ever leave. Its a funny memory."
"So anyways," I said wanting to change the topic, "how do you feel about the situation that were in right now?" I just wanted to keep him distracted now.
"I don't like what happened to you guys. But at least I can permanently stay and spend time with my buddy-"
He stopped only because he saw me look somewhere else very fast and randomly.
"Did you hear that bon bon?"
"It was just a mouse, I'm sure."
I didn't feel like arguing with a puppet, but I know I heard something. Oh well, it probably was just a mouse. I continued listening to bon bon and asking random questions to keep him distracted so that I could just think of something else. Then I heard a noise again. "Listen listen, did you not hear that?"
"Everything is okay."
"The noise, it came from over there." I pointed to a door across the room from where we were. I got up and started walking over to it but bon bon kept telling me to leave it alone.
"Why don't you beleive me?"
"I do, its just that if something happens, I want to be able to save you this time.."
I liked how thoughtful he was to me, but I really wanted to see what was in there.
"Its okay bon bon. We have been best friends for a long time now, and whatever happens we will go through it together."
That made him happy enough to give me a cute little tiny hug.
When we got to the door I slowly opened it, and looked inside. It looked like a messy wired little control room. We walked inside trying to avoid the sparks that would fly towards us from all the dangling wires. I felt bon bon shaking and pulled him close to my chest for comfort. As we slowly crept through the room I could hear someone talking, two people talking.. One of them wasn't a familiar voice to me, but the other was from what I could tell, was Jason. That's so cool our rooms are connected. I thought, and then focused back onto what they were saying. I couldn't exactly hear the words too well but it sounded like Jason didn't like a certain position he was in. The wired guy was talking pretty strict to him saying things like, 'you have to do what's best for your friends' and stuff like that. "What is happening here.." I whispered to myself. I peeked around the corner again and right at that time the wired guy had reached and pulled some wires put from behind his head. I wanted to say something very badly, but bon bon covered my mouth. A few seconds later Jason was very confused again, like earlier today. And I saw the wired guy help him up and said that he was his new friend. I couldn't stand there silently anymore. "Hey!" both of them turned in my direction a little frightened. "Oh, hello there. I was just helping this man after he had just fallen." said the wired man. "No your not. I saw what you did. Your not a friend," his smile had disappeared very quickly and he tried to hold in his anger. "I don't know what you are talking about I just got here." I turned to Jason who was looking back and forth at us confusingly. "Jason you have to beleive me, this guy is no friend. Look, he pulled these wires out of your head-" I pointed to the ground, but the wires were missing. "What did you do to him?" I say sternly to the wired guy. "I don't know what your talking about." he said back to me. I have had enough playing around with this guy. I grabbed Jason's hand and ran back the way I came. "Come back here!" I heard the wired guy say behind us. When we got back to my room I shoved the door closed and boarded it up with whatever I could find. "What just happened over there?" I heard Jason ask from behind me. I turn around to face him. "I saw everything. That guy had did something to you. He pulled out something from behind your head, the wires I couldn't find." he thought about what I was saying, but didn't look like he caught on to any of it. "You should go sit down over there while I make sure this door is boarded up tightly." I pointed to a seat across the room. When I turned back around I say something under the door by my feet. I bent down to take a closer look at it, its the wires that the guy pulled out of Jason's head. I thought, I went to grab it but it slid under the door. And then I heard someone whisper,
There's a little bit of me in every body.
Then I heard it walk away. The wired man.

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