Chapter 29: The Eleven Throw A Birthday Party

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Lucy’s POV

To be honest, nobody celebrates my birthday actually on my birthday except my family. It’s the same for the soul twins, Lizzie and Kelly. All of our birthdays are within ten days of each other, and theirs are actually the same day! Mine’s the 21st, and theirs are on the 31st.

We always would have a birthday party together, because that’s what we’ve done for years, but this year we’re not so sure. We also wanted to be good and celebrate Liam’s birthday, possibly as a surprise party, but we didn’t exactly know. In fact, I didn’t even know if we were celebrating my birthday at all! We’d been so busy these past few weeks that we hadn’t had time to even talk about it!

Either way, I already had a gift for each of them. I had bought Kelly a new art kit, complete with new paints, brushes, oil pastels and everything. Lizzie was going to get a new guitar for her Rock Band game, since we only had one guitar and the game supported two. And Liam, I had decided to get him a gigantic chocolate bar (it was a foot wide!), since I knew he loved chocolate. I had hidden them behind a large chair in the home office, and thankfully Simone hadn’t been snooping to bring them over to their real owners.

We had had a nice party earlier for me on my birthday, but that was only with my family. Simone had told me she wanted to save my present for later. Now, it was the middle of the ten days, and I hadn’t heard a thing about it.

My ringtone for Simone, which was that Koo Koo Kangaroos song Rollin’ In The Minivan, went off. I had slept in today, and she had gone off to do something. I picked up the phone and started singing into the phone. “We’re rollin’, in the minivan. We’re rollin’ in the minivan.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Simone asked. “Did you really just do that?”

“What do you expect me to do? Why can’t I sing along with your ringtone?” I asked.

“That’s your ringtone for me? Are you kidding?” Simone asked, trying to sound annoyed, but she couldn’t hide her happiness. She loved that song, and the music video for some reason.

“Not kidding,” I smiled.

“You are such a strange girl, Lucibelle Cole,” Simone laughed.

“Lucibelle? Did you just use Jasmine’s nickname for me?” I asked.

“Yup, but that’s not the point of why I’m calling,” Simone answered.

“That’s kind of easy to tell,” I said, laughing. “What’s going on?”

“Well, can you come down to Courtney’s house? We have something to show you,” she asked.

“Sure, why not? I’ll be down in fifteen,” I said, grabbing my hairbrush. “Are you providing breakfast?”

“Are you kidding? Did you just wake up or something? Since when do you sleep this late?” Her voice was filled with shock. She was right; I was normally up around seven or even eight. This had been much later.

“I don’t know, I guess I’m just tired. The summer’s been so great, but so tiring,” I mused, brushing out my hair and slipping it into a side ponytail.

“True…” she trailed off. “Anyway, so you’ll be here in fifteen minutes?” She asked.

“Yup, so I’ll see you then,” I said before hanging up. I quickly changed into my favorite t-shirt and pair of shorts, running down the stairs to grab a quick breakfast and brush my teeth.

“Someone’s in a hurry,” Dad laughed from the home office as I sped by.

“Yeah, I have about seven minutes to eat and get to Courtney’s,” I called, making myself a Pop Tart and pouring some orange juice for myself.


“I have absolutely no Idea,” I answered as I sipped the juice. “Simone wouldn’t tell me.”

“Oh…” Dad said. There was no hiding it, he knew something.

“What’s going on?” I asked with a smile as my Pop Tart finished cooking.

“I don’t know,” Dad answered. “That’s why I asked you,” he said.

“Yeah, that’s right,” I said with a hint of sarcasm after swallowing a bite of my Pop Tart. “I know that you know something,” I said.

“If I did, I can’t tell you anyway,” Dad taunted me.

I frowned, and quickly ate my food. “Wow, this is lovely,” I mumbled, going to the bathroom and quickly brushing my teeth. “Thanks a lot, Dad,” I attempted to say as I brushed my teeth.

“I couldn’t understand that at all,” he admitted.

I rolled my eyes, and brushed my teeth quickly, wanting to get out of here quickly to make it. Once I finished, I ran to the door, and called, “Bye Dad! I’m going to Courtney’s!”

“Bye, Lucy!” he responded as I ran out the door, not caring that I didn’t even have flip flops on. I think I had been learning from Courtney now…

As I reached the door, I saw Liam just walking up, with a hat and sunglasses on, as well as three boxes of pizza in his hands. “Liam?”

Liam looked over at me and smiled. “Oh, morning Lucy,” he said. “Glad to see you’re awake.”

“Here, let me help you out with that,” I said, taking one of the pizza boxes. “Did Courtney and Niall have a sudden craving for pizza?” I laughed.

“Yeah, although I don’t understand why they sent me out to get the pizza,” he said. “Couldn’t they have called the pizza place and gotten it delivered?”

“They probably could,” I said, looking down at the pizza box and seeing that they actually delivered. “Courtney’s got the numbers for every pizza place nearby on her speed dial,” I joked.

“Does she really?” Liam asked with a smile.

“Yeah, she does. We love having her at sleepovers,” I laughed, and so did he.

Before either of us could say any more, Lizzie and Kelly were out of their houses, carrying things under their arms. “Hey, guys,” Kelly greeted, smiling. “I see you two have pizza,” she smiled.

“Courtney and Niall ordered it,” Liam said.

“But doesn’t Courtney-,” Lizzie began, but I cut her off.

“Have the pizza guy on speed dial?” I supplied, and she nodded. “No idea why, but she sent Liam out to get it.”

“Well, then let’s all head in and eat some pizza,” Kelly said.

As we all walked into the building, I said to Kelly and Lizzie, “I thought you guys would have been here by now.”

“Ana told us to go and get some things from our houses,” Lizzie said.

“Alright then,” I said, nodding. “So I’m the only one that didn’t have to bring anything,” I smiled.

“Yeah, you lucky girl who slept so late,” Kelly smiled. “They should be in the basement,” she observed, thinking.

“That’s where they were before,” Liam said.

“Alright, let’s go before my hands burn. Did these just come out of the oven?” I asked Liam.

“I picked them up as soon as they came out,” Liam answered as we walked down the stairs to the basement. It was awfully quiet down there…

“Pizza’s here!” Lizzie yelled out. We walked down to the main room of the basement, and there was the rest of the girls, the rest of 1D, and Kyle. “Happy birthdays!” everyone exclaimed.

Kelly, Lizzie and I all grinned. This was the combined party day, I guess. But Liam looked a bit confused. He didn’t know about the combined birthday parties.

“Birthdays?” Liam asked. “Mine?”

“We normally celebrate Lizzie, Kelly and Lucy’s birthdays together, since they’re so close together,” Ana explained to him. “And your birthday is in the middle of there as well, so we decided to throw you guys a birthday party together.” She motioned to the pizza. “That’s for your party,” she said.

“Then what’s this for?” Kelly asked, holding up the bundle under her arms, which was a blanket.

“Nothing,” Ana admitted with a smile. “Same with yours Lizzie,” she added.

“Wow, so we did all this work for nothing?” Lizzie asked.

“Yes, pretty much,” Courtney laughed. “Let’s get the cake!”

Zayn, Louis, Harry and Niall each carried in a cake and placed them on a table on my right.

The first one was shaped like a square. In the center of the cake, there was the Batman symbol, and around the symbol in yellow it said “Happy Birthday Liam!” Liam’s eyes widened and he beamed, walking over. “Wow, guys, this is great! Thanks.”

The second one was rectangular, and it was covered in splatters of frosting, probably to reflect paint. It was fitting for Kelly, that’s for sure. On the top, in bright purple letters it read “Happy Birthday Kelly!” Kelly grinned when she saw it. “It’s perfect! Thanks you guys!”

The third one was dome shaped, and it looked like a soccer ball. In yellow writing on the top, it read “Happy Birthday Liz!” Louis also had some frosting on his lips, and it was obvious he had just tried it before he carried it in. “Wow, Lou,” Lizzie mumbled, but was trying her best not to laugh.

Then there was mine. It was a pale blue circular cake, and then black music notes lined the sides, and a microphone was on top underneath the words: “Happy Birthday Lucy!” I smiled when I saw it, since it was so sweet of them to go through the trouble to get cakes. “This is awesome, guys. Thanks so much,” I said with a smile.

“Well, it was always a tradition,” Kyle smiled, “and we wanted to keep it going. Plus, this is one of the most fun times we have in a normal summer, so why not?”

I smiled and nodded. “You guys are the best,” I said.

“Now, can we eat some of that cake? I am starving,” Courtney said, staring longingly at the table full of cake and other refreshments. Liam had put down the pizza nearby as well.

“There are other people around the world hungrier than you,” I heard Ana mumble.

“Stop. Taking. Everything. I. Say. So. Literally!” Courtney exclaimed, spacing every word out like they each were sentence.

Ana held up her hands in defense, stepping back. “Sorry…” she trailed off.

“Anyway, there is pizza and cake over there, and they are calling my name, so if we could sing “Happy Birthday” before their next birthday, I’d appreciate it,” Courtney said.

Kyle laughed, and put one candle in the top of each of our cakes, and lit them with a lighter. As soon as he did that, the rest of the group joined in a rousing chorus of “Happy Birthday”. I couldn’t help but smile at them.

As soon as they were done singing, Courtney rushed the table and cut a slice out of all the cakes. “Vanilla,” she said, pointing at Lizzie’s cake. “This one’s chocolate,” she said about Kelly’s. After cutting mine and Liam’s, she said, “Same with these two.”

People served themselves, getting their pizza and cake and taking seats around the room. I saw Simone sit on the back of the couch, balancing her plate on her lap and holding her cup. Typical.

I took a seat on the floor in front of the couch, eating my pizza first. “I guess this is my breakfast, huh?” I said with a laugh.

“You didn’t eat yet?” Louis asked.

“No, I didn’t. But I’ll take this as my breakfast,” I smiled. Niall smiled at me, nodding. I bit my lip, and gave him a smile back. Things between the two of us were, as always, awkward. I didn’t exactly know what to say to him, so I just kept eating. He did the same, looking down at his plate.

“Oh! We almost forgot, we have presents for you guys,” Zayn remembered after we all finished eating.

“Oh, you guys didn’t have to do that,” Kelly began.

“No, we wanted to,” Zayn smiled.

“Then I’d better get home and grab the gifts I got you guys,” I said, smiling at Liam, Lizzie and Kelly. I got up and said, “I’ll be right back.” Before anyone could stop me, I ran up the stairs and out the door to my house.

As I got in, I grabbed the presents out from behind the huge chair in the computer room and sprinted back to Courtney’s house, the three boxes tucked under my arms. I slipped in and walked down the stairs to find four piles of gifts in the center of the room. I placed the presents gently in the correct piles and smiled. “Okay, done,” I smiled.

“Great,” Harry smiled. “Who’s going first?” he asked.

“I will,” Lizzie said, picking out a present from the pile in front of her. She ripped the wrapping paper off the box and looked at it, confused. She lifted out a black microphone from a small box. “Um, Simone…why is there a new Rock Band microphone in here? I thought the old one worked fine.”

“Well…” Simone began, “the last time we played, the mic broke while you were in the bathroom, so we just said we didn’t want to play anymore. I felt bad, so I got you a new one.”

“Well, thanks,” Lizzie said, although she was obviously a bit ticked about the fact that she didn’t know that part of her Wii game broke. She gave her a small smile, which was quickly returned by Simone.

“My turn,” Kelly smiled, and opened up a present from her pile. Her eyes widened, seeing a small box. When she opened it up, she smiled. “Oh my gosh, it’s beautiful…” she said, pulling out the piece of jewelry from the box. It was a necklace with a cursive letter K as the pendant. “Who gave me this?”

Zayn raised his hand. “Happy birthday, Kelly,” he said with a shy smile.

Kelly looked conflicted when she heard Zayn’s response. She said softly, “Thank you,” putting the necklace around her neck. She gave him a small smile, and didn’t say anything more. I guess she was still unsure of what she should say around him after the drama at the date.

“I guess I’ll go next,” I smiled at them as I picked up a present and tore off the wrapping paper. I was met with the face of Lucy from the TV show I Love Lucy. It was a t-shirt with her on it, and it, of course, read I Love Lucy! I immediately started laughing and turned to my friends. “Okay, who picked this out?” I asked after I stopped laughing. I then smiled at everyone, trying to figure out who gave it to me.

Niall raised his hand. “Why not?” He smiled at me. “After all, we love Lucy!” he added with a laugh, and I couldn’t help joining in. “Hope you like it,” he said.

“Thanks, Niall,” I smiled. “I love it.” I held it up in front of me and smiled before putting it down next to me. I still felt weird, but I was able to accept it. It was a cool thing from him, and it was really nice of him to give it to me.

The rest of the day went by quickly, with more presents to unwrap and a few random games. I got a lot more stuff with the I Love Lucy theme than I expected, but I still loved it just the same. It was definitely one of the best birthdays I had had yet. I just wished the summer wasn’t so close to being over.

Why couldn’t summer just last forever?


A/N I am so sorry. It's been a little less than three weeks since I've updated. I've been really busy getting ready for school, as well as doing some summer cleaning in my room in order to get a new loft bed in. My parents told me a few days ago that they bought me a loft bed, and it's going to have a futon underneath, so I've had to clean my room a lot to make room for it to be able to move in, and for the old bed to be moved out. I hope you can forgive me, and I hope this chapter makes up for it.

Anyway, who saw the Teen Choice Awards last week? Amazing, right? They completely deserved all four that they won. Plus, Harry  twerking...I kind of fell out of my chair.

Anyway, here's the picture and video of the chapter!

Picture of the Chapter: One Direction after winning FOUR Teen Choice Awards!

Video of the Chapter: Rollin' In The Minivan - Koo Koo Kanga Roo

Here's a question for all of you: Who is actually excited for school?

I'm kind of excited. I love being able to see my friends at school every day. It's nice. But the summer is calming, and you don't have as much to worry about then. So, I'm really half and half.

Anyway, please vote and comment on this chapter. Tell me what you think, please. It would mean a lot to hear what you think. I'm sorry again, and I will try to update more frequently, now that it's getting close to the end of the book. I love you all. Talk to you soon, Dreamers!

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