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Chapter fourteen
Needy Boys
Patricia's POV:
I woke up to a snoring George on my chest. Our clothes were strewn all over the room and I began playing with George's hair. A sleepy sigh left his lips and he tightened his arms around me. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a magazine, flipping through it. George yawned and grabbed ahold of my magazine. "What?" I said. "Can I have a kiss?" I nodded and leaned down to kiss him, George grabbing the magazine and throwing it onto the floor. "George." I said as I pulled away. He rolled his eyes and said "why does that have your attention when you have me?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. Maybe because I wanna read." "No, you don't wanna read." He said as he kissed my naked chest. He kissed my cleavage and I said "don't." He smirked against my chest and said "you gotta go to work. In 20 minutes." "How do you know?" "You leave sticky notes on the mirror to remind yourself." He replied. I rolled my eyes and he said "we could have a quickie." He ran his finger across my breast and I said "no." I pushed him off of me and George groaned as he flopped onto his back. "So rude." He said. I grabbed a pair of panties and my bra. I quickly put them on and began looking through my skirts, trying to choose. I heard George get up from the bed and go into the bathroom. I put my skirt on with a blouse. George came out of the bathroom still naked. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" I asked him. He shrugged and said "I don't have anywhere to be today." "Really?" He nodded and went to grab his boxers, putting them on. He walked over to me and said "let me give you a ride to work." "So you can tease me? No." George rolled his eyes and said "come on. I promise I won't. His finger trailing towards my thigh. I pushed his hand away and said "I have to go to work. Now you can stay here or do whatever you want. But if you leave, you have to wait for me to get back." "I needa go home and shower." He said. "You could shower here." Trying to give him the hint that I didn't want him to leave. "Yeh, but all you got is girly soap. I don't want that." "It's just flowers." I said. George shook his head and said "I don't wanna smell like a flower. I wanna smell like a man." He kissed my neck and I said "no, George." He continued and went to leave a hickey on my neck and I said "as much as I want you too, you can't." George groaned against my neck and said "when can I?" "I don't know." He groaned again and pulled away from me. "You'd better get to work. You'll be late." He said. I checked the time and said "I have ten minutes." "Damn. We could've made that quickie last." "Oh my god!" I said as I pushed him playfully. "Didn't I just have sex with you last night?" He nodded and said "yeh, but now I want you again." I shuddered and said "I gotta go. I'll see you later?" "I'll be here." He said. I stepped out the door and began walking towards the record store.

Lucy's POV:
I woke up to snoring. Loud snoring. I blinked a few times and remembered Ringo spent the night. His head rested on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around him. I buried my face into his hair and kissed his head. I brought my hand to his chest, tapping him. He swatted my hand away and said "stop that." I tapped him again and he groaned and opened his eyes. "Hi." I said. Ringo smiled a little and said "hi." He leaned in to kiss me and I kissed his lips. Ringo checked the time and said "it's late. I think I was supposed to meet John. Can I call him and ask?" I nodded and said "I'm going to take a shower. Don't come in the bathroom." He rolled his eyes and laid on top of me to get the phone. I said "get off." "No. Now you have to stay." I tried pushing him off of me but he was too heavy. "Ringooooo." I said as I pushed on him. He smirked and dialed a number, calling it. He talked with John on the phone for a few minutes and wouldn't let me get up. I shifted my body since I was uncomfortable and Ringo looked up at me. "What?" I asked. I pushed on him again and he was talking to John. "I'm at Lucy's. Did we need to meet today?" "Didn't you hear?" John said over the phone. "No. I didn't hear anything." Ringo replied. "We're going to America next year!" John yelled. I sighed obnoxiously and shifted my body, trying to get Ringo off of me. He looked at me again and I said "why do you keep looking at me like that?" He covered the mouth piece of the phone and said "cause you keep moving." "And?" I said. He rolled his eyes and said "you're causing friction ya know?" I went to open my mouth and John said "Ringo? Are you there?" Ringo uncovered the mouthpiece to the phone and said "I'm here." He continued to talk to John and I shifted my body on purpose this time. A groan left Ringo's mouth and he immediately covered his mouth. "Alright, now, what's going on?" John said. I giggled while covering my mouth. Ringo eyed me and I pushed on him again, trying to get him off of me. "Get off." I said. He shook his head and I said "ok, then." I shifted my body again, making sure my body moved against his crotch. Ringo looked at me and shook his head frantically. "Don't." He said in a hushed tone. "Ringo? Are you having sex?" John asked with a cackle. "No!" Ringo said. John's laughing made me snigger and I said "let me up." Ringo lifted his body and I got up, my knee grazing his crotch softly. Ringo covered the mouthpiece of the phone as he inhaled sharply. I smirked and grabbed a towel and my clothes. "Told you to let me up." I said. Ringo pouted and said "not nice." "Awe, poor baby." I said as I kissed his lips. I walked away from him and into the bathroom, taking a quick shower and doing my hair. When I came out, Ringo was sitting with his head propped up. "Laying on your stomach?" I said. Ringo rolled his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah. You know what you did." "Can I see it?" He shook his head and said "no." I pushed him onto his back and saw the bulge in his pants. "I make you excited?" He nodded and rolled back onto his stomach, wincing as his bulge made contact with the bed. "You should do something about it." I suggested as I walked to my closet, grabbing shoes. "What do you want me to do?" He gulped. "Go take care of it. The bathroom is over there." He shook his head again and said "no. I'm not gonna do that in your house." I shrugged and said "well you're the one who has to suffer." Ringo motioned for me to come over to him. I walked over to him and he said "kiss me." I leaned down and kissed him, our lips moving in sync. He pulled me down closer to him until I was on top of him. "I thought you weren't going to take care of it." I said as I pulled away. He looked down at it and then looked at me. "It hurts." He buried his face into my chest. "I can't mess up this skirt, Ringo." I said as I began taking it off. He exhaled deeply and I straddled him. "You gonna come in your pants?" I asked him curiously. He bit his lip and said "I don't think so. Get up for a minute. And don't look." I got off of him and covered my eyes. I heard the sound of pants shuffling and I said "can I open my eyes now?" "Yes but don't look. Don't look at it." "Why not? Aren't I gonna see it eventually?" I said. Ringo said "I'm asking you not to look. Can you do that?" "Fine. If you're all embarrassed." I straddled him again, feeling his erection against my crotch. It was hard as can be. "Ringo, I barely touched you earlier." I said, shocked that he could be this hard. "You did this. Fix it. It hurts." "Ringo, you'll be fine. It's cause you're so hard." "Duh." He replied sarcastically. I wiggled my hips a little and Ringo shuddered. "I'm gonna take care of you, ok?" Ringo nodded and put his hands on my hips, ready to guide me. "Quick question." I said. Ringo groaned in frustration and said "what?" "You're gonna let me see it, right?" He nodded and said "yeah. Just not now. This isn't even sex." "What is this then?" I asked. He shrugged and I giggled. "I think it's called dry humping, dear." I said. He motioned for me to start moving and I smirked.

Here's the update! Yes there will be smut in this book but at the moment I'm just implying it. As the book goes on there will be smut so if y'all are offended by it y'all can just skip over it.

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