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Chapter fifteen
June 20th 1963
Lucy's POV:
The boys were getting more and more popular by the minute and next year they'd be going over to the states. Where Patricia and I happen to be from. We moved to Liverpool to go college. Since I was currently dating Ringo, I hadn't told my parents. I hadn't talked to them in a while actually. I should call them and let them know that I should be coming back to the U.S soon. Ringo was out with the boys today and Patricia was at work. I had nothing better to do. I picked up the phone and dialed my parents number, hoping they wouldn't be asleep because of the time difference. The phone rang a few times and my mom picked up. "Abbot residence." "Hey, mom it's me." I said. "Lucy! How are you?" She practically yelled into the phone. "I'm doing good. Is dad around?" "He's here. We were having dinner." "Well, I wanted to tell you both something." "How's school?" My dad's voice entered the phone. "It's going ok. I'm ahead of my class. So I barley have to go." "That's good. So what was it you wanted to tell us." I began thinking about if I should tell them the boy I'm dating is famous. Maybe I'll keep it a secret and surprise them. "I'll be back in the states next year. Not sure when but I'll definitely be back to visit next year." I said. My mom sighed and said "that'd be nice. We miss you so much, Lucy." I half smiled even though she couldn't see me. "And I've been dating this boy-" My mom interrupted me and began bombarding me with questions. "What's his name? Is he a nice boy? Does he make you happy? How did you two meet?" "Mom, that's why I'll be in the states. Is for you to meet him. The two of us will be coming over there. I don't know when, so please don't ask me when. His name is Richard. But yes, he makes me very very happy. So unbelievably happy." I decided to give them his actual name than Ringo, or they'll question me even further about it. "Well that's good. I can't wait to meet him." My dad was silent and I said "dad?" "He better not be like the last guy." I sighed deeply and said "he's nothing like him. I promise you. He's sweet and makes me so so happy. So please don't make a big deal, dad." "As long as your happy, Lucy." He said. "Well, I gotta go. But I just wanted to call you guys and let you know." "Thanks. We love you." My mom said. "I love you too." I replied as I hung up the phone. I frowned a little, I missed my parents a lot. But I came here to go to school and that's what I'm doing. "I make you happy?" Ringo's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I jumped and turned around. I really needed to learn to lock my front door. "Oh. You heard all that huh?" He nodded and said "I make you unbelievably happy? Me?" I nodded and he smiled really big. "Awe, Luce. You really mean that?" "Of course, why would I lie?" Ringo sat down next to me and said "so, I have something to ask you." "What is it?" I asked. "The lads and I were going over to Paul's to go swimming. Do you wanna come?" "Yeah. Let's go." I said. "We're going later tonight. You know, Paul is the only one out of all of us that has a house." "You'll have one soon. You're fame is growing." I said. Ringo nodded and said "you're right. Well do you have anything to do today?" I shook my head and said "no. Tobey gave me the night off." "Cool. I hope you don't mind but I gotta grab some things from my flat. And then I can pick you up later?" "Sounds good. Is George letting Patricia know?" "Yeah. He said he'd swing by the record place." I nodded and stood up, sighing. "I'm tired." I mumbled. Ringo stood up and said "sleep, Luce. You've got all the time in the world. Take a nap. I'll be back over later." I sighed and Ringo made me look up at him. He pressed his lips to mine and pulled away. He led me to my bedroom and I sat down on the bed and he tucked me in. I blushed at his actions and he said "I'll be back over later." He kissed the top of my head and before he walked out I said "Ringo?" He turned around and I motioned for him to come over to where I was. He did and I hugged him. He hugged me back and he nuzzled his face into my curly hair. "You're gonna make me wanna stay." He said. "Then stay." I replied as he pulled away. Ringo shook his head and said "no. Don't do that." He sighed and said "I want too but I gotta go back to my flat. I'll be back." I frowned and said "ok." He kissed my lips again and said "I'll see you." I waved to him and he walked out of my flat. I laid down on the bed, sleep taking over my body.


I woke up to the phone ringing and Patricia talking about Paul's house. "Ringo's coming to get me. I'll be there soon." I quickly changed into my bathing suit and then put a cover up over it with some pool side heels. I grabbed my purse which had a little makeup in it, I only applied a little. Since I'd be swimming. Ringo walked into the bathroom, scaring me. "You need to learn how to lock your front door." Ringo said. I sighed and said "I know. Kinda ridiculous." "You're good at locking it when you leave but not when you're here. Why is that?" Ringo asked. I shrugged and stepped a little closer to him. "Cause sometimes, I leave it open for you. Hoping you'll sneak in." I whispered. Ringo looked down as a blush appeared on his face as he looked down. "Really?" He said. "Yeah." Ringo stepped closer to me and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I grabbed my bag and change of clothes and followed Ringo out to his car. We rode out to Paul's house which was a lot farther than the rest of ours. I hadn't even been to George's yet. Paul's house was nothing fancy but it was a nice cute little house. Ringo knocked on the door and a voice said "who is it?" "Paul, come on." Ringo said. Paul opened the door and said "Lucy and Ringo are here!" "Yeah, I saw." John said. Paul led us to the pool which was sparkling blue and George smirked as he stood behind Patricia, pushing her in. She squealed and fell into the pool. "George!" She yelled as she came up. John did a cannonball, purposely splashing Paul. Paul wiped his face and gave John the bird. John smiled really big and said "come on, Paulie." Paul jumped into the pool directly on John. I grabbed some pool rafts and threw them in the water, George tackling Paul. I took off my cover up and John wolf whistled at me. Ringo eyed him and took off his shirt. I jumped in next to Patricia and Ringo waded in from the stairs. "Come on!" George said as he swam to the deep end of the pool. Ringo grabbed a raft and paddled over. "Why're you on the raft?" I asked. "He can't swim." John replied with a smirk. Ringo frowned a little and Paul splashed George. Patricia laid on her back and stared up at the moon that was shining down on the pool. Ringo hung onto the raft and John tried to climb on it with him. "Get off, you shite." Ringo said. I pulled on John's leg and he laughed as he slid off the raft. George grabbed Patricia and she squealed as he pulled her in for a kiss. Paul swam over to Ringo and said "where's the other raft." I pointed to it and he went to go get it. Ringo looked down at the deep water and I said "you ok?" "All I can do is doggy paddle." He said. I nodded and John grabbed me. "I've got your girl, Ringo. What're you gonna do?" Ringo rolled his eyes and said "she doesn't like you, John. She likes me." John had a devilish smirk on his face and I felt his arms tighten around me. I went underwater, getting free from John. I popped up next to Ringo and pressed my lips to his. "Ooh." George taunted and Patricia shut him up by kissing him. Paul sighed and said "we're lonely, John." John sighed and said "I guess we are, Paul." I pulled away from Ringo and said "you'll find someone. You both are cuties." Paul blushed and John said "you think so?" I nodded and said "of course." George had Patricia on his back and I got onto the raft with Ringo, kissing his shoulder. John went underwater and sunk to the bottom of the pool. Paul splashed George as he held Patricia on his back. Ringo and I had kind of floated away from them, the both of us on our backs, staring up at the moon. "It's so pretty." I said as I looked at the stars. "You're prettier." Ringo said. I rolled my eyes and said "so cheesy." "You love it though." "I do." I cuddled into Ringo's chest and he sighed. Then our raft was tipped, luckily we were in the shallow end of the pool. I came up for air as did Ringo. John laughed loudly and George swam over to see the commotion. Paul giggled a little and Patricia said "you could've drowned, Ringo!" Ringo splashed John which made him stop laughing. Then John splashed him back. Then all of us began splashing and making a commotion, not caring how late it was at night, not caring that we were acting like children. We were having so much fun. And we didn't have a care in the world in this moment.

Here's the update. Would've been up sooner but I was busy. Hope you guys like it!!

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