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Chapter seventeen
June 25th, 1963
Lucy's POV:
My phone rang and I went to the living room to get it, since I was in the kitchen. "Hello?" I said. "Lucy! You're never going to believe what happened!" Patricia yelled. I moved the phone away from my ear and said "what happened?" "Oh my gosh! You're never going to believe what George did!" I was trying to think what George could've done to make her be freaking out like this. I sighed and said "what did George do?" "Are you ready for this?" "Yeah." "GEORGE HARRISON PROPOSED!" She screamed. My eyes slightly widened and I said "he did?" "He did! And I said yes!" She was squealing over the phone and I bit my lip as I tried to process what she was telling me. We'd known them for over a year now and I guess it makes sense. A lot of people get married young. That's just how it is these days. My best friend would be getting married. She's 19, and getting married. Not really a big deal I guess. She noticed I was quiet and said "Lucy? You there?" "Yeah. I was just thinking." I replied. "I'm really happy. And we still have to talk about the wedding. I think I want it to be small. Just because it would suit the both of us better." She said. "What about you're parents?" I asked. "I'll tell them when I go back to America. Cause if they find out they're going to tell me no. So when the boys go over to America, we'll go with them and visit our parents." "Yeah." I said. I had told my parents about Ringo but I didn't tell them he was a Beatle. And that he was a couple of years older than me, which isn't a big deal but my father will find something to make it a problem. "Do you wanna come over? So we can talk about it?" I said. "Yeah, sure. George left to go with the boys so I'm not busy at the moment." She said as she hung up the phone. I walked back into the kitchen and finished the dishes that I had been washing. Patricia showed up and I said "can I see your ring?" She held up her hand and George had gotten her a pretty decent ring. "It's pretty." I said. Patricia smiled really big and said "I'm going to be Mrs. Patricia Harrison." "It has a nice ring to it." I said to her. She nodded and said "I don't want a huge wedding. I want it to be small. Like you and the boys. And I guess Brian could come too." "Have the two of you run it by him? That you're getting married? Does he even know about the two of you together?" I asked her. Patricia nodded and said "well the boys got busted one day. The four of them were sitting around talking about when we were all at Paul's and they slipped up in front of him. And he wasn't mad at all. George said Ringo about shit his pants." I giggled and said "awe, poor baby." "Brian was super cool about it. He was kinda mad that they didn't tell him. Cause he wouldn't of cared if they were single or not. The boys misinterpreted what he said. And they explained that to him and he wasn't upset at all." Patricia said. I nodded and said "so he doesn't have a problem with Ringo and I? Everything's ok?" "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I shrugged and sat down on the couch and she followed. "I just really like him. He makes me so happy and I don't want him to be taken away from me. He's the first guy that's made me this happy in a long time. And I think I might love him. That's what I'm scared of." "Why would you be scared?" "What if he doesn't love me back? What if when they get famous, he leaves me for someone else? Someone prettier. Someone better." I bit my lip as I thought about that. Ringo could easily have any girl he wants and he's with me. Why me? Patricia put her hand on my shoulder and said "George told me the way Ringo talks about you. Ringo and George are like you and I. They tell each other everything. So they were talking about us. And I asked George what does Ringo think of you. He said that Ringo is crazy for you. And that he really likes you as well. He doesn't want to rush anything and thinks you're the prettiest girl he ever saw." I chuckled a little and said "he didn't say that. I'm not that pretty." Patricia shook her head at me and said "don't say that. You're so freaking beautiful. Ringo loves you and I love you. So don't say that." I nodded and there was a knock at the door. "I think that's Ringo." I said. Patricia stood up and said "well, I gotta go anyway. I'm working today." I nodded and she opened the door, Ringo jumping at the fact that she had answered it instead of me. "Patricia." He said. "Hey, Ringo." She said as she walked to her car. Ringo looked between the two of us and said "did I interrupt something?" I shook my head and pulled him into my flat. I closed the door and I hugged him. "Hiya." He said as he wrapped his arm around me. "I missed you." I said. "I missed you too, Luce." I blushed at the nickname and pulled away from him. "You hungry or anything?" Ringo shook his head and said "I actually came to tell you about America. I found out the dates." "You did?" He nodded and said "we're going in February. And I have something to ask you." I played with the hem of the shorts I was wearing and Ringo noticed. "What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head and said "I'm fine." Ringo bit his lip and said "you don't have too if you don't want too. And I totally understand if you don't but I was wondering, would you want to move in with me?" "Me? You want me to move in with you?" Ringo poked my side and said "yes, you." I giggled and Ringo smiled at me. "Is it true?" "Is what true?" He said, slightly nervous. "Is it true that I'm the prettiest girl you ever saw?" "I'm assuming George or Patricia told you that?" I said "yes." Ringo nodded and said "yeah. It's true. And Lucy, I love you." My heart fluttered and began to beat really fast. I didn't say anything at first. I was trying to calm myself down but I couldn't. Ringo noticed that I hadn't said anything and he kinda looked deflated. "I love you, too." I said. Ringo smiled really big and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me passionately. "So you'll move in with me?" He asked like an excited child. "Give me a couple of weeks and I'll be able too." Ringo nodded and said "I can help you move your things over. Whenever you're ready." "Thanks." I said to him.

Here's the update! Meant to have this up sooner but got busy!!

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