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Chapter eighteen
July 5th 1963
Lucy's POV:
I got a phone call in the early hours of the morning and I picked it up, answering it. "Hello?" "Lucy, it's your mom." I covered the mouth piece and let out a loud sigh. "Hi, mom. How was the 4th?" I was from America and they celebrated Independence Day. "It was good. But it's not the same without you. When are you coming to America? We miss you and Patricia." "February. Next year. That's when I'm coming." "What time in February?" She asked. "Not sure but I'll be sure to call and let you know." "You're still with that boy? You'll bring him won't you?" I made a face and said "yes. I'll be bringing Richard. As long as dad doesn't make a big deal." "He won't. We're excited to see you and meet him." "Richard." I said. "Right." She replied. I sighed and she said "I'm assuming since you're coming in February that you're not going to be here for Christmas." "Not this year. Next year for sure." I said. Now my mom sighed. "Are you spending Christmas with Richard?" "I don't know." I hadn't thought about it. At all. That was pretty big. He had asked me to move in with him but it would take me a few weeks to pack up my flat and move to his. I'm still deciding if I'm going to do that so soon. "How is dad?" I said. "He's good. He's sleeping right now." "I have to go to Patricia's today so maybe I'll call you later?" I said to my mom. "Sure. I love you." "I love you too." I hung up the phone and got dressed, driving to Patricia's flat. As I walked in the boys and Brian were there. My eyes scanned the room and I said "what's going on?" Brian turned around and said "well George and Patricia are getting married. And she wants to discuss the wedding." There was giggling and I leaned to the side to see Paul and John shoving each other. George rolled his eyes at them and I cleared my throat. Paul looked up and I said "you wanna join us? Or do you want to keep playing footsies with John?" George sniggered and John said "I'd like to keep playing footsies with Paul." Brian broke the two of them apart and made them sit across the room from one another. John was sitting in a chair with his legs hanging over the arm of it while George and Patricia were on the couch. Paul was sitting next to Brian and Ringo and I were on the small loveseat. There was barely any room for the both of us, considering it was very small. Patricia said "I think I want to have a small wedding. Just us. Maybe at Tobey's. Since you guys are getting famous I don't want this to blow up and be huge." "It's going to be. People are going to find out." Brian said to Patricia. George put his arm around her and she said "I just want the small wedding." George kissed her cheek and Brian nodded and said "I think that'd work best. Since America is getting a taste of them. And they're very famous over here." John sighed and George looked over and said "problem?" The second eldest Beatle shook his head and said "no. Just bored." Brian scolded John who crossed his arms. Paul leaned forward and said "I'm happy for the two of you." John rolled his eyes and I said "what's up with you, Lennon?" He looked over at me and said "like I said. I'm bored." Brian pinched the bridge of his nose and stood up. "John, stand up." John scoffed and Brian sat in the chair John was sitting in and John said "where am I supposed to sit now?" Paul began giggling and patted the spot next to him. George rolled his eyes so sassily I thought they were going to roll into the back of his head. John smirked and sat next to Paul. "No footsies." I said. Paul nodded while giggling and John gave me a wild smirk. Brian began to converse with George about the wedding and I shifted uncomfortably and Ringo noticed. He picked me up and set me on his lap, getting the attention of John. He looked over and nudged Paul. Paul smiled at Ringo and I while John was making kissing sounds. "Come off it." Ringo said. John laughed while Paul reached over, tapping Ringo's shoulder. He swatted Paul's hand away and he crawled behind John to mess with Ringo. "Stop." Ringo said. Brian looked over and said "knock it off." "Yeah, Paul." John said. Paul looked at John and didn't say anything, he looked at John like he had just gotten betrayed. Brian went back to talking to George and John hit Paul in the back of the head. "Who's hitting me?" Paul asked as he looked between John, Ringo and I. Ringo wrapped his arms around me and I felt his lips on the back of my neck. Patricia gave me a small smirk and Paul propped his head up with his hand. George looked at Ringo and said "I want Ringo to be my best man." Ringo looked at George and said "me?" He nodded and Ringo smiled really big. "Wow. That means a lot." George smiled at the eldest Beatle and Patricia did the same. John and Paul stared at Ringo and Paul said "congratulations." John nodded and said "that's really cool, Ringo." I looked at Ringo who was grinning. "Lucy is going to be my maid of honor." Patricia said. John's eyes went to me and he said "congratulations, Lucy." I smiled really big and said "I'd be honored." "What're we going to be?" Paul asked, his voice a little bit more quiet than it was before. George looked over at Paul who was awaiting the answer. "Paul could be the ring bearer. And wanna be a flower girl John?" George asked, the last part he was joking. John eyed him and said "so funny. Hahaha." "I can be the ring bearer?" Paul said. George nodded and then John said "what the hell am I supposed to be?" "Be the flower girl. You don't have to wear a dress. But I can make you look really good." I said to John. John crossed his arms and said "fine." "George, I know we don't really let you choose anything and do what you want but I'm happy you're marrying Patricia. The two of you seem really happy and that's all I want. Is for you to be happy. I wouldn't want you to ever be upset with what's going on. And since we're getting famous and all, we should all be happy." Paul said. John looked down and didn't say anything. Ringo held me tighter than he was before and Brian looked at George who was currently thanking Paul. John looked at the ground and was silent. I reached over and touched his arm. John looked at me and I said "what's bugging you?" He shrugged and said "George is getting married. You're with Ringo. I kinda wish I had someone." Paul heard the last part and said "John, don't be upset. You'll find someone." "You think so?" "I do." Brian distracted everyone by asking "so the wedding is set for August. Everyone ok with that?" Everyone nodded and he said "good. Also I think you boys need to record another album." John's head shot up and Ringo sat up a little, holding me in place so I wouldn't go anywhere. "Another one?" Paul asked. Brian nodded and George said "two albums in one year? Whoa."

Here's the update! There's hella McLennon in here and I apologize omg😂😂

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