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Chapter nineteen
July 10th 1963
Lucy's POV:
I had been off work for a couple of days and the boys had started to record their second album. It was around 8:30 at night and I was getting ready to make some tea for myself. There was a knock on the door which was weird because I wasn't expecting anyone. I opened the door to reveal Ringo, holding flowers with a grin on his face. "Awe, Ringo." I said as he handed me the flowers. He stepped inside and I grabbed a vase, putting the flowers inside of it. When I turned around I ran into Ringo's chest. "I'm sorry-" I began. He pressed his lips to mine and our lips move in sync. I pulled away and he kissed my cheek and my jaw, moving down to my neck. He was eager. And I understood it was because he hadn't seen me since we planned Patricia's wedding. I giggled as we stumbled to the couch and he pulled me closer to him so he could kiss me again. I tilted my head so he could have more access and before it could get heated, the tea kettle went off. I went to get up and Ringo gently pushed me back down. "Hey, the tea will burn and I can't let that happen." I said. Ringo pulled away from me with a pout. I got the tea before it would burn and sat back next to Ringo. "You want tea?" He nodded and I grabbed his hand, pulling him to the kitchen. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled as my back was pressed to his chest. I poured the tea in a pitcher and added sugar to it. Ringo pulled me back to the couch and I said "what?" He shrugged and said "I wanna kiss ya." I rolled my eyes playfully and he pressed his lips to mine, his hands going to my hips. I cupped his cheek and he pulled me onto his lap so now I was straddling him. I moved my hand from his cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away from my lips and kissed my neck, moving to my jaw. I closed my eyes and sighed as he moved towards the sweet spot on my neck. His right hand played with the hem of my shirt, while his left hand held me in place. Ringo bit down on my neck softly and I let a small moan leave my lips. He smirked against my neck and began leaving a hickey. I hissed at the pain and Ringo pressed sweet kisses to my neck where he had just left a mark. He pulled away and looked up at me, his blue eyes a darker blue than before. "What?" I asked him. He put a strand of hair behind my ear and said "you're beautiful." I blushed and looked everywhere except him. "My parents want to meet you." I said. Ringo made me look at him and said "oh?" I nodded and said "they asked me if I was with anyone and I told them I was with you. I didn't tell them you were famous or anything. I just said that I'm with a boy named Richard and that he makes me so happy. Unbelievably happy." Ringo smiled really big and said "so when we go to the states? I'll be able to meet your parents?" I nodded and he said "did I ever ask where you were from? In America?" I shook my head and said "nowhere fancy." "Enlighten me." He said as he sat back against the couch, his arms around my waist. "Florida." Ringo got excited and said "Florida? I've always wanted to go there." "I miss it sometimes. It's always sunny there." "How sunny?" "The sun never stops shining. Only when Florida wants to be stupid and rain." "So it's like Liverpool but more sun?" I shook my head and said "there's beaches and palm trees. And oranges!" "Oranges?" Ringo said as he tilted his head. He looked like a confused puppy. "Florida is the orange state." I said. Ringo nodded and said "ohhhh." It got silent between the two of us and I played with Ringo's tie and be broke the silence. "Do you think you're parents will like me?" I nodded and said "why not? There's no reason for them not too." "They won't care that I'm famous?" I shook my head and said "no. And you don't have to worry about any of that until February. They asked me if I was coming home for Christmas and I said no. And then they asked me if I was spending it with you. I told them I didn't know." Ringo sat up and pulled me closer to him, our lips inches away from each other. "Do you want to spend Christmas with me?" Ringo asked, his lips brushing up against mine. "I think so." "And you do want to move in with me, right?" "Yes." "After the wedding, I'll help you move into my place. How does that sound?" Ringo said. "I think I'd like that. I think I'd love to spend Christmas with you." Now my lips were brushing up against his. Ringo kissed me and I felt his hands tugging at the hem of my shirt. Our kisses were sloppy as Ringo was trying to get my shirt over my head and I was undoing his tie and dress shirt. Someone knocked on the door and I immediately got off of Ringo. He looked at the door and cursed to himself. Ringo quickly put his dress shirt back on and I put my shirt back on. Ringo opened the door and there stood Paul. "Hiya." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what're you doing here?" "The question is, why weren't we invited?!" John yelled as he stepped past Ringo. I rolled my eyes at him and Paul stepped in, closing the door. "You guys had nothing better to do?" "We were gonna go bother George, but they were making stew. I didn't want that." John said. "Well I don't have any dinner made but there's snacks in there." I said. John smirked and walked into the kitchen. "John, don't take anything yet I wanna see." Paul said. Ringo looked at me and I shrugged as he eyed his two band mates for ruining the moment.

George's POV:
Patricia and I were at the store getting some ingredients she needed for her stew. I groaned as we passed the isle with cookies and biscuits. "What's up with you?" "Can I get a box of cookies? And maybe some biscuits?" Patricia shrugged and said "I guess." I kissed her cheek and ran off like a giddy child, getting what I wanted and putting in the cart. Patricia went down an aisle with spices and such. I wasn't paying attention at the moment. "Can we go now?" I asked. Patricia shook her head and said "no. I haven't got what we needed yet." We were on the cereal aisle now and I grabbed a box, throwing it into the cart. "George." She said. "I need food at the house. I'm always hungry." Patricia shrugged and didn't say anything else, once we finished at the store we headed back to Patricia's flat. She began making the stew and I put a record on to pass the time. "Is it almost done?" I asked just as she started making it. "No." She said. I grabbed a cookie from the box and she said "George don't get full on those." "I won't. I needed a snack." She rolled her eyes playfully and said "you're so cute." I kissed her cheek while smirking and she smiled really big. That was something Patricia loved, she loved being kissed on the cheek. She put all the ingredients in the the stew, occasionally giving me some of it so I could eat it. We had to wait for it to cook and I pulled her into the living room. "What is it?" She asked. "I wanna dance." I said as I took her hand. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I held her waist and hummed the Elvis song currently playing from the record player. "George?" "Yeah?" "Can you believe we're getting married next month?" I chuckled and said "I wanted to ask you to marry me a few months back but I didn't. Cause I was afraid. I didn't want it to be too soon. And I want you to meet my parents." Patricia smiled and said "really?" I nodded and said "you kinda have too if I'm gonna marry you. What about your parents?" Patricia moved closer to me, closing the gap between us. "They're in America. And I'll tell them we're together when we go next year." "They won't be mad?" "I don't care. It's not a big deal. They'll have to accept it." I smirked a little and pressed my lips to hers. She pulled away and I said "I love that you don't care." Patricia leaned her head on my chest and her arms tightened around my waist. "George?" "Hmm?" "I love you." I smiled really big and said "I love you too." I kissed the top of her head and there was a knock at the door. "You get the door. I have to check on the stew." She said. I pulled away from her and opened the door to reveal John. "Harrison!" He said as he stepped into the house. I went to close the door when Paul stopped me and said "hey!" I opened the door and said "you too, McCartney?" "I was with John. He wanted to stop by." He said. "What're you making?" John asked Patricia as he stood next to her. I closed the door and John made a face when she said stew. "I'd like some." Paul said as he winked at Patricia. "Macca, you don't want stew." John said. Paul went to say something when I said "well if you guys don't want stew then you need to leave." "Where's Lucy?" John said. "Her flat. With Ringo." Paul stuck a spoon in the stew and him and Patricia were talking about ingredients and such. "Oh, so Ringo's at Lucy's?" I nodded and John smirked. "Paulie, let's go bother Ringo." Paul looked up from the stew that he was eating and John said "really?" "It's good, John. You should have some." John rolled his eyes and said "I like stew but I'm not in the mood. I want actual food. Lucy probably has some." John noticed my box of cookies and pulled one out. "Don't eat them all." I said. "I'm having one. Slow your roll, Harrison." "Well, they're my cookies, Lennon." John smirked again and grabbed Paul who kept sticking his spoon in the stew pot. "Let's go bother, Ringo." The two of them left and I said "now Paul's germs are all in the stew." Patricia giggled and said "it's not a big deal. He's not sick or anything."

The ending kinda sucks and I hope you like this @kw-2187

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