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Chapter two
Love Me Do
Ringo's POV:
October 1962
We eventually were signed with a record company, calling ourselves The Beatles. Love Me Do, our first single was released recently. It's doing really well and we're receiving some popularity from it. Just a little. "Let's celebrate! We should go and see Lucy, yeah?" John asked. Paul nodded while smiling really big. George said "how about it Ringo?" "Yeah. Let's go." Paul and John cheered as we walked down the street towards the pub. Since January, Tobey's pub became our place. Most of the time the guys wanted to go watch Lucy sing and drool over her. But also we were close with Tobey and we could drink all night long. We walked into the pub and Tobey looked over and said "hey guys." John walked over to the bar and ordered us a few beers. The two of them began talking and Patricia walked over, Lucy's best friend. "So that song that's been playing on the radio. Love Me Do. That's you guys? It's literally moving up the charts." She said. "Yep. That's us." Paul said as he smiled really big. I nodded in response and she said "boy are you guys in for a treat tonight." John turned around and said "what's that supposed to mean?" "You'll see won't you?" Patricia said. Paul and John began giggling and we all sat down at our normal table, which was much closer to the stage as we continued to hang out there. Lucy walked out onto the stage in a bright yellow dress, glitter shining off of it. A few of the men in the room cheered and she smiled at the four of us before looking around the room. Patricia sat down at our table and the music started. John immediately said "shit." Paul guffawed as our song entered the room. George looked at Paul who was laughing so loud, with a face that begged him to be quiet. Lucy smirked at us and began singing the song.

Love, love me do
You know I love you
I'll always be true
So please, love me do
Whoa, love me do
Someone to love
Somebody new
Someone to love
Someone like you

I stared up at her in amazement as she sang our song. Once she was finished she received a huge applause and she stepped off the stage for a few minutes. Paul was still giggling as she walked over and she said "what's so funny, Paul?" "It's funny how we just released that song and you're singing it." John giggled this time. "It was really good. Absolutely amazing." I said to her. "Wow. Thanks Ringo." Lucy said. "Can you get off tonight?" George said. "Maybe. Why?" "We should go out dancing." Paul said while giggling. John nodded and Lucy said "let me ask Tobey." She walked to the bar and Patricia said "we need a night out. All of us." "Agreed." I replied. Lucy came back over and said "let me grab my purse and then we can go." She walked into the back room with Patricia and Paul stood up. John paid Tobey and George was currently nibbling on a roll. "Where'd you get that?" I asked. He motioned to Tobey who had a bowl of  rolls. I sighed and Paul fixed his bow tie that had somehow got crooked and he was slightly making it worse.

Lucy walked over and noticed Paul fiddling with his bow tie. "Here. I got it." She stepped to him and fixed it where it wouldn't get crooked. Paul's cheeks got pink and he said "thanks." Lucy nodded and John said "I'll escort you out." He held out his arm and I rolled my eyes. Lucy took John's arm and he led her out of the bar. "What're you rolling your eyes for?" George asked as he took a bite from his roll. "Nothing." I defended. "Yeah, ok." His tone was sarcastic and we all walked out of the pub and down to the end of the street to the dancing club. We found a table, and John took Lucy to dance. I propped my head up with my hand, sighing. "You want a drink?" George asked. I nodded and he stood up and went to get us drinks. George came back and said "Patricia, do you wanna dance?" She nodded and he took her to the dance floor. "See anyone you want to dance with?" Paul asked me. My eyes were on Lucy and John and I said "yeah. Maybe. Are you going to ask Lucy?" "Yeah. Were you?" I nodded and Paul said "well when John brings her back I'll go. Then you go." I nodded and watched John spin her around on the dance floor. The two of them laughed and I watched as Paul stood up and walked over to the two of them after John stepped away. John pushed his hair out of his face and said "Ringo don't sit here alone." "I'm waiting on Paul to get done dancing with Lucy." I said. John nodded and his eyes scanned the room, looking for a new girl to dance with. "I'll be back." John said as he walked to a table with two girls sitting there. I sighed and the song Paul and Lucy were dancing to ended. I stood up and walked to the two of them. Paul was giggling at something Lucy had said and I said "Lucy, may I have this dance?" Paul straightened himself up and Lucy looked at me. "Of course." She said. Paul noticed a blonde standing next to him and grabbed her swiftly. She giggled as Love Me Do began playing. "Jesus." I said. Lucy smiled really big and said "oh my gosh it's your song." I rolled my eyes playfully and took Lucy's hand in mine, spinning her to the song. She spun into my chest and I swayed her back and forth. Lucy hummed the song as we danced and she said "you guys are going to be big. I just know it." "You think so?" I asked hopefully. Lucy nodded and said "I do. I believe it." I smiled really big and Lucy did the same. "You should smile more. You have such a nice smile." I tried my best not to blush and Lucy did the same as she looked down. Love Me Do ended and I said "you wanna sit down or dance to the next song?" "Let's do the next song." As much as I loved that answer the next song happened to be a slow one. I grabbed Lucy by the hip and pulled her closer to me. She looked up at me through her lashes and put her hands on my shoulders. We gently swayed to the song and I noticed George was still dancing with Patricia and John had a brunette who was giggling into his chest. Paul held the girl he was dancing with very close to him. Lucy leaned her head on my chest as we danced and bit my lip to keep from smiling. John and his girl passed by me and he smirked at me, giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and he disappeared into the crowd of people. I brought my fingers up to the ends of her curly hair, playing with it. "Ringo?" She asked. "Yeah?" "Does anyone ever call you, Richard?" "Not many people. I've been going by Ringo for a long time." "Would it be ok if I called you Richard? Only sometimes since I've called you Ringo for so long." She lifted her head and looked up at me. I nodded and said "yes. Of course." Lucy smiled and said "ok." After the slow song we all headed back to our table, downing a few drinks.

Lucy's POV:
We had been at this club for a while and Paul kept giggling at everything since he was drunk. John was currently leaning on his shoulder, the girl he was with long gone. George laughed as he told some joke about having no money. Ringo was grinning at George as he told the joke. "We should go." Patricia said. Paul nodded and said "we should but I don't wanna." John busted out laughing and buried his face into Paul's chest. George was drunk but not like John and Paul. "Will the two of you be able to walk?" He asked. John looked at George and said "maybe." "Let's go." I said as I stood up. Paul went to stand up, knocking John on the ground. Paul giggled and covered his mouth. "Sorry! Sorry!" He said. That somewhat knocked John back into reality. "Let's go idiot." John said as he got on his feet. Paul leaned on John as he stumbled out of the club. George looked at me and said "can you handle Ringo? I gotta get home. I've got stuff to do tomorrow." Ringo was leaning his chair back, about to fall over. "I think so." "His address is in his wallet and such. Just use this to get a cab." He said as he handed me some money. "Thanks, George." He nodded and told me that he'd walk Patricia home. Now it was just Ringo and I. "Ringo. I need you to stand up." I said. He looked at me while smiling really big. I looked at his eyes. I never noticed how pretty they were. He had beautiful blue eyes. "I'm gonna take you home. If you'll stand up and walk with me." Ringo nodded and stood up, knocking his chair over. "Sorry." He slurred. "It's fine. Let's just go." I got him out of the club and we stood on the street, looking for a cab. Ringo leaned on me and said "I'm tired, Lucy." "I know. I'm taking you home right now." I flagged a cab down and Ringo was struggling to stay awake. I told the cab driver Ringo's address and paid him once we got there. I got Ringo to his front door and said "Ringo. Can I have your key? To unlock the door?" Ringo groaned and searched his pockets pulling out a set of keys. "Which one is it?" I asked. He held them up to his face and then unlocked the door, stumbling into the room as he did so. "Are you good?" I said. He nodded while setting his keys on the counter and he stumbled to a room towards the back of the flat. I closed the front door and followed to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself. He plopped on his bed and I said "you can't sleep with shoes on." I untied his dress shoes and set them on the floor. "I'm gonna leave now. I'll see you whenever." I said, not knowing when I'd see him. "Lucy." I turned around since I was walking out of the room. "Yeah?" "Stay." "Stay?" "Stay. Stay here. It's not safe for you to walk back home. Spend the night." "What'll I sleep in? I can't sleep in this dress." I said. Ringo sat up and walked to his closet, pulling out a t-shirt. "Sleep in this. You can have the bed too. I'll sleep on the couch." He said. I shook my head and said "I couldn't ask you to do that." Ringo took off his jacket and said "I can because this is my flat. You take the bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I nodded and said "fine." "Thanks for getting me home. I can barely walk. I can't walk at all." He giggled at the end. I rolled my eyes and watched him stumble down the hallway, hearing him fall on the couch with a thud. I closed his bedroom door, changing into his t-shirt. It smelled like him and I smiled to myself. I didn't have to undo the bed considering it wasn't made. I sat down, pulling the sheet and comforter on my body, immediately falling asleep.

Here's the second chapter!! Also when time doesn't pass, the month and year won't be at the start of the chapter. Just stating that so no one gets confused.

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