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Chapter twenty
Ringo's POV:
After John and Paul left, Lucy and I headed to bed, even though she had been off work for a couple of days she was tired. It took me a little longer to fall asleep for some reason.


I woke up to Lucy mumbling in her sleep. It sounded more like a cry than a mumble. I sat up and said "Lucy, you ok?" She didn't wake up, she continued to mumble. I tapped her and she tossed and turned. I grabbed her and shook her softly. "Wake up, you're having a bad dream." Lucy jolted awake and she gasped, looking around. "Hey, hey. You're ok." I said. Lucy looked at me and said "Richard?" I gulped as she used my full name. She whimpered and I hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me slowly and she began to cry. Her tears were soaking my shirt, not that I cared. I rubbed her back and shushed her. "It's alright. I'm here. Wanna talk about it?" "Richie, it was horrible. I dreamt that, that..." She didn't finish. "Luce, what is it?" "That I died. And you had to go on without me. And you had fame and everything. You were famous and had to live without me." I held her even tighter to me and she gripped a handful of my shirt. "Aw, Luce." She sniffled and I rubbed her back, stroking her hair. I kissed the top of her head and she sighed against me. "Want me to make you some tea?" I asked her. "Yes, please." She said in a small voice. I pulled away from her and said "you lay here. I'll be back." Lucy nodded and I walked to the kitchen, making her a fresh cup of tea. We had tea already but she deserved fresh. I tapped my fingers against the counter as I waited for the tea to get finished. "Richie?" I turned around and saw Lucy with a throw blanket around her body. "Yeah?" She walked over to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry I woke you." My eyes widened and I said "it's not a problem. Don't be upset. You don't need to apologize." "Yes I do. You were sleeping and I woke you up. You deserve sleep. You've been working so hard." I made her look up at me and I said "you deserve sleep too. Whatever is going on in that head of yours, doesn't need to be happening. If I need to be here with you every night so you don't have nightmares, I will. Because I don't want you to have them. They're scary. And you're too beautiful to be suffering from stupid dreams." Lucy blushed and smiled. "Thanks, Richie." She hugged me again and then said "can I have a kiss?" I rolled my eyes and said "Lucy. You don't need to ask." She shrugged and I pressed my lips to hers. She smiled as I pulled away and I quickly made her a cup of tea. We walked back to the bedroom and I said "that should relax you." Lucy nodded and as she sipped it I could tell that it would make her tired. "I don't wanna sleep, Richie. I'm too scared." "The bad dreams wont come back. You know why?" Lucy shook her head as she looked down. "I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. I'm right here." Lucy half smiled and said "thanks." She scooted closer to me and said "hold me." I gladly accepted and wrapped my arms around her. "Richie?" "Hmm?" I hummed. "I love you." I chuckled at how cute she was. "I love you too." It was quiet for a few minutes, just me holding her. I was hoping she had fallen asleep but she asked me if I was awake. I chuckled and said "yes." "Ok." She said. "Hey, I have an idea." Lucy pulled away from me and looked at me. "Why don't I stay here with you tomorrow? We'll spend the whole day together. George is busy tomorrow so we can't record. I'll stay here with you." "You'd do that?" I cupped her cheeks and said "of course." She leaned into my touch and I smiled at her. "I'll be here with you all day." I tapped her nose and she giggled. She was so cute. I don't know how I got Lucy. She's one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen and she could have anyone. I figured she'd get with John or Paul. But she fell in love with me. "What're you thinking about?" Lucy asked. "How beautiful you are." She rolled her eyes and said "yeah, right." "I was. You're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. And you're mine." She didn't say anything, her cheeks got red, she was blushing like crazy. "You're so sweet to me." "It's how a guy should be." I replied. "God, you're amazing." She said. I kissed the top of her head and said "let's lay down. And get some sleep. We can sleep in as long as we want too." I laid down and she laid on my chest. I played with the ends of her hair and she said "thank you. You didn't have to get up." "Yes I did. You needed me. I'll always be here when you need me." "Thanks, Richard." "Ugh, call me Ringo." I said as I got tired of it. She giggled and said "ok, Ringo." I smiled and she fell asleep before me once again, I made sure she did. Once I knew she was asleep, I was able to fall asleep.

Ok I've been in a huge mood to write this book!! kw-2187 next chapter will be just you and Georgie!!

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