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Chapter twenty one
George's Parents
July 11th 1963
Patricia's POV:
I woke up next to George and went to go make him breakfast. He was always grouchy if he didn't have breakfast. I began making eggs and bacon with some oranges. I hummed to myself as I began cooking breakfast. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I said "good morning." "Whatcha making?" George asked as he leaned his head on my shoulder. "Bacon and eggs. With a side of oranges." His arms tightened around my waist and he said "good cause I'm starving." "I know that." I said as I turned to look at him. He leaned in for a kiss and I happily kissed him back. I pulled away and said "so what're we doing today?" George sighed and said "well, I thought we could go and visit my parents. I know it's kind of short notice but I really want you to meet them. It'd mean a lot cause I want them at the wedding." I cupped his cheek and said "I'd love too. But maybe take a shower before breakfast is ready." George smirked and said "why don't you come with?" "You don't want breakfast to burn do you?" He shook his head and said "then I'll wait till it's done, so we can shower together." I turned back to the stove and said "no, cause we'll all know what that'll lead to. Do you really wanna go to your parents with hickeys all over you?" George was standing next to me and he shook his head. "No. God, they'd ask me so many questions." I said "so let's wait till we get home." George smirked and said "I'm gonna go shower. And when we get home.." He started playing with the strap on my tank top. "We could do something more fun." I smirked to myself and said "go shower." I pushed him away from me and he turned on his heel, going to the bathroom. I rolled my eyes playfully and continued making breakfast. The eggs got done quickly and I began cutting up the oranges while I waited on the bacon. George came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, taking the quickest shower I ever seen. His hair was slightly wet and he had styled it himself. "Watch the bacon, I'm going to get dressed." I put on a sun dress and applied some mascara and a light yellow eyeshadow. I walked back into the kitchen and George's jaw practically dropped. "You're so beautiful." He muttered barely audible. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "really?" He nodded and the bacon was finished so I got him some and put it on his plate. We pretty much ate breakfast in silence as George was munching on his food. Once we finished I put my heels on and the both of us headed out to George's car. He led me to the car, opening the passenger door for me. I got in and George did the same. He began driving and it was a decent ride from where I lived. "I've told my parents a little bit about you but they don't know we're getting married. So it might be a bit of a shock to them." I nodded as he spoke. I was nervous but I knew I'd be fine cause I'd have George. We pulled into a drive way and the two of us stepped out of the car. It was a small little house which was adorable. George took my hand and led me to the front door, knocking on it. The door opened to reveal an older man who looked a lot like George. "George." He said. George hugged his father and I smiled at the two of them. "Dad, this is Patricia. The one I was telling you and mum about." His father held his hand out and said "I'm Harold. It's nice to meet you, Patricia." I smiled and said "it's nice to meet you as well. This is very exciting." George smirked a little and pushed me inside the house, grabbing my hand as he called for his mother. She came out of the kitchen and said "is this the girl, Georgie?" "This is Patricia." "I'm Louise. I'm so happy I get to meet the girl who makes my little boy so happy." She said. George winced when she said little boy. "Can we sit down and talk to you guys? We have something we want to tell the both of you." George said. His parents nodded and we sat down. George grabbed my hand again and said "I know you just met Patricia today but I've known her for over a year now. Her and I have decided to get married next month." The two of them gasped and George said "before you freak out, it will be a small wedding. Paul, John and Ringo will be there. Along with Patricia's best friend who happens to be Ringo's girlfriend, Lucy. And Brian of course. I fell in love with Patricia as soon as I met her. And about a few months back I realized that I wanted her to be my wife. And I hope the two of you aren't upset. I hope that you're happy because she makes me so happy." Louise had small tears in her eyes and Harold said "you're ready to get married? You love George?" I nodded and said "George has treated me like no other guy. He's a sweetheart and makes me so happy. I don't think I'd want to be with anyone else. He's perfect." George smiled really big an kissed my cheek. "Harold, they look so happy together." Louise said. He nodded and said "we support the two of you. As long as the both of you are happy. And we'd love to get to know you Patricia." George smiled at his parents and said "thanks mum. Thanks dad." He stood up and hugged the two of them. They were all so cute. "What about you're parents?" Louise asked as George sat back down next to me. "Well my parents are in America. And I've decided that I won't tell them until we go to America in February. They'll be upset but if I tell them now they won't allow me to marry George. They're just not ready to let me go. But they need to accept that I'm an adult and I will make decisions for myself." George's parents nodded and looked like they were processing the situation. "Brian is planning the wedding. We're getting married August 15th." George said. Louise was happy for us as was Harold but I was still nervous. These were my fiancé's parents. This was a big moment for us. "We'll make sure to leave the 15th clear." Harold said. George began talking to his parents and I zoned out a little bit, my mind going to other places. We were there for a few hours, letting his parents get to know me. All I wanted was for them to like me and not like that I was taking their son away. Once we were finished talking George and I headed back to my flat. Where George has been staying even though he had his own place. Once we got back George was all over me, kissing my neck and jaw. I giggled and pulled him to the bedroom, watching him go crazy was amazing. "Are you on the pill?" "Why?" George shrugged and said "cause I think I want a kid. Plus I'm marrying you and well, you don't need to be anymore." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and I said "I hadn't been taking it." "When was the last time?" "Last month or so. It's probably way out of my system now." George smirked a little and said "you're ok with a kid right?" I nodded and said "of course, Hazza." He smiled and kissed my forehead and then my cheek. "I can't believe this." "What?" He asked. "We just met you're parents and now we're conceiving their grandchild." I said. George shrugged and said "I don't care. They better be ready for grandchildren." I giggled and said "hurry up and stop talking. You teased me for too long today." He smirked and one thing led to another.

Here's the update! Extra long for kw-2187!! Also thank you all for 1k!! I didn't think we'd get to 1k so quickly. I didn't think anyone would read this and I thought this book was absolute shit when I first started it. All the comments and votes mean a lot!!! Thanks so much guys!!!

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