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Chapter twenty two
Wedding (1)
August 15th 1963
Patricia's POV:
Today was the day. Today I would become Mrs. Patricia Harrison. Lucy fixed my hair and said "you nervous?" I shrugged and said "a little." "Don't be. George loves you so much." Lucy applied some makeup to my face and George's mom sat in the room with us, keeping the boys out, including Brian. "You have the perfect dress. And the perfect ring." Lucy said as she stared at my dress. I looked at my baby blue dress and said "you think George will like it?"

"Yes. He's going to die when he sees you." Louise said. I chuckled and said "you think?" She nodded and said "I know my son." Lucy smiled and I looked at myself in the mirror. A loud knock made Louise jump and John said "where are the bloody flowers?! I hate this job!" Lucy walked to the door and said "Johnny boy, come with me and I'll get you some." She left the room and Louise walked over to me. "Patricia, I've only known you for a short while but I have something to ask of you. George's fame is rising along with the others. Don't let the fame get to his head, don't let him become conceited or someone who thinks they're better than anyone else. And take care of him for me." I nodded and said "of course, Louise."

George's POV:
Brian wouldn't let me leave the dressing room I was currently using. Paul sat in the corner, rubbing his eyes. "What's up with you?" I asked him. "I'm tired." He said. Ringo shook his head at him and John burst in with Lucy, holding a basket of flowers. Paul sniggered and John said "come off it." Ringo laughed and said "hahahahaha you have to be the flower girl." Lucy said "maybe you should wear some eyeliner." Paul and Ringo busted our laughing and I smirked at John. John rolled his eyes and said "shut up." I turned back to the mirror and combed out my hair, Ringo standing next to me.

He bit his lip, like he was waiting to ask me something. "What?" I said. "You scared?" He said. I shook my head and said "no. I'm ready to get married." I noticed how his demeanor had changed a little and I said "what's up with you?" He shook his head and I said "hey, is something bothering you?" He looked at John and Paul who were currently trying to throw flowers at Lucy. She giggled and grabbed a handful, throwing them at John. I looked at the way Ringo looked at her. He stared at her like she was the only person in the room. "Ringo?" He looked back at me and said "yeah?" "Whatcha thinking about?" He shrugged and said "marriage. It's big isn't it? Like it's a big decision?" I nodded and said "yeah. But if you love someone and they love you, it just brings you closer." Ringo looked at Lucy again and she smiled at him. Ringo did the same back and I smirked to myself. "You're thinking about marrying Lucy aren't you?" I asked him. Ringo's head snapped in my direction and he said "shh! I never said that." I smirked again and said "I won't tell." "You promise?" I nodded and crossed my heart. "I cross my heart." Ringo smiled really big and then gave me a hug, which I didn't expect. "Thanks, George. And I hope today is amazing for you. You deserve it." Ringo said. I patted his back as I hugged him and he pulled away, walking over to Lucy. He took one of the flowers and put it in her hair, kissing her cheek. Lucy laughed as he held her and Paul and John made kissing noises. Brian made everyone take their places. Paul had my ring that I was to give to Patricia. I'm assuming he had the ring she had gotten for me. We were all taking out places. I stood at the alter, seeing my best friends and parents in the audience. Paul stood a few feet from me, holding the rings. Lucy stood adjacent from me and across from Paul. She waited for her best friend to come down the aisle. "Lucy." I said. She looked at me and I said "thanks for being here. It means a lot." She looked shocked that I had said anything to her. "You're welcome. I'm here for the both of you." I smiled and Paul sighed as he was tired of standing. The priest was setting his things up and we had a small band that would play music for the wedding. Brian walked over and said something to them, which meant she'd be coming out soon. Brian sat down and the wedding march began to play. John had the most annoyed look on his face as he took the flowers out of the basket and let them hit the ground. Paul was biting his lip to keep from laughing and John made sure he put a ton of flowers on the ground, purposely. Then Patricia came out. She stood at the end of the aisle and my mouth almost dropped. I stared at her in awe. She smiled really big at me and walked past John and Ringo who were sitting down. She passed my parents, smiling at them really big. Her dress was the prettiest blue and Lucy watched as she stood in front of me. "Hi." She whispered. "Hi." I replied. She blushed and looked down, while smiling. The priest began telling us our vows and the two of us began to recite them. Paul held the rings out to us and bowed dramatically when he was finished. I got her ring and slid it onto her finger. She stared at it and said "George." I smiled and said "do you like it?" She nodded and then looked at me. "It's beautiful." She said with small tears in her eyes.

Patricia got my ring and slid it onto my finger. Ringo put his arm around Lucy as she leaned on his shoulder. Patricia and I finished our vows, there was only one last to do. I had to kiss her. I smirked as I leaned in to kiss her. John wolf whistled and Paul began cheering really loud. Patricia smiled into the kiss and I pulled away to see my mom crying and Ringo clapping. Patricia and I walked over to Ringo and Lucy. "What's next?" Lucy asked. Ringo put his arm around her as they stood next to us. "Cake." I said. Patricia hit my chest and said "you need to eat actual food." I shrugged and said "that's fine too." Paul walked over and said "what is there to eat?" "I've actually never seen him this eager to eat before." John said. Paul rolled his eyes and we went into a small dining area with a dance floor, ordering some food. I ended up almost getting the entire menu. We all sat at a huge table. Everyone was laughing, just having a good time. The food got here and I ate the majority of it, still hungry for cake. There was a hamburger left and I offered it to Paul who made a face and said "ew." I laughed and Ringo said "is there anything left?" I pointed to some sprouts and he made a face. Paul reached over and said "I'll take those." John gagged and said "gross."

They brought out the cake and Patricia and I stood up, each of us cutting into it. Lucy clapped and Ringo tried to swipe some of the icing off but Patricia stopped him. "But-" He began. Patricia shook her head and said "no, Ringo." We began to serve everyone cake, I got the biggest piece out of everyone. Patricia took some of the cake on her plate and smeared it on my left cheek and did the same to my right. John laughed while Paul kept nudging him. My mom smiled really big and I went to grab a napkin to wipe it off. Someone took a picture of Patricia and I while she was smiling at the cake on my face. After everyone had cake we all went to dance. The dance floor was small and John said "I really should've brought a date to this. Now I can't dance. And I can't dance at a wedding alone." "It doesn't matter where you dance, as long as you're dancing." I said to him.

John shrugged and Paul said "I'm not going to sit here and do nothing." Ringo and Lucy always danced like crazy, they didn't care. Paul stood next to them and John walked over, dancing with the three of them. Patricia was sitting next to me and she said "you ate a lot. Are you sure you can dance? I don't want you to get sick." I shook my head and said "I won't. Let's dance." I took her hand and she smiled really big as I led her to the dance floor. I smiled back at her and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck.

The song was fast but the two of us swayed like it was the slowest song on earth. She leaned her head on my chest and I kissed the top of her head, holding her as close as I could. I couldn't believe that Patricia was my wife. I actually had the guts to ask her to be my wife. I played with the ends of her hair. Patricia Harrison. That had a really nice ring to it. And I was in love with her, and everything about her. Everyone danced for what seemed like ever but it was probably 40 minutes or so. We were all getting ready to leave. Patricia followed me back to the table and I said "let's pack all this food up. I'll eat it later." She shook her head at me and said "you won't." "I will. I'll eat this all on my own." I said as I pointed to it all.

Patricia giggled and said "let me get my coat and then we can go." I nodded and she walked away. I stood next to Paul as he talked to John. I was zoning everything out as I couldn't process everything that had happened today.

Patricia's POV:
After I had gotten my coat, I walked back to where George was. Paul was talking to John and George put a cigarette in his mouth, grabbing his lighter. Paul went to light George's cigarette with his lighter but George had beaten him to it. Paul made a face and then turned back to John like nothing had happened.

I giggled at them and made my way over. George put his arm around me and said "you ready to go, love?" I nodded and Lucy hugged me before her and Ringo left. George and I said goodbye to his parents and then Brian, who left right after George's parents. And then we said bye to Paul and John, who were the last to leave. As we got into the car George said "I can't believe you're my wife." I blushed and said "I'm so happy." "Me too." He replied. "I love you, George." I said to him. He grabbed my hand, pressing his lips to it. "I love you too, Patricia."

The ending is lowkey wack but kw-2187 you're probably rekt rn

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