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Chapter twenty three
Drunken news
September 20th 1963
Lucy's POV:
Tonight me and Patricia were going to go to a dance club with all of the boys. I heard the doorbell ring. "Hello, LUUUUUCYYY!" I hear the loud call of Patricia come from the other side of the door. I rush to the door and open it and see my best friend with curlers still in her hair. "Why aren't you dressed?" I ask her looking at her. "You have better lighting and I don't want George to see me yet." She says giving me a look. She walks into my house and puts her stuff in the bathroom. I take a look in my closet and see a purple dress that clung to my every curve. "Ringo is going to die once he sees you." She says putting on her makeup. "How do you know?" I question. "Well everytime I see him looking at you he looks like he is gonna cry of how beautiful you are. Also George tells me everything." She says shrugging and looks in my mirror to apply her lipstick. She leaves then quickly returns and is wearing a light blue dress. "Aren't you going to do your hair?" I ask her she looks up and blushes and rushes to the bathroom. I take my things and put it in my purse and look in the mirror and fix my hair. I hear the bathroom door open and see Patricia walk out with her hair down and in curls. "George is going to be looking at you all night. We hear a knock at the door and Patricia goes to open it. "Hey Ringo." She says from the door then yells,"RINGO AND GEORGE IS HERE LET'S GO!" She yells up to me. I take a deep breath and follow Patricia out to the car where the boys are waiting for us. We drive to the dance club and get out. George and Ringo get out of the car and help us get out. "You look dashing Ringo." I say pressing a kiss to his jaw. He smirks and kisses my forehead. "Alright lads let's get dancing!" Paul yells and walks into the club. "Patricia I love this colour on you." I hear George tell his wife. Patricia chuckles and kisses his cheek and they walk into the club. We follow them and as soon as we get in there ringo pulls my hand towards the dance floor smiling so widely. Me and Patricia and George and Ringo are sitting at a table looking out for Paul and John and Paul dancing closely together.
We Dance the night away or until we got kicked out because it was closing time. The boys got drunk somehow. Luckily they took George's car. So Patricia had to drive us home cursing under her breath and how she thought she got into the wrong side and thought it was the passengers side. We somehow got all of the boys into the car because they were too drunk to do anything. "You and Ringo looked adorable tonight. He also couldn't keep his hands off of you." Patricia smiles at me. "So was George. He definitely would have had sex with you tonight if he didn't get this drunk." I smirk at her. "Well we don't need to be having sex anymore." She says with a small smile. "Patricia, do you have something to tell me? Anything important and possibly life changing?" I press trying to get this new information out of her. "I wasn't gonna tell you until we got the boys back to their places especially George because I think he is still is conscious. I'll tell you once we drop off Lennon and Paul at Paul's house." She says as she heads in the direction towards Paul's home. We drive in silence and turn into Pauls house. I look back at the boys and they are cuddling together. "I wish I had a camera right now." Patricia says opening the door so we can get Paul and John out of Georges car. We open pauls house and we quietly put them both in Pauls room and grab a glass of water for the both of them and some aspirin for their hangovers tomorrow. We slowly sneak out of Paul's house and get the car started. "So what are you going to tell me?" I ask Patricia looking at the woman driving at the moment. "Well, I don't know how to explain this, but I'm pregnant." She says putting on hand on her abdomen. "I'm not that far along." "Oh my goodness!" I whisper yell trying to not wake the other boys. "I knew something was up when you got dressed at my house earlier." I say putting my hand on my forehead. "Is that why you are wearing that kind of flowy dress?" I ask and she nods. "Plus I can actually move in this." She looks at me from the corner of her eye. "You are glowing." I say as the highway lights hit her. "Luuuccccyyyyyy." We hear Ringo moan in the back. "Yes love." I say turning around and looking at him. "The lights are too bright." He says burying his head into George's side. "What light baby?" I ask him knitting my brows together. Then he points to the moon. "Is the moon bothering you?" I ask but get loud snores from him. Patricia laughs and looks at them through the mirror. "Patricia where are you?" We hear George whine. "I'm driving love we are dropping Ringo and lucy off at their house we'll be home soon." Patricia says smiling at the love of her life and the father of their child through the rear view mirror. We pull into the front of My house and park the car. "Really!" Patricia whisper-yells. "What?" I say confused. "Look what I found." She says holding up a camera. "Let's get a picture of the boys before we part." I smirk at the idea I presented. She smirks and get's George's camera and snaps a few pictures of the two sleeping on top of each other. She helps me with getting Ringo off of George and helping him into my flat. "Thank you Patricia." I say side hugging her. "You are welcome love." She says patting Ringo's head and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Time to get my George home and in bed." She looks at the car. "I'll call you in the morning." She says over her shoulder. I wave goodbye as she pull away from the curb. I pull Ringo into the house. I get him to my room and take off his jacket and undid his tie. I took off his shoes and put him into my bed. I brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his cheeks and then his lips. He smiles with his eyes closed. I smirk and change out of my dress and put on Ringo's shirt. I get into bed to cuddle with him and close my eyes thinking about how George will take the news about Patricia being pregnant with his kid. And with that I fall asleep next to the man I love with my whole heart.


I wake up to Ringo groaning and covering his face with the pillow. "LUCYYY." He groans searching for the blanket. "Yes love, I'm right here." I say rushing to get the aspirin and water for his hungoverness. "I had the craziest dream last night." He whispers as he places his head in my lap. "What was it?" I ask petting his head. "I had a dream that Patricia was pregnant and the moon was being sassy and rude." he whispers lowly, I chuckle lightly. "Well if the moon was telling you that Patricia is pregnant, is correct. Also you and George were cuddling in the back of the car last night." I say kissing his forehead and then getting up. "Where you going?" He whines at me trying to reach his hand towards me. "Getting breakfast. Also, Patricia was supposed to call me but she's probably dealing with morning sickness, and also George is throwing up because of the drinking from last night." I say walking out with a groaning man child in my bed. I hear the phone ring and instantly pick it up because I hear Ringo in the other room groan and moan. "Hello hello this is Lucy." I say. "Well hello Lucy this is your best friend forever calling." Patricia says giving a little laugh. "Have you told George yet?" I ask looking around the corner to see if Ringo hadn't fallen off the bed yet. "No not yet. But I had an Idea of what to do." She whispers into the phone. "Well I need you bring Ringo and take pictures of me and George. I am going to tell him that I'm pregnant. Also this going to be soon like at 10 O'clock. So don't be late." "Yeah I got you I just need to get Ringo up and into the shower, same with George. See you at ten." I say hanging up and heading off to get Ringo up. "Alrighty Richie get on up and get into the shower, we get places to be and people to take pictures of." I say clapping my hands and going into the bathroom and getting the shower ready. "But why do I have to go with you?" Ringo counters my command. "Because Patricia wants you to come with me George is going to be there so don't worry." I say pulling him up off of the bed. "Ok." He sighs. "Good see you in a few." I say walking into the kitchen and start making some breakfast.


We are on our way in Ringo's car. "So what is going happen?" He asks. "Well, Patricia is going to be telling George that she is pregnant with his kid and I'll be taking a picture of their reaction, mostly George's because he doesn't know." I repeat the same thing I told him at the house. "Ok. Wait Patricia is pregnant!" He yells. "YES RINGO YOU HAD A DREAM THAT THE MOON WAS BEING SASSY AND TOLD YOU THAT SHE'S PREGNANT!" I say as Ringo laughs his lovely laugh. We pull into Patricia's driveway and we get out. We knock on the door, and when the door opens, we see George looking confused on why Ringo and I were here. We hear Patricia yell out and tell George to let us in. We go into the back of their house and Patricia hands me the camera and she is looking at the camera and George is looking at her lovingly. I take a before photo of them. "Hey George, I have to tell you something." She says lightly. "What is it Love?" He questions he looking at her worriedly. "Well, I'm pregnant. With your child." She smiles at him. "Really! Oh my goodness this is a blessing!!" He says as I snap the pictures of the happy couple. I hear sniffing behind me, "wow RIngo are you crying?" I question as he nods at me. I keep taking pictures as George lifts her up and spins his beloved around and kisses her tenderly. He puts her down and then kisses her tummy where there is barely even a bump there. Then softly whispers something to her small bump. I hear more sniffles from Ringo, I turn around and see him wiping his face. "Why are you so emotional?" I ask looking at him. "I don't know." He says hugging me. "I'm going to be uncle Ringo." I smile and kiss his forehead.. "Awe Ringo are ya cryin'?" I hear George asks looking at his older brother. "Yeah, so what about it?" He asks crossing his arms. We all smile at him and we go into the living room. "So George are you excited?" I ask raising a single brow. "Of course why wouldn't I be?" He says kissing Patricia's cheek. "Well, I gotta get my emotionally unstable boyfriend back home." I say pulling on Ringo's hand to get him up. "Alrighty, take care of her, if you don't I'll make sure this is the only kid you'll have." I say looking at my best friend's husband. I go up to Patricia and give her a hug. "Don't tell Ringo because he looks like he is aboutta cry again, I want you to be the Godmother of my child." She whispers to me. "I would love to." I say kissing her cheek. "Ok Ringo, let's get you home. You need to sleep this off." I say pulling him towards the car. I wave at the two of them and get into the car as Ringo gets into the back and lays down. I get into the car and drive on towards our home.

This chapter was written by my best friend kw-2187 and I think it's adorable tbh😫

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