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Chapter twenty four
With the Beatles
November 22 1963
Lucy's POV:
The boys had released their second album today. I went to visit Patricia at the record store she worked at. Girls were everywhere buying this record. Patricia was swamped with customers and the store was crowded. I needed to buy my own so I tried to squeeze through the crowd of girls. "Excuse me." I said as I made my way to the record display, grabbing the first one I saw. Luckily there was another display in the back of the store because I had grabbed one of the last few. I pushed through them and got to the counter. I paid Patricia and then climbed over the counter. "Lots of girls today huh?" I asked. She huffed and said "there's so many of them. I even heard some of them scream about George." I giggled and said "well, they don't know you're married to him. You can't blame them." She rolled her eyes and checked out a girl who grabbed one and left. Most of them were standing around in the store screaming as soon as they saw the album cover. "Oh my god!" A girl said as she walked in. Another girl was clutching the record to her chest and Patricia said "my boss isn't here so I'm in charge. And none of them will leave." I stood up on the counter and said "hey!" All the girls looked up at me and I said "I understand that you're all excited about the album. They're so cute aren't they?" They all screamed and Patricia rolled her eyes again. "Why don't all of you buy your records and scream at home? Cause we're trying to work and you're all just standing around. And it'd make it easier if you'd all just go on home. Plus, you might see one of them on the streets." A girl looked outside and said "where?" I saw someone that had the same haircut as John and said "there!" A few of them dropped their albums and ran out of the store while the rest of them paid for their album and ran after them. Now the store was quiet. Patricia sighed and said "thanks." I looked at her stomach which had a small bump and said "awe it's little Harrison." Patricia smiled really big and I said "do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" She shook her head and said "I think George and I will be going soon to see." Someone came into the record shop but neither of us looked at them since we were talking. I saw them walk towards the counter behind Patricia and I saw it was George. He put a finger up to lips, telling me not to say anything. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she jumped. He kissed her cheek and she said "Hazza, you scared me." "I came to see you. Plus there's a bunch of girls out there." "You might wanna hide. Some of them might come back in here to get their record. As you can see some of them ran out and dropped their stuff." I said. The door opened and George dove to the floor and it was Ringo. "What happened to George?" Ringo asked, clueless as to why George dove onto the ground. George peeked over the counter and said "the girls! They're everywhere." Ringo noticed all the albums on the ground and picked them up, putting them back on the display. He set them all on the back display and the door opened, two girls walking in. George had already hid behind the counter but Ringo went and hid behind the other rack of records. I walked over to where he was and acted like I was rearranging records, motioning for him to go to the counter. He crawled there as quick as he could, making it before the girls saw him. I sat on a chair that was behind the counter as Patricia rang them up and they walked out. "That's why I'm hiding." George said. Ringo exhaled and leaned his head on my lap. I played with his hair and a whole group of girls came in. George was sitting under the counter completely as Patricia checked them out. "What time do you close?" George whispered. Patricia waited for the girls to leave before saying "8:00." George groaned and said "dang it." Ringo lifted his head up and said "I came here to get Lucy so we could go out for lunch." "You and I could go. Unless George wants to go too." I said. Patricia shrugged and said "it's up to you, George. I have to work. You can stay if you want." George looked like he was thinking about it, trying to decide. He looked at Patricia's belly and said "I'll stay. You get off for lunch soon don't you?" She nodded and he said "what do you want? I'll go grab it and bring something back for you." Patricia smiled down at him and said "I don't care. Get whatever you want and just get me some." George nodded and stood up, giving his wife a kiss before leaving. George left undetected. "Patricia is the coast clear?" I said. She nodded and I looked at Ringo and said "please tell me you drove." He nodded and I looked outside to see his car. "I had to come all the way from the studio. We were celebrating with Brian for a little bit." Ringo stood up and grabbed my hand, quickly running to the car. The two of us got inside and we began driving down the road, looking for somewhere to eat. Ringo and I found a burger and fries place, deciding to go there. We walked in to get a table and sat down. The girl taking our order obviously recognized Ringo. She smiled at him sweetly as she took our order. He didn't seem to notice the way she was acting. She turned to me and gave me a dirty look before walking away. I bit my lip and Ringo was looking through the deserts. "Here's your milkshakes." She said as she set them down. "Thank you." Ringo replied. The girl gave me another dirty look and I said "I'm going to go to the bathroom." Ringo nodded and said "oh, ok." I walked to the restroom and fixed my hair. I understood why she was giving me dirty looks. She was jealous. It still hurt though. I didn't even say two words to her and she's giving me rude looks and Ringo didn't notice. I don't blame him. She's acting all sweet to him. I scoffed and walked back to the table. It was a few minutes before our food was brought to us. I sighed as I looked out the window, the girls looks still bothering me a little. "Hey, what's wrong?" Ringo asked as he grabbed my hand. I shook my head and said "I'm fine." He kissed my hand and I smiled really big. Our food was set down on the table and the girl said "you're Ringo Starr aren't you?" He nodded and said "yeah." "I really like you're music." "Thanks." Ringo said. She winked at him and he furrowed his eyebrows. I removed my hand from his and tried not to sink in my seat. "I can't believe you're here in this restaurant right now. This is so cool." She continued to go on and Ringo noticed that I was staring at the table. "That's nice but could you let us eat our meal?" Ringo asked her. She looked at me and then back at him. "You could do better." As soon as those words left her mouth I said "excuse me?" Ringo grabbed my hand and stood up. "You know what, I think we won't be eating here." I stood up and the manager noticed that Ringo was now upset. I was starving and didn't really want to be here but we had just ordered that food. "What seems to be the problem here?" The manager asked. Ringo explained what had happened and the manager scolded the girl. I hadn't even looked at her name tag because she had made me so upset. "Sharon, can I speak with you in the back?" She gulped and looked back at me, giving me a dirty look. "Leave me alone." I said to her. She turned around and headed to the back of the restaurant. "Mr. Starr please enjoy your meal. It's on the house." The manager said as he walked away. Ringo let me sit on his side of the booth, putting his arm around me. "I should've stuck up for myself." I mumbled. Ringo kissed my cheek and said "you know she was doing too much? I don't like when girls do all that." I giggled a little and he hugged me. I held him tightly and he pulled away, grabbing my plate and setting it in front of me. "How about, when we're done here, you come to mine and we'll just cuddle?" I giggled since he whispered it in my ear. "We can do that." I said to him. I blushed and felt a lot better at the situation that had just happened. Since his fame is growing, I should get used to it. Not everyone is going to be supportive of the boys' wives and girlfriends. I hope that when George and Patricia announce them being married everyone supports them. I shouldn't have to deal with girls like this but I'll have to. As long as I have Ringo being the way he is, it should all be fine.

Here's the update!! Hope you guys like it!!

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