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Chapter twenty five
Gender Reveal
November 30th 1963
Patricia's POV:
I was laying down in the backyard looking up at the stars and counting all of the constellations and telling my baby about them. I smile when I think of the little life that is growing within me. I hear the door open and then a camera shutter. I turn around and see George with his camera smiling at me. "Hey love. What are you doing out here?" He asks taking my hand and pulling me softly back inside of our house. "I was just telling our child about the stars and constellations." I say smiling and putting my hand on my bump. "Well, it is starting to get cold out." he says looking at me kissing my nose and then my cheeks. "Come, we are meeting Ringo and Lucy at a restaurant to finish planning your baby shower for tomorrow." I nod and put on my coat and walk out of our house with George behind me. We get into the car and drive to the restaurant where Ringo and Lucy are waiting for. Once we get there George parks the car and gets out to help me. I put the envelope in my purse and take George's hand and get up. I kiss his cheek and we walk into the place and look for Ringo and Lucy. We see them in a booth on the other side of the restaurant. We walk over and both slide into a booth. "Hey Hazza hey Patricia!" Ringo says looking at the both of us. "Hey Ringo! Where's Lucy?" I say knitting my eyebrows together. "She's right here." Lucy says walking up to the booth and sliding in next to Ringo. "Ok, we got the results and haven't opened it yet." I say sliding the picture of our unborn child to Lucy to look at it later. "Ok, so we have literally everything done. I just need to find a way to do this gender reveal, and that is really it." Lucy says. The waiter came around and took our orders. We just ordered finger food and ate and talked about what is going to be happening tomorrow. We all talk then go home on the account of me needing to sleep because I have a busy day tomorrow. When George and I got home, he helps me get ready for bed. "Love." he says bringing me to his chest and kissing the top of my head. "Thank you love. I cannot wait for our little one to be here." He whispers into my hair as he rocks me back and forth. "Let's get you in bed and off your feet." George walks to our bed and helps me get in it. He takes off his pants and his dress shirt and jacket to reveal a white t-shirt under. He climbs in and kisses my cheek then kisses my bump. I smile and kiss his lips and smile. He turns off the light and lays down. I turn on my side to see him with a faint smile. "What are we going to name this child?" I ask bring my hand from my bump to his face. "How about, Theta Epsilon Harrison for a Girl. Then if we have a boy his name would be named James Harold Harrison with my father's first name ." He says kissing my forehead. "I love them. Both of them. And you." I say smiling. I closed my eyes.The next day, I wake up with George's hand on my bump. "Good morning love." I whisper to George as I make my way around to face him. When I turned around George was already awake. "Here comes the sun." He softly sings to me. I smile at him and kiss his cheek. "Today's the day." I whisper and kiss the tip of his nose. "Let's get stuff set up. Help me up love." I say trying to sit up. George helps me up and we walk to the kitchen too start breakfast. I get a bowl and all the ingredients for pancakes. "What are you making love?" George walks up to me and puts his arms around me and on top of my bump. "Pancakes." I say kissing his cheek. "It's 9:00 and Lucy is going to be here soon so. Can you please take a shower soon preferably after breakfast. Your parents are supposed to be here soon so I'd like you to be clean." I say pushing his chest towards the bathroom. "What if you came with me?" He whispers onto my neck. "No George. I'll literally burn the food. Plus I'm already pregnant." I say kissing the tip of his nose and pushing him towards the bathroom. As soon as he closes the door I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the door and open it, on the other side is his parents. "Hello!" I say welcoming them into the house. "How are you and our son doing, love?" His mother asks. "We are doing fine. You guys just came in time, I just made pancakes for the both of us. George is in the shower." I say pouring the batter into a pan. "No thank you. I'll just have a tea dear." Mrs. Harrison ask. "Where is George?" Mr. Harrison asks me. "Oh he's in the shower, he should be out soon." I say as he comes fully dressed back into the kitchen. "George! How are you doing love." His mother stands up to kiss him. "I'm doing fine mother. I was just about to get some food." He says as he sits down and a plate of hot pancakes are set in front of him. I kiss his head and I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the door and open it and see Lucy and ringo with a lot of stuff in their hands. "Is that it? Where's the other boys?" I ask letting Lucy and Ringo in to our house. "They should be on their way." Ringo says putting the cake down. "Hey, Mrs and Mr. Harrison." Ringo says to his younger brother's mom. "WAIT DON'T CLOSE THE DOOR." I hear Paul and John yell at me. Running into the house out of breath. I close the door and lock it. I go to our room and get in the bath and wash myself. "Lucy!" I yell out to the house. "Yes!" She comes and helps me out of the bath and wraps me up with a towel. "I can't believe you are pregnant." She says rubbing my arm. "Come let's get you dressed." George walks into me getting my hair done by Lucy. "George, I was about to be done." Lucy stuttered looking like she had done something bad. "I was just wondering where my wife and child were. You look beautiful my love." George says walking over and kissing my cheek. I smile and tell him that I'd be out soon. Once Lucy was finished we walked out to see the boys and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison talking to the rest of the people who were there. George and I both knew the gender to the baby. We sat everyone down and George said "we're all going to tell you the gender of our baby." John sat up a little and Paul said "you guys found out?" I nodded while smiling. Lucy smiled really big at me. "It's a girl." George and I said in unison. Louise gasped and Lucy said "oh my gosh!" Everyone was congratulating George and I, we were so happy to be having a girl. "Have you thought of a name?" Harold asked George. "Theta." He said. I smiled up at George who began telling his father about how we picked the name. Everything went perfect today. Absolutely perfect.

Here's the update!

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