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Chapter twenty six
Christmas time
December 5th 1963
Lucy's POV:
I looked out the window and saw snow falling down. I sighed and went into my bedroom, pulling a sweater on with my jeans. Someone knocked on the door and I walked over to open it. Ringo stepped in and said "it's freezing out there." "I know. I didn't think it'd snow today." He shrugged and said "I came over to ask you something." I furrowed my eyebrows and he said "do you maybe wanna spend Christmas at mine this year?" I bit my lip and said "you really want me to?" Ringo rolled his eyes and said "I want you to move in with me. But it's kinda close to Christmas and I couldn't ask you to do that." "Well you're in luck. I started packing my things from when you asked me weeks ago. Work has been hectic but I've been packing." Ringo smiled really big and said "really? How much do you have packed?" "Most of my stuff. What about my furniture?" I asked him. "There's room for it in my place. I have a spare bedroom." "You do? What's in it?" "Nothing. Just junk. And you can keep your furniture in there until we get a bigger place. How does that sound?" "It sounds good. And maybe we could get the boys to help us with the furniture?" "I'll call them now. And I'll make sure they don't get out of it. You have lots of chairs and stuff. Plus the couch." Ringo said. "You're amazing, Richie." I said to him. Ringo shrugged and pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled away and showed him the boxes I had so far. "I can take my bed too can't I? We could use it in a guest room. Once we get a bigger place." Ringo nodded and said "I won't set up the bed now. The mattress and box spring will be in the room just leaning against the wall. I'll call Paul and have him bring over his dad's truck. So we can load your furniture on it." "Thanks. And could we take some of my stuff over there now?" Ringo smirked and said "eager are we?" I rolled my eyes and he laughed. I went into my bedroom and Ringo said "Lucy?" "Yeah?" I called back. "You don't mind sleeping in the same bed with me right?" I came to the doorway and said "that's a silly question. What of question is that?" Ringo shuffled his feet and said "I'm serious, Luce." I walked over to him and cupped his cheek, pressing a kiss to his other cheek. "It's not like we haven't slept together before. And plus you're bed is bigger than mine. So, no, I don't mind." He smiled and said "I'm gonna call Paul and George." I nodded and began taking boxes to Ringo's car. Paul, George and John were here in minutes. Along with Patricia. "What're you doing here?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and said "I'm here to help." "Not with that baby you're not." George said as he walked by. "George, I'm not lifting anything. I'll help Lucy with dishes and things like that. Small things." George nodded and Paul walked in. John followed behind and Ringo said "let's get the couch first." John groaned and Paul walked over to it. "Let's do it on three." "Three." John said as he lifted it. Ringo stumbled and said "you said on three!" "I said three!" John said. George rolled his eyes and they almost went into the back of his head. "Just carry it out." George said to them. Patricia helped me pack the plates away in newspaper so they wouldn't get damaged. John and Paul went to my room to do my bed while George and Ringo carried a chair out. As Patricia and I were in the kitchen we didn't see much of the boys since they were working. We finished the kitchen and George walked in, wiping some sweat off his face. "George, honey, how are you sweating it's freezing outside." He shrugged and said "I came to check on you, and you." He kissed her cheek and then kissed her stomach. George got on his knees and said "I can't wait to see you. Mummy still has some time though, don't come out too early." He patted her stomach softly as he was knelt down in front of her. He stood up and John walked in. "What're you doing?" "Talking to my baby." George replied. John furrowed his eyebrows and said "she's not even born yet." "So?" John didn't say anything. He stared at Patricia's stomach and Paul bumped into John since he was just standing in the walkway. "Move, Lennon." Paul said as he walked by with a box. "Piss off, Macca." "If I could flip you off I would! But I can't because I'm holding a box!" Paul yelled as he walked out. Ringo squeezed past John and said "you're in the way." John didn't answer Ringo. He looked at me and said "is there anything I could help you with?" I thought about it and I watched his eyes glance to Patricia's bump. George noticed and said "what's up with you?" "Nothing. I've never really been around someone who's pregnant. I can't believe there's a baby growing in there. And it's yours." John said. He looked down and I said "did you finish the bed?" "Yeah. We carried it out already." "You could carry my record player out. Since it's a turntable I can't lift it." I said to John. He nodded and hummed in response. Paul walked in and John said "get over here and help me with this." Paul huffed and said "I'm rather thirsty." "Don't care. It's not hot outside so there's no need for you to be thirsty." Paul groaned and George leaned on the counter. "You need anything?" Patricia shook her head and said "I'm fine, George." He nodded and Ringo came in. "Is that the last of the heavy lifting? It's so cold outside." He said. "That's it. The rest of it I can handle. Why don't you boys take the stuff over to Ringo's? Patricia and I can handle the rest. It's just clothes." "We'll wait. Plus you have food right?" George asked as he began going through the fridge. Paul and John carried the record player out and Patricia and I went in my room to finish packing the clothes. Once we were finished we came out to see the boys munching on sandwiches. We all got into the cars and headed over to Ringo's. I had already told the landlord that I would be moving out so everything was set. The boys put everything into Ringo's second bedroom. Everyone hung around Ringo's after they were finished. George wrapped his arms around Patricia as she began to make food for all of us. "Can I have a taste?" George asked as he took a piece of chicken. Patricia rolled her eyes and said "you already took it now." "I know." "I'm starving." John said. "Lenny, she's making it." Paul replied. "It's done. Everyone come get a plate." All of us ate and told jokes amongst each other. We all sat in Ringo's living room and we were all happy. "What's the plan for Christmas?" John said. "I was going to spend Christmas with Lucy." Ringo said as he put his arm around me. George nodded and said "well I'm obviously spending Christmas with Patricia. Why don't you and Paul do something." Paul looked at John and said "wanna spend Christmas at my place?" John nodded and said "yeah." "Cool." Paul replied. For the remainder of the night I watched George kiss and touch Patricia's stomach. It was so unbelievably cute. "I don't feel like leaving." John said. "You are cause I ain't got no room for any of you." Ringo said. George stood up and said "bye guys. Come along, darling." He put his arm around Patricia's waist and I told them goodbye as they walked out. John huffed and said "you're really kicking us out, Starkey?" Ringo nodded and said "yes. Out." Paul made a face and said "let's go, John." "Bye Lucy, always a pleasure to see you." John said. Paul hugged me and he winked at me. "Get out." Ringo said. Paul ruffled Ringo's hair and said "he's so cute when he's jealous." John cackled and the two of them walked out. I kissed Ringo's cheek and said "don't pout. It's not cute." Ringo nodded and kissed my lips. "They always pick on me." "Forget them. They're stupid." Ringo smiled and I said "want to go lay down?" He nodded and said "I'm exhausted. It's been such a long day." He rubbed his eyes and I giggled at him. I was with the cutest boy on Earth and I was so happy.

Here's the update! Sorry it's been a while. Won't do that again.

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