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Chapter thirty three
Theta is born
March 17th 1964
Patricia's POV:
George and I's day started like it always did. I made him breakfast and he went on his way. Him and the boys were filming a movie called A Hard Day's Night. They were also recording their new album. George was always so busy now. I decided I'd tidy up the house today since I didn't feel like going into work. I threw all of George's dirty clothes into the hamper and began to start on the kitchen. Then I felt water splash onto the floor. I watched it pool around my feet and the realization hit me. My water just broke. I quickly rushed to the phone and called Lucy. "Hello?" She said. "Lucy. I need you to get over here now." "What is it?" "Theta! She's coming!" "I'm on my way!" Lucy said as she hung up the phone. Lucy was here in minutes. The two of us got in her car and we went to the hospital. "Where's George?" Lucy saw a phone and said "I'll call them." She rushed off and they put me in a hospital room. All I wanted was George. I needed him. Lucy came into the room and said "they're on the way." I nodded and felt excruciating pain. It had been about ten minutes and the door burst open. George rushed over to my side and said "hi, my love." I half smiled up at him and said "she's finally coming." Paul, John and Ringo walked into the room. Doctors came in and began to tell me to push. "Paul, come here. I can see the head." John said. George looked up at him and scoffed. Paul walked over to where John stood and looked in between my legs. Ringo shook his head and said "wow." Paul fainted and John began cracking up. Ringo's eyes slightly widened and George rolled his eyes. "Someone get him." The doctor said. John pulled Paul away from me and I pushed a few more times and crying was heard. The doctors did everything they needed to do before handing me my daughter. I held her and said "hi, baby." Theta cried and George said "hey." She opened her eyes and he smiled at her. "It's your dad. Hiya." She stared up at him and I handed her to George. He held her in his arms and said "you're so beautiful. I can't believe you're finally here. It seemed like ages ago when I got your mother pregnant." I rolled my eyes at him and Ringo walked over with Lucy. George showed Theta to them and Ringo said "she looks just like you, Patricia." "She loves her daddy." Lucy said as she watched Theta reach for George. George gave her his finger, Theta wrapping her tiny hand around it. John walked over and stared at her. "I've never seen a baby girl." He said. George smiled as he held his daughter, kissing the top of her head. Brian walked into the room and said "everything went alright I hope?" George turned around and said "look how marvelous she is." Brian looked at Theta and said "what's her name?" "Theta." I said. "She's beautiful." Brian said to George. Paul finally came to and said "what happened?" "You saw the baby crowning and you fainted." John replied. Paul rubbed his eyes and heard Theta cooing. He pushed past John and Ringo, looking down at Theta. "Hiya, it's your uncle Paul. Your favorite uncle." Ringo rolled his eyes and George shook his head at Paul. Theta tilted her head at Paul who was giggling at the baby. "We should probably let mommy hold you." George said as he handed Theta to me. The small baby began to fall asleep in my arms. Seeming as it was in the middle of the afternoon, the boys technically had to get back to filming. Brian told the boys they'd have a week or two off since Theta was born. Lucy and the boys went to get something to eat while George stayed with me. "You sure you aren't hungry?" I asked him. George shrugged and said "I'll eat later. Right now I just want to be with you two." I smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to my lips.

The ending is shit but here's the second update!

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