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Chapter thirty four
Wedding (2)
May 24th 1964
Lucy's POV:
I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Patricia stood next to me and said "you look great. Ringo's going to die when he sees you." I half smiled and said "you think so?" "I know so. The boy asked you to marry him didn't he?" I nodded and bit my lip. "He's probably just as nervous as you are. You guys are literally the cutest." I blushed and began putting on my dress, which had a really long train. A knock was heard at the door and Paul said "can I come in?" I shook my head frantically at Patricia and Paul said "Lucy, I have a message for you." I huffed a little and told Patricia to open the door. Paul stepped in and looked at me. "Wow." He mumbled. "What is it, Paul?" I asked. Paul smiled really big and said "Ringo said he loves you and that he's really nervous." "I never said that!" Ringo yelled from the other room. "Yes he did! But he told Paul not to tell you!" John replied. I shook my head and said "tell Ringo that I love him as well, and that I'm super nervous." Paul patted my shoulder and walked back to the other room. Patricia shook her head at Paul and Pattie said "he can be so silly sometimes." "Honestly." I said. My parents had flown in from America and my mom helped me with my makeup and everything. I was unbelievably nervous and I didn't know why. I was marrying the boy I was madly in love with. A boy who was currently on top of the world with the biggest band in the world. Lucy Starkey. I was about to become Mrs. Lucy Starkey.

Ringo's POV:
I pushed my hair out of my face and George said "calm down, Ringo. Everything is going to be fine." I wiped my sweaty palms on my suit and said "you think so?" John nodded and said "you're stressing for no reason. Lucy had four of us to pick from and she picked you. Not me, not Paul, and not George. You." I smiled and George said "he's right. Paul and John flirted with her endlessly and look how that ended." Paul rolled his eyes and said "I was close to getting her. But you and her look nice together." "Admit it, Paul. Her and Ringo are the adorable couple of The Beatles." John replied. George chuckled and Paul nodded in agreement. I quickly grabbed a cigarette and lit it up, inhaling. "I need one too now that I think about it." George said as he took one from me.

Lucy's dad came into the room and I jumped. "Nervous?" He asked. "Very." I replied. "Don't be. I've never seen Lucy as happy as she is with you. The two of you were meant for each other. As much as I hate to admit it." He said. I half smiled and he said "you all have to get to your places. I'm going to be walking her down the aisle soon." He went to turn around and I said "Steve?" He looked at me and I bit my lip and said "thank you." "For?" "Letting me marry your daughter. She's the best thing that ever happened to me. And I just wanted to thank you." Steve smiled at me and said "Richard, if I didn't like you, we wouldn't even be here right now." I chuckled a little and he walked away. George stood next to me and said "feel better?" I nodded and John clapped. The four of us walked out of the room and got in our places. George stood next to me and I took a deep breath. "Just keep this in your mind. You're marrying the girl you love." I smiled up at George and patiently waited for Lucy to come out. And when she did, I was breathless. Her father walked her down the aisle and I felt my heart start to beat really fast, so fast I swear everyone in the room could hear it. Lucy smiled really big when she reached the altar and my breath quivered. She leaned over and whispered "relax, Richie." I nodded and she grabbed my hand. We turned to the priest who was reading the vows and whatnot. As Lucy said her vows, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. When I first met her a few years back, I never thought I'd be marrying her. Now it was my turn to say my vows. Shit. Surprisingly I said them all without a stutter. "You may kiss the bride." Lucy smiled at me and I cupped her cheek, pressing my lips to hers. George and John cheered really loud and I pulled away. Paul butted in between us and said "you're married now!" He went to kiss Lucy's cheek and I said "no." Paul frowned playfully and the wedding reception went on. We all went into a different room to eat. Lucy began to cut into the cake and Paul said "you're lucky to have such a pretty bird." I nodded in agreement and said "she's amazing."

George smiled at me and Patricia said "you better not hurt her, Ringo." "I won't. I couldn't." I replied. Lucy handed me a piece of cake and her mom quickly took a picture. Patricia and Pattie got on either side of her and they took a picture as well. John and Cynthia sat at a table a little ways away from us. Paul was currently flirting with Pattie who shook her head at him. Lucy and I sat down and I grabbed her hand. She looked at me and said "what is it?" I shook my head and kissed her hand. Lucy dipped her finger in some icing and smeared it on my nose. Pattie giggled as she did that and Paul swiftly put his arm around her. I wiped the icing off my nose and took Lucy to dance after we had cake. "You were so nervous." Lucy said. The two of us swayed back and forth slowly and I said "I didn't want to mess it up. Plus, when you're looking magnificent, I could barely get any courage up." Lucy blushed and hugged me tightly, causing me to stop dancing. "I love you, Richard." My heart swelled at her and I said "I love you too, Lucy." She looked up at me and I kissed her lips. I pulled away and Lucy said "our honeymoon won't be short will it?" I shrugged and said "I hope not. I know we have some other things to do but it should go as planned. Where do you want to go?" Lucy thought about it and said "somewhere tropical please." I spun her around and said "of course."


It was the end of the night and Lucy and I were planning to leave for our honeymoon. Patricia hugged me and said "have a good time on your honeymoon. We'll all be waiting for you to come back." I smiled at her and she said "take care of my best friend." "I will." George hugged Lucy as did John and Paul, who gave her a really long hug. I rolled my eyes at him and Lucy and I got into the limo that would be taking us to the airport. Brian arranged everything for us during the wedding. Everything was perfect.

Here's the update! I know this chapter was kinda put out quickly but I'm trying to pass time in the book. I wanna get to 65 and 66. Lmao those were really good years for the boys

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