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Chapter four
"Come over."
December 1962
Ringo's POV:
Snow fell from the sky outside and the four of us were currently sitting in John's flat. George stuffed his face with cinnamon rolls and John inhaled on his cigarette. Paul sang along to whatever song was playing from the record player and I sipped on my tea. "It's almost Christmas. And we still haven't got anywhere to making an album." John said. "Well, Please Please Me is almost finished. We should have it done by next month, since Christmas is in a few days." Paul replied. George wiped his face and said "let's get it done. After New Years." I nodded and said "sounds good." The phone rang and John grabbed it. "Hello?" Then a wild smirk appeared on his face. "Hi, Lucy. How are ya?" Paul looked over and George said "ask if Patricia is with her." John said "yeah we're not doing anything. You're alone? Where's Patricia?" I could hear Lucy's muffled voice on the phone and John's smirk got even bigger. "Yeah. Come over." John hung up and said "they're both coming over." George nodded and said "cool." "We should make cocoa." I said. Paul nodded really quick and said "John, go do it." John was in the middle of strumming his guitar and he abruptly stopped and said "no, you shite." "I'll do it." George said as he walked into the kitchen. Paul looked at John who was eyeing him. "There was no way in hell I was getting up when I'm sitting here so comfortably." John muttered. Paul crossed his arms and said "you're a shite." John scoffed and said "fine." Paul nodded and said "good." "Stop bickering." I said. The two of them looked at me and George came back to sit down as he waited on the cocoa to get done. I watched John strum random notes on the guitar and there was a knock on the door. "It's her." John said. Paul and George looked at each other before getting on either side of me. "What?" I asked. They both picked me up and carried me to the door, as much as I protested they continued. "Don't make me answer it!" I whisper yelled.

"What does it matter? It's just Lucy." George said. I sighed as I went to grab the door knob. "Yep. It's just Lucy." I said with a sarcastic hushed tone. I hadn't seen Lucy since October since we were busy. I opened the door and Patricia said "hey, Ringo." Then she walked in and began talking to the guys. "Hi, Ringo." Lucy said. "Hiya, Lucy how are ya?" She smiled and said "I'm good." She stepped in the flat and I closed the door behind her. Lucy began taking off her coat and I took it and hung it up in the closet. "Hey, Pinocchio. Come sit down won't ya?" John said. I rolled my eyes and said "why do you have to pick on my nose?" "Don't pick on him, John." Lucy said. I half smiled a little as Lucy patted my back and John rolled his eyes. We all sat down on the floor while John was stretched out on the couch and Paul sitting in the chair. George offered a cinnamon roll to Patricia who gladly took it. "You want some cocoa, Lucy?" I asked her. She nodded and the two of us went to the kitchen to get some. Christmas music blared from the record player and Paul cheered. Lucy poured herself some cocoa with a lot of marshmallows. I scoffed at my friends and Lucy said "what's the matter, Ringo? Don't like Christmas music?" I shrugged and said "it's ok." Lucy grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to her, making me laugh. "Dance with me." She said dramatically as she circled me. I brought her to my front, Lucy giggling as I did so. I took her hand and spun her a few times. "Hey!" John cheered as Lucy and I danced in the kitchen of John's flat. Paul clapped to the beat while George stuffed his face and bopped his head to the music. Their attention drew away from us as a slow song came on and they were involved in their own conversation. "I kinda missed ya." I said. Lucy smiled against my chest and said "kinda?" "I missed you a lot." I replied. "Well, I missed you too. I also still have your shirt by the way." "Oh yeah. I'll be needing that back." Lucy frowned and said "that's a shame. I really like that shirt. It's comfortable." I laughed and said "I'm sure." I put my hands on the small of her back, Lucy lifting her head to look up at me. "I never got to thank you for a few months ago. Giving me your shirt and all. It was so sweet of you." "Of course. You needed help, well more me than you considering I was drunk." "You're a very cute drunk. But when you were hungover, you were still sweet. You didn't turn into a-" "Shite." I said, interrupting her. Lucy nodded and said "yeah. A shite." "You doing anything special for Christmas?" I asked. "No. I'll probably visit my parents, other than that, no." "Well that should be nice. The guys and I are planning on doing something for New Years. You up for it?" Lucy quirked an eyebrow and said "hanging out with you boys? On New Years? Count me in." I smiled really big and said "cool." I tightened my arms around her and she leaned her head on my chest as we swayed back and forth in the kitchen. "Guys. Come in here." George ordered. Lucy pulled away from me, grabbing her cocoa and going into the living room. I followed and John had sat up so her and I could sit on the couch. John looked at the window and said "it's snowing." Everyone's attention went to the window and I stared at Lucy as her eyes lit up at the snow. I wanted to put my arm around her and tell her how beautiful she was, but she probably didn't feel the same. And I wouldn't want to ruin the friendship we have. "Shite, I gotta get going." George said. He picked up the remaining cinnamon rolls, wrapping them up. John yawned and said "Paul you can stay if ya want." Paul nodded and said "thanks, Johnny." George looked over at Patricia and said "I'll drive ya home. Come on." She hugged Lucy goodbye and then walked out the door. "Paul you can stay in the guest room. I'm gonna go to bed. If the two of you's are gonna stay in here, don't be too loud." Paul hugged Lucy along with John before retreating to bed. Since John left Lucy scooted over, giving me some space. "Were you going to go?" I shook my head and said "no. Not yet. Maybe when the snow stops. Plus I'm comfortable." Lucy smiled and said "me too." John's flat was quite cold, considering he didn't have a fire place. "You cold?" I asked Lucy. She nodded and I noticed how she shivered. I motioned for her to scoot over towards me. I took off my sweater and she slid it on her body, then I took off my scarf and wrapped it around her neck. I was just in a long sleeve shirt and she said "Ringo, you don't have too." I shook my head and said "but I do. You're cold. And I'll make sure you stay warm. I'll make sure you have everything you need." Her cheeks got bright red and she said "really? Little old me?" I nodded and said "how come you don't have a boyfriend? You're beautiful." Lucy giggled which made me laugh with her. "I haven't found the right guy. I'm waiting for the one. You know?" "Yeah. I like all kinds of girls. But I'd like to find the one I spend the rest of my life with." Lucy nodded and said "why are you so sweet to me?" "Cause I want to be." Lucy blushed and buried her face in my shoulder. I laughed again and it was a little loud since she was being so cute. "Shh!" John's muffled shush came from his bedroom. The two of us immediately started laughing and I said "trying to sleep, Lennon?" "Shut up!" Paul whined. "Be nice boys." Lucy said. "Can ya leave? I want to sleep." John said. I motioned for Lucy to get up and she did, grabbing her coat from the closet. "We're leaving John!" Lucy called out as she stepped outside. I locked the door before stepping out of John's flat. "I'll drive ya. It's too cold for you to walk home." Lucy rolled her eyes and said "you're too nice to me, Ringo." "Is it bad? That I'm nice to you?" I asked curiously. Lucy shook her head and said "no. It's not bad at all. I'm not used to boys being nice to me. They're always so rude and vulgar." "Well, I won't ever be that way. Ever." I said as I stepped toward her. Lucy looked up at me and I went to lean in when the door to John's flat opened. "You left your gloves." John muttered as he rubbed his face tiredly. Lucy looked over at John and said "thank you." He nodded and closed the  door. Lucy then began to walk to my car. I wanted to slap John across the face for ruining the moment but he didn't know. He was just giving Lucy her gloves back. I sighed to myself and got into my car, making the drive home to Lucy's flat. I stopped in front of it and said "well, you're here." She took off my scarf and coat, handing it back to me. "I have my own. And I'm home." She said. I nodded and watched her gather her things so she could get out. "Ringo?" "Yeah?" "Do you mind if I give you something? And you won't get awkward about it or anything?" I nodded and said "sure." She kissed my cheek and then got out of the car. "Bye, Ringo." She said as she walked up towards her flat. I waved to her before she stepped inside. "Wow." I said to myself, a huge smile on my face.

The end was cute omgggg. Do you guys like longer or shorter chapters?

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