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Chapter forty two
The cries of a baby
July 15th 1965
Lucy's POV:
The sound of January's cries woke me up again. I let out a deep sigh and Ringo said "I'll get her this time." "Are you sure? I know you have things to do in the morning." I said. Ringo kissed the top of my head and said "I'll go. You stay." I felt him leave the bed and another sigh left my lips. Since I had already woke up I decided to go to the kitchen and make some tea. As the water boiled I heard Ringo talking to January. I crept down the hall and stood outside the bedroom door. "You're keeping us up. You know that right?" January cooed at Ringo who said "maybe you should sleep with us. Do you wanna sleep with mommy and daddy?" A happy squeal emitted into the room and I heard him singing softly to her. My heart swelled and I walked back to the kitchen, making my cup of tea. "Someone wants to see you." Ringo said. He handed January to me and she grabbed ahold of my shirt. "I'm tired." I said to her. I watched her stare at Ringo who began to play peek a boo with her. He covered his face and then uncovered it. January began to smile and he covered his face, keeping it covered longer than before. January awaited his return and when it didn't come as quickly as before she began to cry. Ringo them uncovered his face and said "daddy's here. Daddy didn't go anywhere." January sniffled and Ringo said "I'm here, love. Daddy's not going to leave you." January reached for Ringo and he gave her his hand. "Daddy won't leave you." He kissed her tiny hand and then let go of it. I kissed her head and she looked up at me, grabbing ahold of my shirt once again. "I hope you'll let mommy and daddy get some rest." January cooed in my arms and Ringo rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Maybe she should sleep with us." He said. I shrugged and said "ok." Ringo grabbed my cup of tea and we went back upstairs to our bedroom. I sat down and set January in between us. I took my cup of tea from Ringo and January immediately fell asleep in between us. "Looks like she wants to be with us." Ringo said. I nodded and said "I guess so. Hopefully she'll sleep." Ringo kissed my cheek and said "she will. Now that's shes here." And Ringo was right. There wasn't a peep out of January for the remainder of the night.


Ringo came home from the studio and sat down at the dining room table. "What's wrong?" I said to him. He exhaled deeply and said "blisters on me hands again." I frowned and he said "where's January?" "I put her down for a nap. I wasn't expecting you home this early." Ringo shrugged and said "it hurt my hands to play so I just came home." I nodded and said "I'll wrap them for you." The two of us went into the bathroom and I grabbed some gauze and wrap. I gently began to wrap his hands, making sure I didn't hurt them. I felt him staring at me and said "what?" "You're beautiful." I smiled and he said "when we first met, was I your favorite?" "Of course. I was just shy and wasn't ready to admit that I liked you. John and Paul were quite the flirts weren't they?" I said. Ringo rolled his eyes at the mention of his flirtatious band members. "That's all they used to do was flirt with you. It made me so jealous. I always thought one of them would get you." Ringo said. I shook my head and said "I always flirted back but I never meant it. I was always too scared to flirt with you. I was so scared that I'd mess up and embarrass myself." Ringo shrugged and said "I do that every day." I finished his hand and pressed a kiss to it. "Next one." I said. Ringo gave me his left hand and he sighed. "You going on tour soon?" I asked Ringo. "I believe so. Help is getting ready to come out. So a tour will probably come after it." I wrapped his left hand too tight and Ringo said "ow." "Sorry. I didn't mean to." He nodded and I fixed it so it wasn't as tight. "Is that better?" He nodded again and I kissed his hand. I ruffled his hair and he removed my hand from his head. "You're adorable." I said to him. Ringo chuckled and I went to kiss his cheek but Ringo turned his head at the last second and I kissed his lips. I giggled as I pulled away. January began to cry and Ringo stood up and said "looks like she's up." I nodded and the two of us walked into her bedroom. January immediately stopped crying when she saw Ringo. "Did you miss daddy?" I asked her. She reached for Ringo who picked her up and cradled her in his arms. "I'm gonna miss you when I go on tour. I'm gonna miss you and mommy. I'm not sure how I'll do it." Ringo said to January. He rocked her back to sleep and set her back in her crib. "Promise me you'll be careful." I said to him. Ringo nodded and said "of course. I'll be back. I always come back." I nodded and sighed. "It's just, you're gone for so long and sometimes I go awhile without hearing from you." I said. Ringo kissed my lips and said "don't worry about that. I'll call you every day if I have to. No matter where I am on tour, I'll always come home if you need me." I hugged him and said "I love you." "I love you too. Don't worry about the tour. Just spend time with Cynthia and Patricia." Ringo said. I pulled away and said "I will. It'll just be nerve wracking not having you here. And now we have a child." Ringo looked down at January and said "I can't wait till she can talk." "Me too. And when she does, she'll be begging you to stay like I am right now." I replied. Ringo groaned and said "don't tell me that! I'll never leave." I giggled and said "you already know it's coming."

Here's the update! This one isn't that great but I wanted to update for y'all

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