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Chapter forty four
August 10th 1965
Lucy's POV:
A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts. A groan left my lips as I wondered who it could be. I opened the door and there stood Ringo. "Ringz!" I said as I jumped into his arms. He dropped everything in his arms to catch me and he said "did you miss me?" I looked at him and said "now why would you ask a silly thing like that?" I kissed his lips as he held me in his arms. Gizmo ran over and whined as he wanted Ringo's attention. He set me down and I helped Ringo bring his bags inside. "God, I missed you." I said. Ringo hugged me and said "I missed you too. Tour is rough not having you around." January squealed as she rolled around in her play pen. Ringo pulled away from me and walked over to her. "Jan, it's daddy." She looked up at him and made grabby hands. He picked her up and said "I missed you guys so much. I'm assuming I have to go back on tour but I wanted to be here a while with the two of you." January stared at her father, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. "I think she missed you more than I did." I said playfully. "Impossible. I missed you guys so much that some days I could barely get up to perform. And cause of these." Ringo said as he showed me his hand. It was wrapped but I knew there was a blister under it. I frowned and said "want me to rewrap them?" He nodded and I told him to sit on the couch. January sat in his lap, Ringo making sure she wouldn't go anywhere. I grabbed the first aid kit and unwrapped his left hand. I saw the blister that seemed to be a few days old. "You don't peel these right?" He shook his head and said "no." I wrapped his hand, being careful not to hurt him. January stared up at Ringo who looked at her. He kissed her head and she squealed. He smiled and I said "right hand." He held January with his left, giving me his right. I unwrapped his right hand and this blister was worse than the other one. I sighed and he said "what is it?" "This one is bad, Richard." I said. "Don't worry about it. I'll be home soon. And then they'll fade away." I nodded and wrapped his right hand. I went to put the first aid kit away and Ringo pulled on my arm. I sat down next to him on the couch and January played with the tie around his neck. "Don't pull on daddy's tie." He said. She babbled at him and laid her head on his stomach. Gizmo jumped up on the couch and January laughed. The dog began to lick Ringo's face and he said "Gizmo, down." I made Gizmo lay in my lap and Ringo wiped his face. "Looks like he missed you too." I said. "I hate that you're here by yourself." "I'm fine." "You should have someone stay here with you." "Who? All the closest people to me don't live close or are on tour." "Call your mum and dad." "I don't need my parents here, Richard." "I just hate that you're alone." "Nothing will happen to us here. We're perfectly safe." I said. I pressed a kiss to his cheek and he nodded in response. Someone knocked on the door and before I could even open it, I knew it was Paul from how loud he was being. "Hiya!" Paul said as I opened the door. "Hi!" I replied. Paul wrapped his arms around me, giving me a big hug. He spun me around and Ringo sighed as he walked over, January in his arms. Paul set me down and John stepped in behind Paul. "How are you?" He said. "I'm good." I said as I hugged him. "Luce!" The voice of Julian said. I gasped playfully and knelt down to his level. "Jules! I missed you, you know." Julian giggled and Ringo knelt down next to me. "This is January. You guys can have play dates soon." I said. Julian looked at January who stared at him. Julian reached out to touch January's hand. "Small." He said. Ringo nodded and said "she's real small isn't she?" Julian nodded and George and Patricia came in behind John and Cynthia. "I didn't know you were all coming over." I said. "It's time we all spent some time together." George said. Ringo handed January to Paul who gave her kisses. Giggles came from January as everyone went to sit down. Julian and Theta sat on the floor, playing with one another. Ringo held January in his lap, not wanting to leave his daughter. "How was tour?" I asked John, Paul, and George. "Miserable." George mumbled. Ringo sniggered and Paul said "wasn't bad. George and Ringo were missing you guys." "That's why it was miserable. You're not married so you don't understand." George replied. John nodded in response and Paul rolled his eyes. "I'll be married one day." Paul said. "Yeah, if you ever stop fooling around with those girls after shows." John said with a laugh. George smirked and nudged Paul who said "screw you guys. I'm going to sit with people who actually like me." He went and sat on the floor with Julian and Theta. Gizmo ran over to Julian and began licking his face. The young boy giggled and Cynthia smiled at her son. "Did you miss her?" Patricia asked as she pointed to January. Ringo nodded and said "of course I did. She was born and it seemed like I had to go on tour. I didn't even get to spend much time with her." "I'm glad the two of you have a kid now. It seemed like you guys were never going to have one." Patricia said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "what do you mean?" "You've been with Ringo so long and hadn't had a kid yet." "Well, I wanted to wait. At least until Richard and I were married." I replied as I looked at him. "Richard." George said while smirking. Ringo looked at him and said "don't start." January played with Ringo's hand that laid on his leg. I watched her tiny fingers graze over the rings he wore on his hand. "She's going to be a daddy's girl. I can already see it." I said. Ringo looked back at me and said "really?" I nodded and said "of course. Ever since you got home, she's only wanted to be with you. She missed you. And I missed you too. I know I've said it already but I really missed you." Ringo kissed my cheek and said "I know you did."

The end is WACK! But I wanted to update on Ringo's birthday!!🥺

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