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Chapter forty five
Party at Brian Wilson's
October 9th 1965
Lucy's POV:
Loud. That was the perfect explanation for this party. No. Scratch that. Unbelievably loud. If I told you that I'd be sitting in Brian Wilson's house during a party, I wouldn't even believe myself. The boys had taken another extravagant trip to California. There was lots of people I didn't recognize and it was so loud. Halloween decorations were streamed everywhere. Bats, pumpkins, and skeletons were hanging or plastered on everything. Ringo and George were currently chatting with Mike Love, the Wilson brother's cousin. I walked past the pool which had nobody in it, everyone was just sitting around it. I walked down some steps and bumped into a pair of strong arms. I looked up to see Dennis Wilson looking down at me. "You're Ringo's wife right?" I nodded and even though I had met them over a year ago, I was still a bit starstruck. In fact, I don't ever remember even getting the chance to talk to Dennis. And the girls were right, Dennis was dreamy as can be. "You're Lucy." "That's right. And you're Dennis." Dennis nodded with a smile and said "and of course, my brothers Carl and Brian." Carl looked up and said "hello." I looked over to Brian who was humming to himself softly. Carl leaned over and tapped his leg. "Bri." Dennis said. Brian opened his eyes and looked over. I waved shyly and Brian said "Lucy, how are you?" "I'm good. How have you boys been?" "We've been just swell! Things have been going pretty good for us." Carl said. I smiled and said "that's great." Dennis grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where the three brothers had been sitting before I embarrassingly ran into Dennis. "How's your baby?" Brian asked. I remembered that the last time he saw me I was about to burst at the seams. "Oh she's amazing." "You had a girl?" I nodded while smiling really big. "What's her name?" Carl said. "January." "Januaryyyy." Brian sung, making me giggle. "That's a far out name! How'd you come about it?" Dennis said. "Well, Ringo and I met a couple of years ago, in the month of January. We also had our first kiss in January. Even though it was a drunken New Years kiss. I guess the month of January is sentimental." I replied. Carl said "that's really cool." Brian nodded in agreement and Dennis said "I forgot the joints. Lucy here literally stopped me in my tracks. I'll be right back." "I don't want any." Brian told him. "I'll bring you something good, Bri." "I'll have one since it's a party. Only one, Dennis." Carl warned. Dennis made finger guns at his younger brother and said "be right back." Brian sighed deeply and then took a sip of his drink, grimacing. "What in lords name is that?" Carl took it from him and said "oh no! Dennis' recipe!" He laughed and Brian shook his head while sticking his tongue out. "It's awful. Don't have any of that, Lucy." "What's in it?" I brought the cup to my nose, smelling the strong scent of alcohol. I took a very small sip and then grimaced. "That's strong." "It's disgusting." Brian said as he leaned back in his chair. "Do you want me to grab you something else?" I said. Brian shook his head and said "no, I'm ok." "Brian!" A female voice called sweetly. Brian stood up and walked up the steps to where the pool was. "Yes, Marilyn, my love?" "Introduce me to your friend." Brian looked at me and gestured for me to follow him. He held out his hand for me as I walked up the steps. The cool California air made me shiver as it was indeed fall. And I stood in a long sleeve dress that stopped right at the top of my thighs. I personally wasn't sure if I should wear this dress since I had just had a baby a few months prior and was slightly insecure about my body. But Ringo assured me I looked ok. And I had practically lost all the weight and was back to my normal size. "Lucy, this is my wife Marilyn. This is Ringo's wife, Lucy." Marilyn stood up from her spot in her chair and said "hello." "Hi. It's nice to meet you." "Likewise. I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you a year ago. I was out with friends and ended up not going to that particular party. But, when we have parties here at the house, I'm much more comfortable. And I get to be the host!" She threw her arms in the air as she giggled. Brian bounced on his heels and excused himself to go inside the house. "Your house is amazing. It's decorated beautifully." I told her. "Thank you! Maybe one day we can come overseas and see you and Ringo's home. I'd love to go to England one day." Marilyn said as she smiled. "Lucy, you gotta try this." Dennis told me as he put his arm around my shoulders. "Don't be a stranger. When you're done chatting with the boys, do come spend some time with us girls." Marilyn said as she sat back down. I nodded and followed Dennis as he brought me back to where Carl was sitting. "Oh, damn it, where'd Brian go?" Carl shrugged and I said "he went in the house." Dennis walked to the top of the stairs, his arm still around my shoulders. "Brian!" The eldest Wilson brother looked up from the piano and Dennis gestured for him to come over. "I don't wanna smoke." He said. "Come on, Bri. One joint." Brian shrugged and walked down the stairs. Dennis lit one up, inhaling deeply. Carl reached for one and Paul said "you guys are smoking over here?" I looked over my shoulder and Dennis said "McCartney!" "Weed?" John asked. Paul made his way down and Dennis gestured to the small sitting area. Dennis offered Paul his seat and pulled me over to sit next to Brian. I was currently in between the both of them. "Hi, John." Brian said. John nodded to him and said "hello." "Help is really good." "Thanks, mate. We worked hard on it." John replied coolly. "And you guys have a movie." "Why don't we have a movie?" Dennis asked as he blew smoke towards Carl who did the same back. Brian blinked a few times and I heard George's laughs along with Patricia's. "Oh, they're smoking!" George had Patricia on his back and she said "George Harrison you'd better not drop me." He set her down gently as they reached the sitting area. "Where's Ringo?" I said. Dennis, John and Paul then screamed. "RINGOOOO!" I laughed softly and Brian giggled. "Eh?" Ringo said from upstairs, standing with Mike and Al. "Lucy, how are you?" Al asked. "I'm good. Hello, Al. Hello, Mike." The three of them came downstairs and John said "we need more joints." Dennis offered me his joint and I shook my head. "Aw, come on, Luce. This weed is something else. You'll actually ascend to the clouds." I took it from him and he patted my thigh. "I'll be back. Take care of it for me. And make sure you try some." Dennis stood up and rushed upstairs. Ringo stared at him as he left the area. He quirked an eyebrow at me and I shrugged. I brought the joint to my lips, inhaling. Dennis was right. I hadn't had anything like this before. I exhaled and said "whoa." John inhaled deeply and said "whoo!" Paul took the joint from him and inhaled, looking at Carl who just nodded. "I rarely smoke but this is the good stuff." He said. "Did you want any, Brian?" He looked at me and took the joint, staring at it. "Come on, Brian. Take a hittt." John said. Paul nodded in encouragement and I said "don't pressure him." "We're not pressuring him. Merely suggesting." Paul giggled at his comment and Dennis came back with more joints, everyone cheering. Brian waited for the attention to be taken off of him and he inhaled on the joint, exhaling. He then took a larger hit, holding his breath. He exhaled and then handed it back to me. He half smiled and pushed his bangs out of his face. Dennis sat back down next to me and said "here." I handed him the joint and he immediately took a hit. Ringo sat across from me, his eyes on Dennis and Brian. I watched his eyes dart back and forth between them. "It's fine." I mouthed. He nodded and passed his joint to Mike. Mike inhaled and asked Ringo about his rings. Ringo tried to explain each one but was too high to do so. Paul and Dennis were laughing as Ringo stuttered. Carl pointed to Ringo's wedding ring and said "what's that one?" Ringo stared at it and then said "that's my wedding ring, mate." John spit his drink as he laughed. Brian's eyes widened and he looked at Ringo holding up his hand in front of his face. Al chuckled at Ringo's comment and George said "bloody hell, Ringo." "I'm stoned, George. Leave me alone." I inhaled on my joint and Brian took it from me. I went to protest but he took a rather large hit, inhaling deeply. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" Dennis chanted. Paul and John joined in, encouraging Brian. I watched him intently, shocked at his actions. He then held his breath. "Gooooo, Brian!" Dennis cheered. Brian then exhaled, a large amount of smoke coming from his lips. He closed his eyes and smiled. Cheers were heard from Dennis and Carl. I patted Brian's shoulder and the music seemed to be louder as the marijuana ran through my system. Marilyn brought some cups of water and said "I know you'll all be needing this. So, here you are." She set down a large tray onto the table. Brian immediately reached for a cup of water and Marilyn ran her hand through Brian's hair. He smiled up at her and she kissed his forehead. "I'll be upstairs if you need anything." She told him. "Ok, Mary." He replied. She looked at Dennis who was pretty far gone. She shook her head and went back upstairs to chat with her friends. "We listed this as a Halloween party and nobody came in costume!" Dennis said. Carl started laughing and Brian said "let's have another party next week. It'll be a costume party! We can all dress up!" John nodded in agreement and Ringo said "what're you going to be?" "Myself." Brian said. "I'm going to come as a surfer." Carl looked at Dennis and said "you already are one!" "So? I won't have to do any work!" "Wait! Wait! I have the perfect costume idea! I'm gonna come as John!" "No!" John said. "Yes! Yes! Let's all come as someone we know! That'd be hilarious!" Dennis said. I shook my head and Patricia said "that's ridiculous. I'm coming as whatever I want." "No, come on! I'll come as Ringo and he can come as me!" George said. Ringo shook his head and said "no, I'd rather not." More time went by and more joints were smoked. Of course Brian and I only had half a joint and Patricia did the same. We all then went into the house. Ringo and Al were becoming fast friends. "I can barely walk." I told whoever was listening, not really saying it to a specific person. "Me too." Brian's voice said. Everyone was trying to go up the stairs at the same time. John made it to the top while stumbling and Paul tripped, falling onto his knees. He laughed and luckily was able to catch himself so he wasn't too badly hurt. I totally missed a step as I took a step forward, my heel not even making it. "Whoa." Brian said as he grabbed me by my waist. I immediately felt super embarrassed. I looked down at my white heel that was hovering over the next step. "Thank you." I said to Brian. "No problem." I slowly walked up the stairs, not wanting to break my ankle. My heels weren't that high but trying to walk in them stoned was a challenge. Once I reached the top, I quickly took them off, holding them in my hand. Brian stepped past me, his hands finally leaving my waist. I hadn't even realized he held me steady the whole way up. "Bri!" Marilyn said as she kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arm around her waist, embracing her love. "Come on, then!" Dennis gestured everyone to come into the house. I set my heels down outside and followed everyone inside. Ringo pulled me into his lap as we all sat down on the floor and whatever chairs weren't taken. Dennis stared at a random girl that walked by, going out to the pool. His eyes went up and down her body as she shook out her hair. Carl grabbed a guitar and said "let's sing something." "Like?" Al questioned. Mike shrugged and said "any suggestions?" John grabbed a handful of pretzels from the bowl that sat on the table. Marilyn had her arm around Brian's neck. "Ooh, Barbara Ann!" Dennis said. "Ba ba ba." Mike's deep singing voice said. Al chuckled and George was laying in between Patricia's legs. She had worn pants to the party with a small top. I flipped my curly hair over my shoulder as Ringo's arms went around my waist. He kissed my cheek and my neck. I giggled and turned my head to kiss his lips. "Hi, Dennis." A girl said as she walked by, winking at him. Dennis smirked and said "hello." Brian watched the whole interaction, rolling his eyes. I knew the girls were crazy about Dennis but Brian was just as attractive. "We haven't released this one yet but we'll still sing it." Al said. I watched silently as they all started to sing, Brian joining in at the last second. His voice is so distinctive and you can tell when he's singing. He bopped his head to the beat as Carl and Al played their guitars. Marilyn and a few other women giggled as the song went on. John and Paul clapped, encouraging the song to get louder. The butterflies in my stomach only grew at seeing them sing. It was if I was having my own private Beach Boys concert. I had never gotten the chance to see them live and I was sitting in Brian Wilson's house as he sung his heart out. "Barbara Ann. Take my hand. You got me rockin' and a rollin'. Rockin and a reelin'. Barbara Ann." Their harmonies legitimately made my heart soar. As the song came to a close Dennis said "one more time!" Brian nodded and the chorus was sung once again. Carl laughed and Al did the same. Mike pretended to be exhausted and Paul said "let's go again! One more time!" "One more time." Brian sung. Dennis started to laugh and that made me smile really big. They sung the words together, slower than the previous times. Brian held notes as they sung the chorus and made up his own words as the song came to a close. Everyone cheered and I clapped for them. "You're amazing, Brian!" I said. He smiled sheepishly and said "thank you." "Isn't he? He's just amazing." Marilyn kissed his lips and the rest of the night consisted of more drugs and stories being told. "I'm exhausted." I told Patricia. "Me too. If I'm being honest, I don't know if George is going to make it back to the hotel." She said. "Really?" The two of us were in one of the bathrooms, washing our hands. "Yeah. He's unbelievably stoned." I nodded and said "Ringo is too. My high is slightly coming down but my head is still buzzing." Loud knocking on the door interrupted us and Patricia opened it. Brian stood there with lidded eyes. "I'm sorry." He said. "It's fine. We were finished up anyways." Patricia told him. Brian nodded and the two of us left the bathroom, the tall man stepping inside. Patricia and I walked back out to the pool. Dennis was in the shallow end of the pool, swimming from one end to the other. Al, Mike and Carl sat on the stairs of the pool. Paul was pushed into the pool and he screamed at John when he came up for air. "Piss off!" He said. John just held his stomach and laughed. George was sprawled out across a lawn chair, him and Ringo whispering softly. A lot of the guests had left and it was just our small group. Marilyn had retreated to bed once her friends had left. Brian's pool area was rather large and had many chairs. "You guys leaving?" Mike said. Paul shook his head and said "I can't really leave with wet clothes." "That's a shame." Brian said from next to me. He scratched the back of his head and then stretched. He fell backwards into the pool and Dennis shielded himself from the splash. Patricia and I sat on the edge of the pool, watching Dennis continue to do laps back and forth. George peeled off his long sleeve shirt and the bell bottom jeans he wore, diving into the pool. Patricia shook her head at her husband. Ringo looked up and said "I'm not joining ya, George." George nodded to him and Dennis said "why's that?" "I can't swim." Brian's eyes widened and Al said "stay away from the pool, Ringo." "Will do." He said. I smiled at Ringo and he blew a kiss to me, unable to stand because of all the marijuana he had in his system. Paul pulled John into the pool and a splash fight started between Paul, John, and Dennis. George eventually joined in. Brian hugged a raft and floated, his eyes closed. He mumbled softly to himself and Mike lit up a cigarette. I stood up from my spot, going to get a cigarette. Mike lit it for me and I walked back to where I was sitting before. I inhaled on it and Brian said "there's an ashtray on the table." I made my way back to the table Mike was sitting next to and then brought the ashtray next to me. Brian slid off the raft he was on and sunk into the water. George swam over to Patricia, floating in between her legs. "Come in." He pulled on her leg and she shook her head. "No, George. I don't want to have wet clothes. And I'm not stripping in front of The Beach Boys. Dennis sniggered and Carl's cheeks turned red at the mention of that. I felt hands wrap around my legs and pull. I gasped and Brian's laughs made me narrow my eyes. "Brian." I said sternly. "I wouldn't actually pull you in. Just a joke." He had playful smirk on his lips. "You'd better not." He shook his head and said "never." I smiled and Brian's hands slipped from my legs as he went to float on his back. Dennis pushed his wet blonde hair out of his face as he stood in the shallow end. He dried off his hands and leaned against the wall of the pool, inhaling on a cigarette. "You guys are more than welcome to stay. If you want." Brian offered. "That'd be nice, thank you." John pulled himself out of the pool and looked at Paul. Paul swam to the stairs and Brian told them he could have their clothes be dried and could give them something to wear until they were finished. I walked over to Ringo and said "wanna stay here or go back to the hotel?" "I think we should stay. It's awful late." He pulled me into the lawn chair with him. I smiled really big and he said "I barely saw you all night." "Sorry. I got caught up with Brian and Dennis. I'm a huge fan of them and kinda was starstruck all night." I told him. Ringo cupped my cheek and said "I get it. I was like that when we met Elvis." "I can't believe you met Elvis." Ringo kissed my lips passionately. I wrapped my arms around him as best I could since the two of us were laying down. He kissed my neck up and down. "Oh, Richie." I sighed. Ringo pulled away and held me close to him. I lazily watched and listened to the boys on the stairs talk softly. Brian got out of the pool, discarding his wet clothes. He grabbed a towel and then walked into the house, coming back with some clothes for John and Paul. He told them they could change at the bottom of the stairs where we had been earlier. "Wanna sleep here or inside?" Ringo asked. I shrugged and said "won't it be cold during the night and get hot in the morning?" "It's up to you, darling." Dennis laid a towel on a lawn chair and immediately passed out. Carl took a chair next to him, doing the same. Brian held Paul and John's wet clothes in his hands as he went back into the house. "Inside." I said. Ringo nodded and stood up, taking my hand. He led me into the living room and him and I laid on the floor, pulling a blanket up onto us. Patricia and George did the same, sleeping a few feet away from us. I never saw Paul or John come in as I was trying to lull myself to sleep. Brian came into the living room and sat down on a chair. His eyes were closed and he mumbled to himself. I watched his finger tap against his leg and he was counting. Hums left his lips and he quickly grabbed a notepad, scribbling against the paper. He was counting beats of a song. He stood up and went to go to the piano and then stopped himself. He looked at everyone in his living room, including myself. "You could play." I told him. He shook his head and said "everyone's asleep. I should remember the tune in the morning. I usually don't forget them. But sometimes I do." He sat down on the floor next to me, laying down on his side to face me. "I'm sure you'll remember it. You guys have never made a bad song." He half smiled and Ringo pulled me closer to him. "Are you going to sleep here?" He shrugged and said "maybe." I nodded and felt my eyes begin to grow heavy. "Good night, Brian." I rolled over and faced Ringo, burying my face into his neck. "Goodnight." Brian's soft voice said.

I haven't updated this book in almost a year and I apologize for that. I honestly got unmotivated to do so. Also my life got weird and got super hard and I gave up on a lot of of my older books and just made new ones. The Beatles are still a huge apart of my life and I love them with my whole heart. But I'm really fixated on The Beach Boys right now and I was inspired to write this chapter. Brian Wilson is the cutest and is unbelievably attractive and I will die on that hill. So I hope you're all still here or anyone new will enjoy this chapter!

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