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Chapter six
Hungover Beatles
January 1st, 1963, New Years Day
Lucy's POV:
I woke up in a bed, Patricia next to me. I stood up and had a headache. "Great." I mumbled. I walked towards the living room, seeing the four men passed out. John was sitting upright on the couch while Paul was next to him, hanging upside down. George was laying on the chair, somehow fitting his whole body on it. Ringo was face down on the floor. "Boys?" I asked. John then snores really loud and I scoffed. "Boys. I'm assuming you're all hungover?" "Yes." Ringo's muffled voice said. George slowly opened his eyes and said "oh my god, my head." "Shh!" John shushed. Paul was still snoring quietly and I walked to the kitchen, seeing that it was pretty messy. I began to throw away all the trash and I looked for John's tea. I grabbed a pot, filling it with water and putting it on the stove. I sighed and waited for the water to boil. I went into the master bathroom and looked for aspirin or Motrin so they wouldn't have a headache. I got one for myself and took it with water. I had both pill bottles and I said "boys? Which one would you prefer? Motrin or aspirin?" "Aspirin." George said. I opened the pill bottle and handed one to him. "John?" I gently shook him and he said "Paul, leave me alone." "John. Would you like an aspirin?" He opened his eyes and said "yeah." I handed him one and he half smiled at me as he closed his eyes. "Paul." "Ugh, don't wake him up." John muttered. "He can't stay like this." John shrugged and said "too bad, so sad." I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed Paul by his shirt, and pulled him up onto the couch. "Paul. I know you're really hungover but I need you to answer a simple question. Aspirin or Motrin?" "The second one." He mumbled. I put one in his hand and said "don't lose it." "I won't." Then there was one. I nudged Ringo with my foot and he didn't move. I rolled him onto his back and shook him. John jumped up and ran to the bathroom, puking in the toilet. Paul opened his eyes and said "John?" George looked towards the hall that John just ran down, his eyes slightly widening. "Ringo. Hey." I said. The blue eyed boy opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Hiya." He said. "Which pill?" He pointed to the one in my right hand. I handed him a Motrin and I said "you wanna sit up?" He nodded and I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up. "Ringo. You're gonna have to help me here." I set the pill bottles on the coffee table and Ringo gave me both of his hands and I pulled him to a sitting up position. Ringo brought my right hand to his lips and kissed it. My lips parted and he winked at me. I half smiled and said "you should lean against the couch." I pulled him over to the couch where he was currently slouching. John walked out of the bathroom, climbing over Ringo so he could sit back down on the couch. I walked back to the kitchen, making the four of them tea. "Take your medicine." I said to them. Patricia woke up and noticed the hungover boys. "Are they ok?" She asked me. I shrugged as I looked at them. "They should be fine." John looked over and smiled sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and Paul went to lean on John's shoulder. John pushed him to his side of the couch and Paul huffed. George had finished his tea and went to go get more. Paul shot daggers at John who was currently smirking at Paul's anger. Ringo made a drumming sound with his mouth and George sat back down with a full cup of tea. "Does anyone want more tea?" I said. Paul nodded and Patricia took his cup, walking back to the kitchen. "John? What about you?" He raised his tea cup to me and then began drinking it. I looked to George and said "is he ok?" George shrugged and Ringo said "yeah. He's always like that." John nodded and I said "ok then."

"Are you guys hungry?" George immediately said "yes." I looked to John and said "where's your food?" He stood up and I said "you don't have too." "I'm gonna show you." He walked into the kitchen and pointed to a cabinet. "You couldn't just show me from the couch?" He shook his head and stumbled back to the couch. "What'll it be? Pancakes?" Paul looked up and said "Lucy, please make pancakes. I'll help if you want." "Paul. I'll make them. You stay on the couch and let the medicine kick in." John looked over at Ringo who was looking at the small spot between John and Paul. "Paul scoot over so he can sit here." John said. Ringo said "I can sit on the couch?" Paul scooted over and patted the spot next to him. Ringo sat down on the couch and Paul said "why were you on the floor?" "I was tired." John sniggered at his response and said "was my bed comfortable girls?" Patricia nodded and said "very." John smirked and I said "why didn't any of you take the guest room?" George said "nobody was in the guest room?" I shook my head and said "Patricia and I slept together." Paul groaned and Ringo said "I should've taken the guest room." "If anyone would've got the guest room, it would've been me because this is my house." John said. "No. You were the one who said someone was in there. You gave your bedroom to Lucy and the guest room to Patricia." George argued. "I didn't think they were going to sleep together." John replied. Patricia said "it's not a big deal." John shrugged and then looked between the four of them, making a beeline for the bedroom. "No! That's not fair!" Paul yelled as he chased after him. "Fucking idiots." George muttered. Ringo looked down the hallway and said "they're really going at it." John shoved Paul away from the door while Paul was kicking him in the leg. "Ow! Stupid!" John said. "No! I want the guest room! I'm tired!" "Oh yeah, says the one who wants to be a fat ass and eat pancakes." John replied. Patricia said "knock it off." I looked to Ringo and George and said "thank you for being so mature." Patricia walked over and said "nobody gets the room. The both of you sit down." Paul sighed while walking back to the couch. "Ha Ha." John said sarcastically. "Shut up." Paul said.

"Stop it. Both of you." I said as I poured the pancake batter in the pan. George went over to the tv and began changing channels. He found something that got all of their attention while I made their pancakes. It was peaceful for the next fifteen to twenty minutes as I began I serve them. Once I got them dealt with Patricia and I made a plate and ate in the kitchen. "They're so hungover." "I know. It's like they're children." Patricia replied. I giggled and said "it does seem like that doesn't it?" Patricia walked over to the boys and made sure they were all ok. Ringo walked into the kitchen and said "hey." "Hey." "Uhm, do you remember last night by any chance?" He asked. "Most of it. What exactly are you talking about?" "You kissed me." Ringo said softly. The memory replayed into my head and I wanted to puke. I didn't think he'd remember, considering he was so drunk. "I did? I don't remember that." I lied. Ringo frowned a little and said "you sure? It was right when midnight hit. I was your New Years kiss." My heart began to beat really fast and I said "I don't think I remember. I'm sorry." A heavy sigh left his lips and he said "it's fine." He walked away with his head hanging low and I instantly felt bad. I don't know why I lied, maybe it was because I had a crush on the blue eyed boy. I was afraid of rejection but he seemed bummed that I didn't remember it, so maybe he was asking about it to clear something up? Patricia walked in and said "what's up with, Ringo?" "I gotta tell you something. Don't say anything to the boys." I looked at them and their attention was on the tv. "I kissed Ringo last night." Patricia's eyes widened and she went to scream but I covered her mouth. "It was a New Years kiss. He just asked me about it and I told him I didn't remember." "Why?" Patricia asked muffled. I removed my hand from her mouth and said "because I'm scared. I don't want him to reject me." She smirked and said "you like him." I rolled my eyes and said "maybe. I don't know. I'm really giddy around him and he makes me blush. And he's so sweet. Unbelievably sweet." Patricia laughed as I went on about Ringo. "Yep. You like him for sure." I wanted to face palm myself. I looked over at Ringo who was sitting next to Paul. I then went to serve them pancakes and John went to sleep in his bed after he was done eating. I sat on the couch next to Paul and Ringo while George made a move on Patricia by having her sit on his lap. Paul was struggling to keep his eyes open and went to the guest room. I scooted closer to Ringo who looked tired. "Hey." I whispered. He looked over at me and half smiled. "Feel any better?" He shrugged and said "kinda." "I had fun last night." "Did you? I would hope so." "Of course I did." I replied as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "Did you drive here?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No. I knew that I would be too drunk. So I didn't." "Do you want to leave soon?" "No. I don't feel like it. I'm too tired to go home. I'll probably stay here for a while." "Then I'll say with you. To make sure you get home." I nodded against his shoulder and felt myself slowly drifting into sleep.


I woke up and looked around. George had moved onto the floor while Patricia had the chair. I looked to the kitchen to see a very tired looking John Lennon. He looked over at me and said "you didn't leave?" I shook my head and he shrugged. He walked back into his bedroom and closed the door. I saw that someone's jacket was on my body, they obviously had put it on me to keep me from getting cold. I realized that I was on Ringo's chest. He snored a little and I saw that Patricia was waking up. "I'm gonna go. I'll grab our purses out of John's room." She said. She went into the bedroom and grabbed our purses. "He's passed out." "John?" She nodded and I giggled softly. George stirred and said "are you leaving? I'll walk you out." He grabbed his coat and walked out with Patricia. Now it was just Ringo and I. I cuddled into his chest, not wanting to move away from him. I felt his arm tighten around me and I blushed. He began to wake up under me and I closed my eyes, pretending I was asleep. I felt him push a few stray curls from my face. "Lucy." He whispered. I opened my eyes slowly and said "yeah?" "I think I'm gonna go home. Which means I'll drive you." I sat up and looked at his jacket. I wrapped it around me and said "thank you." He smiled and said "of course." I grabbed my purse and shoes, not even bothering to put them on but it did snow, which meant I'd have to put them on. We walked to Ringo's car and he began to drive me back. This was a normal thing for us, him driving me home. It was better than taking a cab and walking. John lived pretty far from me and I pretty much walked everywhere. Ringo rolled his eyes as someone slammed on the breaks in front of him. "Jeez." He said as he had to do the same. His arm was in front of me so I wouldn't lunge forward. He removed his arm and said "some people shouldn't have their license. It's ridiculous how some people drive." "I know." He turned the corner and stopped at my flat. "You know what today is?" He said. I looked at him and he said "we've known each other for a year." I remembered and said "we have haven't we?" He nodded and I said "I know I tell you this all the time but thank you for being so sweet. I can't tell you enough." "I would never get tired of it. I like that you think I'm so sweet. I try." I chuckled and said "you're amazing, Richard." He smiled as I called him by his name. "You really don't remember last night?" I sighed and looked down at my lap. "I do." I said as I went to get out of the car. Ringo scooted to the passenger side but I had already closed the door. He rolled the window down and said "you do?" I nodded while not looking at him. "Of course I do." "Why'd you lie? If you remembered the kiss?" "Ringo, I was drunk. I think I was curious to what it'd be like to kiss you." I lied once again. Ringo opened the passenger door and said "Lucy, I don't care why you did it. Did you like it? Was it horrible?" I shook my head and said "no." "Then why did you lie?" He kept pressing on. I sighed and wouldn't look at him. "I'm scared." "Of?" I went to answer when Tobey pulled up. "Lucy. I got your schedule for the next few months." He noticed Ringo and I standing so close to one another and said "did I interrupt something?" I shook my head and watched Ringo's face fall. "Thank you for taking me home. I'll see you soon." I said. Ringo nodded while looking down. I cupped his cheek and made him look at me. I half smiled and Ringo did the same. "What's going on here?" Tobey asked. I scoffed and let go of Ringo's cheek. "Jesus, Tobey, you're so nosy." I said as I walked to his car, grabbing my schedule from him. When I turned around I saw Ringo pull away from my flat. I sighed and while biting my lip. "Shit." I muttered.

Here's the update!! The last part got me in my feelsssss

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