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Chapter seven
Please Please Me
January 1963
Lucy's POV:
It's been about two to three weeks since I saw Ringo. It was mid January and The Beatles had released a new song, which is probably I hadn't seen him. Tobey had me working later hours and I was barely sleeping at night. I sighed as I finished up a song and went to take a break. Patricia walked into the dressing room and said "you look like shit." "Gee, thanks." She frowned and said "Tobey has you working later shifts?" I nodded and said "yeah. I get more pay but I'm tired. I just want to go home. I'd like a couple of days off but I can't do that to Tobey." "He'd understand. And have you heard Please Please Me?" She changed the subject. I sighed and said "yeah I did." "What do you think?" "I like it. I haven't seen Ringo since that morning. I haven't seen any of them." "I saw George a week ago. He told me they were really busy." I shrugged and Tobey said "you're back on in five." I nodded and he closed the door, walking back to the bar. "Just tell Tobey you have to leave after this song." I shook my head and said "I'll be fine." I went back on stage and continued to sing, everyone wanted to hear Please Please Me. I hadn't learned the words yet. After what seemed like hours the night ended and Tobey closed up. I bundled up in my warm clothing and walked back to my flat. I unlocked the door and headed inside. I noticed my mail had come in and checked it all. I had a letter, from Ringo. I opened it up and saw that he had wrote on the back of what seemed to be sheet music. I giggled to myself and flipped it over to reveal his handwriting.

Lucy, sorry I haven't seen you in a while. We were busy recording Please Please Me. We'll be recording an album soon. I've been trying to make my way over to you or try to bring you with us but John has been very adamant about us going anywhere or doing anything. We all said that we'd finish the song and album after New Years. So that's what we're doing. I can't wait for you to hear it. Also, I'm sorry I left that morning. Tobey pulled up and kinda made me mad so I just left. I don't want anything to be weird between us, I wasn't avoiding you. I promise. We've been really busy. So I hope that everything is good and nothing is awkward. Hopefully we can catch up this weekend. I'll try to set something up with John and the guys. See you soon, Richard.

My heart fluttered at the fact that he signed as Richard, not Ringo. "Awe, Richard." I said softly. I took the letter with me in my bedroom, sitting down on the bed. I took off my shoes and laid down on the bed, tired from today.


I woke up to my phone ringing. I grabbed it and said "hello?" "Lucy! What're you doing today?!" John yelled into the phone. I moved it away from my ear and sighed. "Nothing." "Good! You need to meet us at this club downtown!" "Another club?" I asked. "Yes! Lucyyyyyy! It's going to be fun!!!" John screamed. "Yeah! It's gonna be fun! Don't skip out on us now!" Paul said. I held the phone farther away from my ear and said "I'll go if you stop screaming." "Yay!" The both of them said. "Oh we're hanging up now." Paul whispered. "Yeah! Hanging up!" John yelled. Then he purposely slammed the phone down on the receiver and I rolled my eyes, falling back onto my bed.


I woke up to the phone ringing again and it was George this time. "You coming or not?" He said. "Yes. Just give me time to get ready." I said. "The club is right in the centre of downtown. It's got a big sign of a palm tree out front. We'll be waiting." He hung up the phone and I brushed my hair out of my face. My hair was messy from sleeping on it so I put it in a hair clip and applied my makeup. I changed into a skirt and blouse, putting on my heels. I got a cab and headed downtown, I never went downtown, u never had a reason to. As I arrived I looked for the club, stepping inside I saw there were many people. "You actually came!" George said. I jumped out of fear and said "yes. I did." He smirked a little and said "we're performing tonight. Up there." He pointed to a stage and I said "wow." George nodded and said "I'll bring you over to our table." He led me to a table that was away from the dance floor and secluded from everyone else. John was currently laughing at something Paul had said and Ringo was giggling. "Lucy's here." Paul smiled up at me and John said "hey." Ringo scooted in towards the wall and I sat down next to him while George sat on the outside of the booth. "Hi, Ringo." I said. "Hi, Lucy." John sniggered and George did the same. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Nothing." John replied. "We're just waiting on Patricia now." Paul said. George nodded and the three of them began to talk. Ringo said "it's nice to see you." "It's nice to see you too." He smiled and I did the same. Patricia showed up about ten minutes later. John motioned to the stage and Paul stood up, walking over towards it. George said "make sure you ladies are in the front." I scooted out of the booth and Ringo said "you're finally going to get to see me play." "I can't wait." He smiled and walked up to the stage with the rest of the guys. Patricia and I stood in the front and a few girls screamed when John stepped to the microphone. Paul tuned his guitar while George did the same. John looked at all the people in the room and said "we're going to perform a couple of songs for you all." Ringo sat down at his drum set and a few girls moved up to the front. They began playing Love Me Do. John winked at me as he sang the lyrics. I blushed and watched George and Paul harmonize at one microphone. Patricia and I stared up at the four of them, as they belted out the lyrics to their own song. I watched Ringo drum the beat and he looked so happy.

I swayed back and forth to the song and they slowly began Please Please Me. I had only heard it a few times. George nodded his head to the beat as he stepped away from the microphone. John and Paul began shaking their heads, their hair going everywhere. The girls that stood next to us began screaming. I chuckled at them and clapped for the boys. Paul bounced as he played his guitar. George looked down at Patricia and gave her a wink. "Oh god." She said. I laughed and as they finished, they all bowed. Everyone in the room went crazy and they stepped off stage and I watched people gather up all their instruments. "We can't get drunk tonight, lads. We have to go back to the studio tomorrow." John said. George nodded while lighting up a cigarette. Paul grabbed one of the girls that was currently swooning over him and began to dance with her. George pulled Patricia back to the table and they began to talk. "Looks like it's just you and Ringoooo." John held out the 'o' in his name. Ringo came over and said "so, were we good?" "You guys were amazing! You're a great drummer." Ringo smiled really big and said "thanks." "So. What's our options?" I said. Ringo looked around the club and said "well I gotta have a cigarette so why don't we go over there?" I nodded and people began to crowd the dance floor. I squeezed through the people and Ringo and I sat down at a booth. I watched him light up his cigarette and inhaled. "You want one?" He asked me. I nodded and he handed me one, lighting it with his lighter. "So how's work been?" He said. I exhaled and said "it's been hectic. Tobey has been making me work later shifts. I'm exhausted. But the money is good. So I guess it's not too bad." "Have you been sleeping?" I shook my head and Ringo said "Lucy, that's not good." "I know." I replied with a sigh. I set my cigarette down and he grabbed my hands. "You need to sleep. It's not healthy." "I know." I looked down at our hands and saw how small mine were compared to his. "Do I look bad?" I asked him as I stared at our hands. I heard him inhale and he said "no. For someone who hasn't had sleep. You look great." He removed one of his hands to put his cigarette out and then grabbed my left hand once again. "Where did the Ringo come from?" I said. "Cause I wear four rings." I looked up at him and began giggling. "These?" I said as I touched one on his hand. He nodded with a smirk and I said "oh god." He chuckled and said "your hands are small. Like so much smaller than mine. I like it." "You like that my hands are smaller than yours?" I asked while giggling. "How do I explain it? I like that you're smaller than me. Since I'm the smallest in the group. And the other guys are bigger than me. I'm tiny compared to them. And you're just small and cute." I blushed and he brought my right hand to his mouth, pressing his lips to the back of my hand. I blushed again and he smirked. "I also like that I make you blush." I rolled my eyes and said "come off it." "No. I do. And I'm I allowed to bring up New Years?" I shrugged and nodded. "So you kissed me. And I kissed back. Do you remember that?" I nodded, my nerves beginning to set in. "The kiss was good right? Like you enjoyed it?" I nodded again and he said "why are you quiet all of a sudden?" "Cause. That kiss makes me nervous." "Why?" Ringo asked as he got closer to me. I went to open my mouth and then I closed it. I watched his eyebrows furrow as he tried to figure me out. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him it was because that I had feelings for him but I was scared. "It scares me." Was all I said. The feelings I have for Ringo scare me, because I've never felt that way about anyone before. I felt Ringo's thumb rub the back of my hand and he said "why? Why does it scare you?" I shook my head and looked back down at our hands. I gulped and Ringo said "Lucy, why does it scare you? Please tell me." "It scares me because-" "Guys! We've been looking all over for you!" George said. My eyes slightly widened at his loud voice and then he looked at our hands and then back at the two of us. "Ooh, what's going on here?" George asked. I removed my hands from Ringo's and said "nothing. Now if you'll boys excuse me, I have to go to the ladies room." I stood up and walked away.

Ringo's POV:
I scoffed as George sat down and he said "what's up with you?" "Why did you do that? Why did you have to say anything?" "About the two of you? I was just being nosy." I rolled my eyes and said "well good going." "What? I didn't know something was going on. You're acting like you're in love with Lucy or something." I sighed obnoxiously and George said "you like Lucy? Holy shit." "Shut up!" I said. He smirked and said "oh wait till I tell the guys!" I grabbed his arm as he went to get up. "Don't! George please!" I said. He turned around and looked at me. He saw how serious I was and said "I won't tell them. Why don't you want them to know?" "Cause! John has been flirting with her since we met her. And I feel like I'm so close. Everyone likes John. Nobody likes me and I think Lucy does. But if John knows then he'll get to her first." "I would never do that. Hell, I was just flirting with her because I flirt with everyone." John said. My eyes widened and he said "I'm not mad, chill." "You like Lucy? Why didn't you tell us?" Paul asked. I ran my hand through my hair, slightly pulling at it. Paul sat next to me and John sat next to George. "Hey, I can tell she likes you too. And tonight, I winked at her. Only because I didn't want to wink at those other girls." John said. I sniggered and said "what was wrong with those other girls?" "They were giving Lucy dirty looks. She didn't notice though. So I winked at her to make them jealous." John said. Paul's lips parted and he said "aw which girl?" "The one you were dancing with." "No way!" Paul said as he looked over at the girl. George chuckled and said "that's what happens when you dance with girls who were screaming over us." "Come off it, all girls aren't like that." Paul defended. "Not saying they are but some of them do act like that. That's why I like Patricia. She's nice and doesn't put up with people's shit." George said. Paul rolled his eyes and said "the only girls who hang around are taken by George and Ringo." "Don't worry, Paulie. You have me until you find a girl." John said. Paul shrugged and said "I guess." A smirk was plastered on John's face and I said "we gotta get going soon yeah?" George inhaled on his cigarette and said "I'll probably get some food before I head home." "You're always eating." Paul said. George shrugged and said "so?" John said "when the girls come back we can go. I don't want to be tired in the morning." The four of us sat at the table, waiting on Lucy and Patricia. They came over about five minutes later and we began to leave the club. Patricia said "I'll drive you home, Lucy." Paul and John said goodbye to the two of them and then went their own ways. George was waiting on me and I grabbed Lucy by the arm before she walked away. She turned around and said "what is it?" "Bye." I said while smiling really big. Lucy giggled and fixed my tie that I didn't even know had gotten messed up. "Bye, Richard." She said as she turned on her heel. I smirked as she walked away and George said "alright, come on." He pulled me into the restaurant while talking about all the food he was going to order.

Another long one!! I didn't expect it to be this long omgggg

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