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Chapter eight
"We have an album."
March 22 1963
Ringo's POV:
Today was the day our album would be released. We were all pretty ecstatic about it, considering it took so long for us to get here. "So it's finished. What do we do now?" I asked. Paul thought about it and John shrugged and said "I'm gonna go home." "Go home? That's it then?" George said. John said "well what do you suppose we do, George?" "Go out and have a drink?" I groaned and said "no. I'm not in the mood." "Whats up with you?" "Nothing. I just don't feel like it." "Well then Paul and I will go." George said. Paul nodded and said "you coming, John?" He rolled his eyes and the three of them headed to a pub. I walked down the street towards Tobey's pub. I walked in and there wasn't many people. "Is Lucy here?" I asked him. Tobey shook his head and said "no. She didn't come in." I furrowed my eyebrows and said "you know why?" Tobey shook his head and said "no. She hasn't been herself lately. I don't know what's up with her." "Is she still working late?" "How do you know that?" "She told me. About a month ago." "Yeah. But that doesn't have anything to do with why she didn't come in." "She probably didn't come in because she's exhausted." I stated. Tobey thought about it and said "maybe. If that's the case then I'm going to feel bad about it. I never meant for her to be exhausted." "I'll go check on her. If you want." Tobey nodded and I left the bar, walking to Lucy's flat. I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. "Lucy?" A couple of cars rolled by and across the street I could see a couple of girls listening to the album. I sniggered and knocked again. I grabbed the doorknob and the door opened. I stepped into the flat, closing the door behind me. "Lucy?" Her living room was quaint but nice. Her kitchen was a lot nicer than mine and there was a hall behind the kitchen. I walked through the kitchen and saw a few doors. One was for the bathroom and I'm assuming one went to her bedroom. I knocked on the bedroom door and said "Lucy? It's Ringo." I pushed on the door and it opened. Lucy was asleep on her bed. I walked over and tapped her shoulder. She brushed my hand away and I shook her gently. Her eyes slowly opened and she immediately sat up. "Ringo!" I jumped out of fear and fell onto the floor. Lucy peeked over her bed and said "are you ok? I didn't mean to scare you." "I'm ok." "You sure?" I nodded and smiled sheepishly. Lucy sighed in relief and said "you scared me." I stood up and sat on her bed. "Sorry. Tobey was wondering why you didn't come in and I told him it was because he'd been working you too hard." I said. Lucy nodded while looking down. She looked exhausted, even worse than last time I saw her. I cupped her cheek and looked at her face. "Aw, Luce." She leaned into my touch and said "you're warm." She scooted next to me and I wrapped my arm around her. Lucy hugged me and said "I missed you." I stroked her hair and said "has Tobey been rude to you at all?" She shook her head against my chest and said "no. He's been strict but never rude. He just wants me there all the time and my voice hasn't sounded that great. Last time I sang, my voice was screechy. I just need a break." "Why don't you take time off? Just a little bit? To help yourself?" "I would but I don't think he'd let me. Tobey's a good guy but I wonder if he'd loose a little business if I wasn't there. That's what I'm afraid of." "He wouldn't lose any business. He has a nice pub." Lucy looked at me and said "enough about me, what's been going on with you?" "Well, we have an album now." "What?! You're album came out?" Lucy said. I nodded and she said "we gotta go buy it! Right now!" She hopped up and I chuckled. "Give me a few minutes to get dressed." I nodded and left her bedroom. I didn't like the fact that she was exhausted and Tobey was working her to death. But as long as I'm around she'll be fine. I looked at a few of the pictures she had on the coffee table and saw that she had a large record player. "Woah." I said as I walked up to it. She had all kinds of music and I heard her bedroom door close. "You have a lot of records." I said. She nodded and I saw that she had changed into a long sleeve shirt with jeans. "Come on." She said. The two of us walked down to the record shop and my eyes widened as they were almost sold out of the album. Lucy picked one up and went to the register. The cashier rung her up and then looked at me, then back at the album. "Is that you?" He asked. I nodded and said "yeah." "You're one of the Beatles? That's so cool." Lucy looked at me and I said "have you heard it?" "Yeah, man! The album is great. I hope you guys stick around. I love your music." I smiled really big and said "thanks." He handed Lucy the record as he put it in a bag and we left the shop. Lucy said "I'm excited to hear it. Do you sing on it?" I shook my head and said "you know I don't sing." She pushed me playfully and said "I'm sure you're a great singer." "Not as good as you." I said as I tapped her nose. She did the same back to me and I shook my head. "Oh my gosh!" A girl yelled. I turned around and she ran up to me. "You're a Beatle aren't you?" "Yes." "Will you sign my record?" "You have a pen?" She nodded and handed it to me with the record. I signed it and handed it back to her. "Here you go." "Thank you so much! Do you know where the other guys are?" I nodded and pointed to a pub at the end of the street. "Are they really there?" I nodded and said "yeah." "What's your name?" "Ringo. Ringo Starr." She squealed and said "thanks, Ringo." She ran off towards the pub and Lucy said "ooh, you're famous now." "Shut up." I replied. We headed back to her flat and she put the record on. The two of us listened to the entire album, just sitting on the couch and talked. As the day turned into night I had dinner with her at her flat. I went to leave when Lucy said "Ringo." I turned around and she said "don't leave." "You want me to stay?" She nodded and I said "ok. I'll stay." "I have nightmares when I'm stressed. I think that's one of the reasons why I haven't been sleeping. Plus being up for so many hours." I locked her front door and walked her to her bedroom. I stood outside in the hall as she changed into sleepwear and I made sure she was ok before stepping out. "Ringo?" I turned to look at her and she said "will you sit here until I fall asleep?" "On the bed?" I asked. She nodded and motioned for the spot next to her. I sat down and she said "I hope I can sleep." "You will." I said. She looked up at me and then said "you can get under the covers. So you won't be cold." I shook my head and she said "it's up to you." She closed her eyes and I watched her slowly drift into sleep. I sighed to myself and looked around for something to do. She didn't have much. I laid down and looked up at the ceiling. Lucy's bed was very comfortable and I undid my dress shoes before slipping under the covers. I pulled the covers to my chest, feeling sleep take over my body.

The ending sucks but here's the update!

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