Chapter Nine

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To say (Y/n) was shocked at the scene that was unfolding in front of her was an understatement. Although, she couldn't deny the fact that waking up to see her soulmates in a passionate embrace made something stir within her. The timelords suddenly pulled away from each other turned to see (Y/n) smiling at them. The Doctor's face turned a dark shade of red as her mouth opened and closed. The Master grinned at her flustered state. (Y/n) felt her own smile widen as she witnessed the fact that the Doctor was speechless. Her eyes became drawn to the Doctor's now swollen lips. Her mind began to drift as she thought of how it would feel to have her lips on her own. Her cheeks burned as the heartrate monitor slightly increased. That was when she caught sight to how the Master was looking at her. It was if he knew exactly what was going through her mind as his eyes darkened. The building tension was shattered when the Doctor finally found her words.

"(Y/n)! You're awake! How are you feeling? Has your nausea subsided?" She untangled herself from the Master much to his disappointment as she placed a hand on (Y/n)'s forehead to check her temperature. The Master followed suit and took a hold of her wrist to check her pulse, not trusting the Tardis to take an accurate reading. He was relieved when he felt it was stronger than before, but she wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Your temperature is still slightly raised, but it's better than it was before." (Y/n) watched as the Doctor shared a look with the Master. It was clear to see that they were a lot more comfortable around each other and her soulmarks no longer hurt, but she still saw the worry in their when they looked at her.

"What happened?" She found herself saying.

"You collapsed again." The Master told her and she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I figured that bit out for myself, thanks, but what else? Did something happen while I was unconscious?"

"Something did happen." The Doctor said. "Our marks glowed red."

"What? Why? How?"

"Why are humans always so full of questions?" She expected the Master's remark to hurt her, but she caught the underlying softness beneath. (Y/n) also noticed that the hostility between the two had lessened - well, she had woken up to them kissing, but there was still something there - deep within the bond that felt like it could snap at any second.

"We don't know." The Doctor answered which caused the Master to let out an exasperated sigh as he stood to his feet. "You are unbelievable. After everything that has just happened? I give up." He didn't spare the both of them a glance before he stormed back up the stairs and out of sight. (Y/n) felt her shoulders slump when she lost sight of him and turned back to the Doctor with a raised eyebrow.

"What was that all about? And don't you dare say you don't know because it's obvious that you do." The Doctor looked uncomfortable before she too raised to her feet and went over to console, picking up her coat as she went and threw it back on. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. They were both as impossible as each other. What was it going to take to get a simple answer out of either of them? Maybe it was a timelord thing. (Y/n) then came to realise how cold she was sitting on the floor. Her eyes drifted to the purple material of the Master's coat left on the floor just out of reach. She sent a quick glance in the Doctor's direction to find her pretending to do maintenance on the Tardis console. Not trusting her legs just yet, (Y/n) shuffled over to where the Master coat lay and brought it closer to her, it was still warm and it smelled like him. She slipped it over her shoulders and giggled to herself at how big it was on her. She heard footsteps behind and froze.

"What are you doing?" (Y/n) sighed in relief and turned to see the Doctor staring at her.

"I was cold." The Doctor's eyes widened as she spluttered out apologises and began to take of her coat, but stopped when she saw that you were already wearing the Master's. "Do you think he will mind?" She asked timidly.

"Nah, it's his own fault for leaving it lying around. Do you need help?" She offered a hand out to her and she grasped it. The same heat that she had experienced earlier made itself known as she stumbled into the Doctor. (Y/n) lifted her head to apologise and gasped at how close their faces had become. The Doctor was just as surprised. There was no way to tell who made the first move. The kiss was hesitant, soft and innocent. (Y/n) was the first to pull away and was quick to replenish her oxygen supply. They stood in each other's arms from a moments, basking in the peace that had fallen over them. It was bliss. There was only one thing running through (Y/n)'s mind, her first kiss. The small pang of their soulmarks reminded them of the link that was missing. The Doctor sighed and placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling away. (Y/n) frowned when she felt an echo of guilt come from her and the she remembered what she had woken up to.

"I'm sorry." The Doctor suddenly said. "I'm not really good at stuff like this. I'm still socially awkward." She shuffled on her feet and crossed her arms over her chest. (Y/n) honestly found it adorable, but was too shy to tell her that. This was all so new to her.

"It's fine, honestly, but I don't think I'm the one you should be saying sorry to." The Doctor slumped on the console and ran a hand through her hair.

"If anyone should be apologising, it's him. The things he's done. You have no idea."

"I would if you would actually talk to me instead of always avoiding my questions."

"I know." The Doctor turned away from her and began to pull some leavers.

"You know what. I don't feel so cold anymore. So, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to go find the Master, return his coat and bring him back here, drag him if I have to and we're are all going to sit down and talk because god knows if this thing between us is going to work then we need to communicate."

The Doctor turned to her with her mouth open ready to protest, but a look from (Y/n) and she shut it. Instead, she just nodded.

"Right. I'll be off then." She made it to the foot of the stairs and paused. "Any ideas where I should look for him? I mean - the Tardis is well, infinite."

The Doctor scrunched up her nose in thought. "Try the library." (Y/n) nodded and walked up the stairs.

"Be careful." She heard the Doctor say as she headed in the direction of the library.

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