Chapter Ten

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(Y/n) allowed her mind to wonder as she meandered through the halls of the Tardis. She had kissed the Doctor and the Doctor had kissed her back. As cheesy as it sounded, it felt like it had all been a dream. Although, when she looked down to her now covered arms, she could feel her marks still alive on her skin. There were still questions left unanswered and she doubted she would receive them any time soon. 

(Y/n) rubbed her nose in pain when she walked into a hard surface. It was then she realised she had walked straight into the door to the library. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She hoped that no one was around to see what just happened, but suspected that Tardis could have recorded her clumsiness to be teased with later. 

With some effort, the ancient oak doors opened and (Y/n) stepped into the soft glow of the library. She paused on the freshold as she took in the scene before her. Everything that could have been thrown had been. Books had been thrown from shelves and pages torn from their binding. The mismatched furniture had been upturned and destroyed. 

(Y/n) gulped as she stepped further into the room. It was so quiet. Even the fire which always burned was now ash and embers.

"I destroy everything I touch." His voice filtered through the silence. He sounded so near but he was nowhere to be seen. She brought the Master's coat closer to her body. 

"Where are you?" 

"You should go back to the Doctor."



He sounded closer that time, but (Y/n) still could not see him. She felt his stare as she picked up a book from the floor and her hand ran over the aged leather bindings. Her fingertips traced over the faded gold lettering of a language that was unknown to her. It appeared that it had escaped the Master's damaging hands. At the thought, her hand lightly caressed her neck. 

"That isn't true, you know. This book is okay, see?" She held it above her head for the Master to see. 

She waited for a response, but received nothing. Maybe she should go back to the Doctor. With the book still clutched in her hand, she turned on her heel towards the door.


(Y/n)'s body froze. Hot breath fanned across her ear. A hand ran down the arm that wasn't holding the book. Her mark pulsed at the contact. 

"Were you going to leave without returning what belongs to me?" 

(Y/n) opened her mouth to reply, but found she couldn't speak. He stepped in front of her, the hand on her arm moved to grab her chin. 

"Answer your Master." 

(Y/n)'s breath hitched. 

"I-l was going to, but-" the words died on her lips.

"Why didn't you stay with her? It seemed you two were getting pretty cosy without me there." He sneered and forced himself away from her. (Y/n) frowned at his statement. Wasn't this what he wanted? For them to give into their bond? To be together? Why did he have to be so cryptic? 

"If I remember correctly, you kissed her first." 

The Master's jaw clencked at the mention of the kiss. 

"That's not the point." 

"Is it because she pushed you away?" (Y/n) knew she was walking on thin ice, but she needed to know what was going on with her soulmates and why it seemed to be having an effect on her. 

The Master was suddenly in her face. She stayed rooted in place, partly due to fear, but more so defiance she was trying to build against him. 

"You have no idea what happened between me and her - no idea." 

"I would if you would just - talk to me. Isn't  that what being soulmates is all about? Sharing ourselves with each other?" 

The Master gripped her forearms. "We can't, it's too dangerous. Don't you get it, little human? You're dying. I can feel your fragile little heart struggling and it's only a matter of time." 

(Y/n) didn't know she was crying until she felt hot tears meander down her cheeks. The heat that been radiating a steady heat turned cold. Her body felt numb. 

"Why would you say something like that?" 

"Because it's the truth. All she will do is spin lie after lie after lie until you're just another forgotten ape." 

"Shut up! Just, shut up!" (Y/n) wretched herself from his grip and slammed back against a thick, wooden bookcase. The numbness in her body meant she didn't feel the impact. Her breath came out in short pants. What was happening to her? She needed the Doctor. A stuttered feeling came from her other mark before it faded. She tore the Master's coat from her body and threw it to the floor at his feet. (Y/n) turned and ran down the corridor. 

If she had looked back at that moment, she would have seen the Master fall to her knees clutching his still warm coat his chest. 

A very Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope you enjoyed this little present to you all! ❤

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