Chapter Nine: Meeting the Cloud

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Christina's POV

Another boring lecture was being given by Nezu-sensei that I tuned out. Soon enough, the lunch bell tolled. Tsuna and I, along with Hayato-san and Takeshi-san, went up to the roof to enjoy lunch. As we were eating, Reborn-san came wearing a suit full of spikes. He came over to Tsuna and touched him with a spike. Tsuna then fell asleep. "These spikes have a sleeping poison on them. He will wake up in a while." Reborn-san said. I brushed one of the spikes without anyone noticing, except maybe Reborn-san, but I doubt he will say anything, just be suspicious.

I picked Tsuna up and carried him to a room that Reborn-san was leading us to, Takeshi-san and Hayato-san were following us. My head started to ring. I looked at the sign the room said, and saw that it was the reception room. I saw Takeshi-san stiffen a little and Hayato-san was being protective of Tsuna. I put Tsuna down on a couch and sat next to him. Soon, Takeshi-san and Hayato-san followed. I saw Reborn-san give coffee to Hayato-san and Takashi-san.

As they were drinking their coffee, Hibari-senpai came into the room. Hayato-san tried to fight him off, but got bitten to death (injured unconscious). Soon Takeshi-san started to fight him as well. 'He's guarding his right hand, that's going to make it even easier for Hibari-senpai to finish this.' I thought with a sigh that didn't go unnoticed, but I didn't care. Soon after I thought that, Hibari-senpai knocked Takeshi-san out. I noticed that Tsuna started to wake up, so I helped him up.

Once Tsuna was up, he noticed where we were and who was there. He went over to Takeshi-san and Hayato-san to see if they were okay. Then Hibari-senpai noticed him and glared. Tsuna just became terrified and crawled to the other side of the room fast. Hibari-senpai either hasn't noticed me yet, or has noticed me but isn't saying anything. I decided to choose the latter option.

After that, Hibari-senpai picked up Takeshi-san and Hayato-san and was dragging them towards the window, probably going to throw them out the window. I sighed, knowing that Reborn-san had something up his sleaves.

Sure enough, Reborn-san fired a Dying Will bullet at Tsuna. "REBORN! I will beat you with my dying will!" Tsuna said as he charged Hibari-senpai in his boxers. 'Glad I brought a spare uniform.' I thought as I mentally sweat-dropped. I saw Leon transform into a slipper and then Tsuna grabbed it. "Idiot!" Tsuna shouted as he hit Hibari-senpai on the head with the slipper. 'Guess I don't have to wonder about the slipper' I thought and sweat-dropped as the scene played before me.

The hit made Hibari-senpai drop Hayato-san and Takeshi-san. I wasn't worried for a bit, but let the feeling show on my face as not to make Reborn-san suspicious. Tsuna ran up to the window and caught his Rain and Storm Guardians. 'Hibari-senpai will make a great Cloud.' I thought with a mental smile.

I saw Hibari-senpai smirk once Tsuna caught them. He asked Tsuna "Can I smash you up?" and brought out one of his tonfas. Tsuna glared at him. Then a coffee bean came flying into Hibari-senpai's path. We both turned to look and saw Reborn-san on the windowsill. They had a little stare off for a bit until Hibari-senpai broke the silence. "Hn. I don't know who you are, but I'm annoyed right now. Could you lie on your side and wait?" Hibari-senpai asked as he charged Reborn-san, bringing out a tonfa as Reborn-san had Leon change into a stick or baton to block the tonfa.

"Wow, you're great." Hibari-senpai said, praising Reborn-san. "You really are strong." Reborn-san said, complementing Hibari-senpai. "I want to fight you." Hibari-senpai said, still itching to fight. "Save it for later." Reborn-san said as he brought up one of Hayato-san's bombs. Hibari-senpai and my eyes widened. The bomb blew up, leaving me and Hibari-senpai alone in the reception room. I looked outside and saw Reborn-san in a parachute thingy (courtesy of Leon) carrying Tsuna who was holding onto Hayato-san and Takeshi-san. I sighed, knowing that Tsuna was running out of strength. What's more, they were directly over the pool.

"Hn. Omnivore." Hibari-senpai said, gaining my attention. "Hai, Hibari-senpai?" I asked. "Fight me after school." Hibari-senpai said as he left. 'Gave me no choice, didn't he?' I wondered to myself. 'He will become an even better Cloud that Alaude.' Gia said, letting me see her. 'Don't you think so, Alaude?' Gia asked, Alaude becoming visible. 'Hm. Who knows.' Alaude said and disappeared. 'Mou~ You're so mean and antisocial, you know?!' Gia said, disappearing. I chuckled, finding it so funny. I left the reception room and headed to the pool, knowing that Tsuna will need a change of clothes.

Third Person POV

"You mean you made us run into him on purpose?" Tsuna asked, soaking wet in only his boxers. "It was a gamble." Reborn said. "Huh? What do you mean?" Tsuna asked. Reborn turned and looked at the pool. "It was real-life training so you didn't get soft from the peace. For training, real-life is best." Reborn said. "W-what are you saying?" Tsuna asked. "Yo, Tsuna." a voice called out. "Oh, Tia." Tsuna said as said person came nearer. "Here's a towel to dry off, and a change of clothes, include boxers." Christina said as she turned around to give her brother privacy.

Christina's POV

"What have you done? Now that guy will be after me." Tsuna moaned. 'No you won't because I'll apparently be his stress reliever.' I thought with a mental sigh and sweat-drop. I heard Hayato-san say something about beating 'that guy' to a pulp next time. 'Can't do that because he will bite you faster than you can blink.' I thought with a sigh. "This time you two were saved by Tsuna." Reborn-san said as he turned to look at the two Guardians. "Good job, Tsuna." Reborn-san said, praising Tsuna. 'Not going to be long-lived.' I thought with a sigh.

"Thanks." Takeshi-san said. "You're too friendly!" Hayato-san said, scolding the Rain. I giggled a little. "Maa, maa. Let's all get along together." Takeshi-san said. I saw Tsuna smile a bit. 'He hasn't had true friends to smile with.' I thought while smiling a bit myself. "It's important that the family cooperates well. The family's union has gotten stronger from this." Reborn-san said, aiming his words to Tsuna. I left, heading back to what little amount of class we have left.

A while later, Tsuna, Takeshi-san and Hayato-san came back into the classroom, going to their seats. I passed Tsuna a message in our code, saying that I was going to stay after school for a bit. He responded, asking me why. I responded back saying that it was a personal reason. He didn't ask anything else, and soon the bell rang. I headed to the roof, where I knew Hibari-senpai was going to be.

Once I got to the roof, I put my stuff in the place where I normally eat lunch. After I did that, I sensed Hibari-senpai coming up. I went over to an area where he could see me. "Hello, Hibari-senpai. What took you so long?" I asked in a bored voice. "Hn. Biting students to death for crowding." Hibari-senpai replied. I bowed, getting ready for Hibari-senpai to attack.

Once he attacked, I kart-wheeled away like last time. He continued to attack and I kept on dodging. "Same-old pattern. It won't work." I said with a sigh, dodging a tonfa in the process. "Stop dodging." Hibari-senpai said, attacking me with his tonfas. "If I stop dodging, then this won't be fun anymore." I say with a pout. I quickly run in front of him, putting my fist a few inches away from his face. "See what I mean." I said in a bored tone. I walked away to grab my stuff. When I came back, Hibari-senpai was still in that position.

"Bye bye, Hibari-senpai. See you tomorrow." I say as I jump off the roof. I landed on my feet perfectly, and started to jog home. Once I got home, I went straight to my room to start my homework.

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