Chapter One: Innocent Twins

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Christina's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock, stretching to get the sleepiness out. I got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. After that I went back to my room and put on my uniform to get ready for school. After that, I went over to my twin's room to wake him up. "Tsuna!!! Wake up, you're going to be late!!" I shout at him as I went over to him. "Five more minutes..." he mumbled in his sleep. I sighed. I'll try to get him up later. I went down stairs and found kaa-san making breakfast. "Ohayo, kaa-san." I said as I sat down. "Ohayo, Tia-chan. Is Tsu-kun still sleeping?" she asked while cooking. "Hai. I'll get him up after I eat. You know how he is." I said while laughing a little.

After I ate my breakfast I went up to Tsuna's room. "Wake up, Tsuna!!!!! We'll be late!!!!" I shouted in his ear. "HIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!" he shrieked as he practically jumped out of bed. "Get dressed Tsuna and get some breakfast. We'll be late." I said while stifling some giggles. "Why didn't you get me up before?!?!?!" he whined as he put on his uniform. I had turned around to give him some privacy. "You said 'five more minutes' and I gave you five more minutes. Is that so wrong?" I asked. "No." he mumbled then tapped my shoulder, signaling me to move. We headed downstairs. Kaa-san had placed Tsuna's food at the table.

I went over to the door and found kaa-san closing the door. I assumed she had grabbed the mail. "Kaa-san, did you grab the mail?" I asked. "Hai. And I found a paper for a tutor. I'll call them to see if they can help bump up your and Tsu-kun's grades." she said with a smile. "Hai." I said while feeling some unknown presence outside. "I'll head out first. Tell Tsuna that I am going on ahead." I said as I got my shoes on. "Hai. Have a nice day. And here's your bento." she said as she handed a bento to me. "Arigato, kaa-san." I say while giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I then left out house and headed towards school, noticing the unknown presence was staying near home. 'Hmmm. I wonder who that is.' I thought to myself without glancing where the presence was, trying not to draw attention to myself.

Tsuna's POV

'Why did Tia have to leave without me?!?!?!' I thought to myself. I ran a ways towards the school until I saw a familiar figure leaning on the wall. "Tia!!" I shouted with glee. She turned towards me with a smile. "Yo, Tsuna. Took you long enough." she said once I got closer. When I stopped, I started to pant and tried to regain my breath. Once I regained it, Tia grabbed my hand and led me to school. "Don't want to get bitten to death by Hibari-senpai now, don't you?" she asked. "Hiiieee!!" I screamed. She just laughed as we continued running. We made it to class before the bell rang. "We made it." she said while panting. "Yeah. We did." I said while also panting.

We then walked over to our desks, mine in front of her's, both near the window side. The bell rang a little while after we sat. In came Nezu-sensei to talk about the lesson and going on and on about how great he is and how great his way of teaching is. Tia is way better at explaining the stuff than Nezu-sensei is.

Christina's POV

Once Nezu-sensei started talking I just tuned him out. I wrote a message to Tsuna in code and passed it to him. I asked him 'Do you know what kaa-san found in the mail?' he wrote a response and handed it back. 'Yes. Something about a tutor for us. Why?' he asked. I wrote back, 'Tell you at lunch.' I handed it to him and he kept it. After a while the lunch bell rang. As I was heading to the door, someone stuck their foot out. I debated jumping over it, but decided not to, so I tripped over it, making sure not to harm my lunch. Everyone, except Kyoko-chan, the school's idol, her best friend Hana-chan, Yamamoto-san, and Tsuna, laughed. Tsuna ran up to me and asked "Are you okay?" "I'm fine. I'm glad that I didn't ruin kaa-san's bento." I said smiling.

We left the classroom and went to the roof and over to a corner, where Hibari-senpai won't notice us since he comes up here during lunch. "So, what do you know about the tutor?" Tsuna asked as we started eating. "Only that it's weird that kaa-san found a paper in the mail about it. We haven't needed a tutor before, so why now?" I said. "You're right. But I don't think kaa-san would believe you." Tsuna said.

We finished out lunches before the bell rang. We headed back to class after that. Once we were in out seats, the bell rang. After listening to Nezu-sensei rant again, the bell rang that school was over. We went home without any incidents. Once home, I went up to my room. Time for work.

Tsuna's POV

When we got home, I greeted kaa-san while Tia headed up to her room. 'Guess she's starting work early.' I thought. I went up to my room to start on my homework. After a while I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I said while still working on my homework. "Yo, Tsuna." Tia said. "You taking a break?" I asked, still not looking up from my homework. "Yeah. I also want to get my homework done before I go out." she said while getting comfortable on the floor. I brought a table out and sat down with her.

I let her look over the homework I had done and wrote some things on her assignments. After we finished, she went back to her room to continue her work. I went down and got some snacks from kaa-san and brought them up to Tia's room. I knocked on her door. "Tia, I got snacks." I said. I heard something get unlocked. The door opened. I went inside and the door closed and locked again. "Anything interesting happen?" I asked. "Nope. No requests and no jobs. Just a bunch of alliance sheets." she said without turning around. "When will you join an alliance?" I asked, setting the snack tray on her bed and sitting down on the bed. "When they give me a real reason to join." she said.

She turned around and noticed the snacks. "I need another break." she said and grabbed some of the snacks. "So, when do you think the tutor will come?" I asked while eating some snacks. "I looked at the calling history on the phone, and from the conversation that was held, he'll be coming tomorrow. And he likes espressos. Plus, he sounded like a baby." she said while eating. "So, try not to act suspicious?" I asked. "Yep. Act like you don't know anything about it." she said while finishing up. "Well, see you tomorrow." I said and got up, taking the now empty tray of snacks. "See you." she said.

Christina's POV

After Tsuna left, I chatted with a friend.

Chat room

Cielo27 logged on

Hacker4th: Nice to see you

Cielo27: Nice to see you, too

Hacker4th: So, anything new to share?

Cielo27: Nothing new, except that a tutor is coming to my house tomorrow. This smells suspicious.

Hacker4th: Might have something to do with the mafia

Cielo27: It might, but can't be too sure

Hacker4th: Meet in the usual spot, usual time, and cake?

Cielo27: You know me too well, Sho-san

Hacker4th: Like the back of my hand

Cielo27: See you later

Hacker4th: Yep

Cielo27 logged out

Hacker4th logged out

After I finished my chat with Sho-san, I went to my closet and grabbed a black hoodie, black pants, black socks and black shoes, and my usual silver fox mask with a red circle on the forehead area. I know that I don't need it, but it's for just in case. After I put everything on, and made sure that everyone was asleep, I went out through my window, leaving enough room under it to get back in. I jumped along the roof tops towards my destination.

Once I found it, I landed on the balcony and knocked softly on the window pane. Soon, the window opened and out came Sho-san. "Right on time, as usual." Shoichi said with a smile. "Nice to see you, too." I said, taking off my mask. "Here's your treat." he said, handing me a box. "The usual?" I asked. "Do you need to ask?" he said, a little frustrated. "Just testing." I said, and opened the box to find a strawberry cake slice.

"Itadakimasu" I said and started eating the cake. Sho-san had a slice of chocolate cake (A/N: I don't know what type of cake he likes, so I'm going with chocolate). After eating our cakes in silence, Sho-san piped up. "I got word from some friends that said the #1 hitman was going to be a tutor for someone." I started to choke on nothing. "You ok, 27?" he asked me as he was trying to help. Once I calmed down, I said "It can't be a coincidence." "You mean" Sho-san said. "Yep, it must be him. Why didn't I notice it sooner." I said as I face-palmed. "So, what are you going to do?" he asked. "Act dame and not draw attention." I said.

"Well, bye Sho-san. Thanks for the cake!" I say while hopping away, putting my mask on in the process. I soon got back home and went in through my window. I closed it and took my clothes off and changed into my pajamas. I went into bed and fell asleep.

A/N: This is what Christina wears and somewhat looks like. Her formal outfit is the same as Cielo27's, but her hair is brown instead of blonde and doesn't wear a mask.

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