Chapter Thirteen: Skullitis is Embarrassing?

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Christina's POV

I woke up to hearing an unknown voice talking from Tsuna's room. 'So, Skullitis has appeared.' I thought with a sigh. I changed into my casual clothes and went to go and get my boots on. "Bye! I'm going out for a bit." I shout as I leave the house. I bring my phone out and call Sho-san. "Yo! Sho-san." I say as he picked up. "What do you what, Tia-san?" he asked. "meet me at the shop." I say as I hang up.

Once I got there, I found Sho-san and we headed inside. Once inside, the lady from before was there. "Hello. What would you like today?" she asked. "Same as before, please." I said, showing my mask. "Right this way, please." she said and led us to the room from before. "Please wait while I get your orders." she said as she walked away.

"So, what's going on with your brother?" Sho-san asked. "He recently got Skullitis." I say with a straight face. "You're joking, right?" he asked, not believing it. "I'm not. He probably shot him when I wasn't around." I said as the lady was coming back. "Here are your orders." she said as she put them on our table. "Thank you." I say and she bows then leaves. "That's one of the problems of the Dying Will bullet." Sho-san said as he began eating. "Yea. Glad I learned how to do it without the bullet." I said with a shaky laugh as I began to eat my cake.

Third Person POV

As Tsuna was running around with Reborn, trying to find the perv doctor Shamal, I-Pin heard some of the embarrassing secrets and blew up, scattering Tsuna and Reborn from everyone. Soon after, they found Shamal but he refused to treat Tsuna because he doesn't treat men. A while later, Kyoko came and found them. Tsuna and Kyoko had a little chat, and then Kyoko left to go and find her brother, who probably forgot to eat.

"That was the longest time I had ever spent with a person I like." one of the skulls on Tsuna said once Kyoko was left. Soon, Shamal had treated Tsuna with Angelitis, the opposite of Skullitis and save Tsuna's life. Shamal said that it was because he felt pity for Tsuna, that the longest time he had spent with the person he liked was five minutes. Tsuna and Reborn headed home after the long day, and were surprised to see his friends there.

"Hey, has anyone seen Tia?" Tsuna asked. "Nope/No, Juudaime/No/No, Tsuna-nii" Takeshi, Hayato, I-Pin and Lambo said in unison. At that moment, someone opened the door. "I'm back!" a female voice said as Tsuna rushed to the door to see who it was. He started to tear up. "Tia!" he shouted and hugged her. "What's the matter, Tsu?" she asked. 'Tsu?!?!' was what went through all their heads.

Christina's POV

I looked over Tsuna's head and saw everyone (except a certain hitman) gaping in shock. "Tsu, go to my room. I'll be up in a few." I say while patting his head. "H-hai." he said while holding back sobs. I saw him head up and go into my room. "So," I say, getting serious. "What happened to my brother while I was out? I had heard something from his room when I woke up." I asked and said. "He had contracted Skullitis, and was going to die in a couple hours." Reborn-san said. "So, he got cured." I said, looking over everyone. "Yea, though Juudaime almost didn't make it." Hayato-san said.

"So, why did Tsuna cry?" Takeshi-san asked. "No reason." I said simply. I walked over to the kitchen to make dinner. "Sit at the table. I'm making dinner. And don't bother to get Tsuna, we're going to be eating in my room." I said while cooking. I heard everyone walk to the dinner table. "What's for dinner?" Takeshi-san asked. "Mash-potatoes and sausage." I said without looking. I then plated the food and brought it out. I then plated two plates and brought them up to my room.

I entered my room and saw Tsuna curled up on my bed. I put the food on my desk then brought out a small table. I then moved the food off my desk and onto the table. I then shook Tsuna awake. "Tsuna, I have some dinner." I say while shaking him. "Hai." he said and got up. I led him to the floor and we ate in silence. After we finished, I saw Tsuna was starting to cry again. I moved the plates onto my desk and put the table away. I went over to him and hugged him. "Shh. It's alright, Tsu. You won't have to go through that again. I promise." I said while rubbing his head. I couldn't hear anything because his sobs were being muffled by my shirt.

Soon, I didn't hear anymore crying and looked to see that Tsuna had fallen asleep. I picked him up and brought him to his room. I then went downstairs and found everyone except Reborn-san sleeping in the living room. "Chris, why did you call Dame-Tsuna 'Tsu'?" Reborn-san asked. "I sometimes slip into that when I feel that Tsuna is hurting inside." I said while grabbing blankets for everyone. "What do you mean?" Reborn-san asked. "Well, when we were younger and we got bullied, he would always hide it from kaa-san. I would too, but the bullying never really bothered me. He seemed to be suffering." I say while covering Takeshi-san. "And one day, he just couldn't take it anymore and ran away. I managed to find him, and he started to cry. I comforted him, making a promise to myself to never let him get hurt." I say while covering Lambo and I-Pin.

After I had covered everyone, I turned to Reborn-san. "He fell asleep while crying, so I took him into his room. He should still be sleeping." I said while making some lunch for school tomorrow. I heard Reborn-san walk upstairs. "Skullitis is embarrassing. So it definitely can wipe a person out." I say to myself while finishing the lunches.

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