Chapter Two: Baby Tortu-Tutor From Hell

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Christina's POV

I woke up and got my school uniform on and went over to Tsuna's room. "Yo, Tsuna. Wake up. The tutor is coming today." I whisper in his ear. "Hai." he says sleepily as he slowly gets up. I turn my back so he has privacy to change. Once he tapped my shoulder, we both went downstairs for breakfast. "Ohayo, kaa-san." we both say taking our places at the table. "Ohayo, Tia-chan and Tsu-kun. Ara, Tsu-kun, you're up early." kaa-san said as she brought out breakfast. "H-hai. I wasn't that tired today, for some reason." Tsuna says with a sheepish grin.

"Itadakimasu." we both say as we start eating. "Ne ne, Tia-chan, Tsu-kun, guess what." kaa-san says with a sly tone in her voice. "What, kaa-san?" I ask. "A tutor is coming over to help improve your grades." kaa-san says with happiness. "Oh, ok." I say with slight disappointment. Kaa-san didn't notice it.

After Tsuna and I finished breakfast we went over to the entrance to get our shoes on. I sensed an unknown presence behind the door. Tsuna got up and went to open the door when he got a kick to the face. I silently cringed at that. I got up and went over to Tsuna when I saw the little baby in a black suit with a black fedora with an orange band around it. He also had a little green chameleon on his fedora and a yellow pacifier around his neck. 'So, this is the #1 hitman, Reborn. Also the Sun Arcobaleno.' I thought silently while lowering my aura as to not draw attention to myself. "Cioassu." the little baby said. "Ohayo, chisana kodomo. Why are you here?" I asked while bending down to his height. "I'm the home tutor for you two. The name is Reborn." Reborn said.

Tsuna laughed at this. "Gomen, but I don't need a tutor." Tsuna said after he stopped laughing. That earned him a beating from Reborn. "Gomen, Reborn-san, but Tsuna and I need to get going or we'll be late." I say while dragging Tsuna up. "Isoge, Tsuna." I say as he slowly starts running himself. We left the house, with Reborn following us.

Reborn's POV

When I got inside the Sawada household, I jumped on my target, Tsunayoshi Sawada. I then looked over and saw his twin sister, Christina Sawada. True to the info, they looked similar. After they left, I started tailing them. After a while, they ended up in front of Namimori Middle School. They stopped and were talking with another girl. 'Hmm. It seems that the target has a crush on this girl.' I thought to myself. But before I had a chance to fire a Dying Will Bullet, it looked like he had confessed to the girl. 'Hmm, it must have been his twin that convinced him.' I thought with a sigh. 'There will be another chance.' I mused.

Christina's POV

Once we got to school, we saw Kyoko Sasagawa, the school's idol, near the entrance of the school. I also sensed Reborn was close so, I said to Tsuna "Confess to her already. Come on." He looked at me, trying to steel himself for this. "Ok." he said. I watched him walk over to Kyoko-chan and say, "I really like you Kyoko-chan. So, ano, would you like to be my girlfriend?!" he asked while bowing. 'Nice one, Tsuna.' I thought with a smile. I then saw Kyoko-chan run away, a little embarrassed. I'll have to talk to her later. I walked over to Tsuna, who was being laughed at by the other students. "It's ok, Tsuna. There is always next time. I'll ask her later why she ran away." I said, trying to make him feel better. "Hai, Tia." he says while looking at me.

Once we got in our seats, someone came over and said something to Tsuna. The student walked away, and guessing by Tsuna's face, it wasn't good. "What did he say, Tsuna?" I asked with worry. Tsuna gulped. "Mochida-senpai wants a duel, after school is done in the Kendo Club room. The prize is Kyoko-chan." he said with worry. 'Knowing Mochida-senpai, he'll have it rigged, so no one wins except him.' I thought with disgust. The bell rang, so I went to my seat and zoned Nezu-sensei out. I was looking out the window at the sky, thinking on what to do about the duel.

The lunch bell rang, so I grabbed Tsuna and we headed to the roof. Once there, we went to our normal spot and started to eat in silence. "Ne, Tia, should I go through with the duel?" Tsuna asked with worry. "Hai. You need to prove yourself. To both Mochida-senpai and Kyoko-chan. Don't worry, I'll be rooting for you!" I say and give him a closed eye smile. "Arigato, Tia." Tsuna says with a smile. We finished eating and went to the classroom. The bell rang a little after we sat down.

I ignored Nezu-sensei's rant again and stared at the sky. It looked so beautiful and free. The clouds didn't block out it's beauty, but floated like they were protecting it. The sun was shining, adding to the beauty. It almost looked like the sun was wiping away anything that had previously happened to ruin the sky, taking the pain of before on to itself.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the ending bell. I got up and went to Tsuna. "Go on to the match, I'll talk to Kyoko-chan." I whispered in his ear as I passed by. Without waiting for his reply, I went over to Kyoko-chan's desk. "Hey, Kyoko-chan." I said once I got close enough. "Nani, Tina-chan?" Kyoko asked. "I was just wondering, why did you run earlier?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "O-oh. T-that." she said, stuttering. "Go on." I say. "I was just shocked by that and didn't know what to say." Kyoko-chan says, a little embarrassed. "Ok. But, please tell your reason for that, and your answer, to Tsuna. After the match." I say. "What match?" Kyoko asks, blinking in surprise. I mentally face-palmed. "Mochida-senpai challenged Tsuna to a fight over you." I say. "N-nani?!" she asked in surprise. "Anyway, let's go. I promised Tsuna that I'd cheer for him." I say while grabbing Kyoko-chan and leading the way.

Once we got there, the match hadn't started yet. 'Probably waiting for the prize to arrive, and Tsuna from the looks of it.' I thought with a sigh. "Boys." I said out loud and shook my head, no one noticed. "REBORN! I'm going to beat him with my Dying Will!!" Tsuna shouted as he came running into the room, wearing only his boxers. He had an orange flame on his head and had a yellow-ish aura around his body. And his eyes! They were orange instead of his normal brown. 'Reborn, you shot him with the Dying Will Bullet, didn't you.' I thought with a sigh. "Go, Tsuna!! Beat Mochida-senpai!!" I shouted. He went straight for Mochida-senpai, and started pulling out his hair. The referee was hesitant to put the flag up, signifying Tsuna's win. 'As I thought, Mochida-senpai rigged it. It's no surprise, seeing as how conceited he is.' I thought with a grimace. Tsuna kept pulling Mochida-senpai's hair out until the referee said that Tsuna had won the match.

After Tsuna ran away to put some clothes on (I brought an extra, just in case because of Reborn), and came back to me and Kyoko-chan, I elbowed Kyoko-chan to tell Tsuna her reason and answer. "Ano, Tsuna-san" Kyoko began. "Hai, Kyoko-chan." Tsuna said with worry. "I don't want to be your girlfriend." Kyoko said. Tsuna lowered his head. "Ok." He said and started to walk away. "But," Kyoko said. Tsuna stopped walking and turned his head towards Kyoko-chan. "I do want to be your friend. So lets start with that." Kyoko-chan said with a smile. "H-hai!" Tsuna said, smiling. I smiled at him. 'First step towards his relationship with the idol: complete.' I thought with a smile. "Come on, Tsuna. Time to go home." I say and grabbed his hand. "See you tomorrow, Kyoko-chan." I shout over my shoulder.

Tsunayohi's POV

Once we got home, Reborn jumped on me again. "Itai!!!" I shouted. "Get up, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn said, using my nickname the most of the kids at school use. Why me. "It's time to start your training." Reborn says. "Ehh? Training for what?" I asked, not wanting to hear the answer. "Ohayo, kaa-san." Tia says. "Okaeri, Tia-chan, Tsu-kun." kaa-san said. Saved by kaa-san. "Ohayo, maman." Reborn says. "Come to the kitchen for snacks while you do your homework." kaa-san says, leading us to the kitchen.

Once we sat down we started working on our homework in silence. I asked a couple questions and before Tia could respond, Reborn would answer. I was getting a little annoyed, but tried not to let it show, like how Tia taught me. After we finished Reborn said his reason for coming here. "I came here to train Tsunayoshi Sawada to become the next Vongola boss, Vongola Decimo." Reborn said without a trace of a joke in his voice. Tia started laughing, while I was scared. "Gomen, gomen. But, I don't think that Tsuna would be fit as a boss. He has low grades and an even lower self-esteem. How could he be a boss of a big-scary mafia?" Tia asked after she calmed down. I was still pale.

Reborn's POV

After the female twin stopped laughing and asked how the male twin could be a boss, I started getting suspicious. She seemed to know what the mafia was, and didn't joke while saying it. 'There is something going on here. I might get something from Nono and Iemitsu.' I thought for a while. "Anyway, I'll be going now." the female twin said. She walked up the stairs to her room. "I guess that I'll be going to sleep, then, seeing as how late it is." the target said. He walked up the stairs to his room. "Something is definitely up." I said to myself. I went outside to make a call. Once the other line picked up, I said "Hey, it's me. I need some more info on Christina Sawada."

Christina's POV

After I left the table, I went to my room to get to work. I turned my computer on and checked my e-mail. I had another couple of alliance requests. One in particular stood out. 'From Vongola Nono, huh.' I thought. 'This might be fun, but I don't want to join, yet.' I thought with a smirk. I responded 'I am intrigued by your offer, Vongola Nono. But at the current time, I am not interested in joining. Maybe some other time, perhaps? From- Cielo27' I sent it to the old man and checked my other e-mails. 'Hmm, a hacking job. Glad that I'm in the mood to hack something.' I thought with a grin. I looked at my computer's clock that read 8:00 P.M. 'Two hours tops.' I thought and sent a reply to the sender.

Timoteo's POV

"Boss! We received a reply from Cielo27!" a man named Luigi said while running into my room. "What was their reply?" I asked. "'I am intrigued by your offer, Vongola Nono. But at the current time, I am not interested in joining. Maybe some other time, perhaps? From- Cielo27'" Luigi said while reading the reply. "Send another request." I said. "B-but, why?" he asked. "I simply won't take no for an answer." I said while smiling.

Christina's POV

Yes, I managed to finish it in time. Welp, time to go to sleep. I didn't think that hacking could make me so tired. Well, I haven't taken a hacking request in a while. Well, time to go to sleep.

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