My Fair Stickys/Mist (A Skylanders Academy and Sonic Boom crossover)

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(This is NOT a rp chapter)

On Bygone Island, a meteor shower was scattering towards town as the Skylanders and the boom gang watched the action. Amy was smiling as she says, "Meteors are shooting stars. We shouldn't be running. We should be making wishes. *gasps* I wish for a pony!" Sonic looks at her with a confused look. "And I wish you take cover." He said as he grabbed her arm.

They got to cover under a building as Amy had her arms crossed, disappointed that her wish didn't came true like Sonic's wish. "How come your wish came true?" Amy asked. Jet Vac checked his scanner to the meteors and explained his data. "Looks like a few more meteors are heading down. Alright then, we need to come up with a plan to make sure that the remaining meteors do not come crashing down." Just then, Sticks held up her hand and says, "If it'll help, you guys, you should let Team Primal Rage handle this." All (but one) looked at Sticks with confused looks until Eruptor raised his arm a bit and asks, "Uh Sticks, who's Team Primal Rage?"

"Eruptor, Team Primal Rage is a team of two girls. For example, I'm the primal..." Sticks began as she held up a button and pressed it. Out of a sudden, a few wooden rackets appeared around town and started hitting the meteors back. The team were shocked and surprised at this. "How did-?" Tails says, but Sticks answered before he finished. "I made a lot of these for any disasters." A meteor was falling down and heading towards them.

They screamed while Jet Vac layed an egg with a meteor pattern and quickly picked it up, hiding it. Suddenly, one person from the group jumps towards the meteor. It was Mist as her right leg was suddenly enraged with fire as she gave the meteor a strong kick, sending it back to the sky. She lands down next to Sticks and continued, "And I'm the rage." Sticks and Mist gave each other a fist bump as they kept the meteors from hitting town. After a few minutes, the meteors stopped coming as Jet Vac examines his scanner. Tail went to him and asks, "Any more coming?" Jet Vac shook his head and says, "It'll be clear skies from this point on."

Sticks and Mist did their victory fist bump while Spyro was astounded by their teamwork. "That was...the COOLEST thing I've ever seen! You two are like the most awesomeness duo ever!" He complimented. "It was no biggie if you're teamed up with someone with the same instincts as you." Stick said.

*two hours later, at Skylanders Academy*

The Skylanders were watching TV when they hear the doorbell ringing. "I got it." Mist said as she heads to the door. She opened it and finds Hugo with a letter. "Hey Hugo, what's up?" She asked the assistant mabu. "Well, you got a letter from the mayor from Bygone Island. Something to do with this "Team Primal Rage"."

Hugo said and hands Mist the letter and leaves. She looks at the letter with a confused look as the others were confused also.

*back at Bygone Island*

Sonic and the gang were relaxing after the Skylanders paid them a visit with Mist holding onto her letter. Sticks soon came over with the same letter she got. "Someone left this at my house." She said as Sonic replied, "Yeah, the mailman. It's a letter." Sticks sniffs the letter and grew curious. "A letter, huh? I don't know. Paper folded over itself. What's it hiding? What's it hiding?!"

Amy walks over and takes Sticks' letter and then Mist's and opens them up. As she looks closer at the letter, she gasps in shock and says "Sticks, you and Mist have been nominated for an Awardy Award!" She said happily. The Skylanders were confused at what Amy just say. "An Awardy Award?" Pop Fizz says as Jet Vac added, "The mayor should clearly fire his speech writer." "They really need a better name for that thing." Tails said.

"Oh, let me see!" Knuckles said as he took the two letters from her. He wore some glasses as he looked closer at the letters, but realization hits him." Oh wait, I can't read." He said. "Gimme that." Sonic said and yanks the letters from Knuckles and read them. The letters both say:

"In honor of saving our village,
the mayor cordially invites you to the Awardies. Conveniently, you may also bring your closest pals."

They looked at each other until they noticed Comedy Chimp with excitement in his eyes. "Sorry, Comedy Chimp." Sonic said as Comedy Chimp looked down and walks out. "Now where was I? Oh yeah." He said and continued reading:

"The Awardies will be at the mayor's mansion. You'll dine on elegant food and mingle with elegant guests. After which the Awardy Awards will be awarded to the winner."

"Which could be the two of you." He finished reading. "Huh. I've never been to an elegant party before. Sounds like a blast. I'm in." Mist said. "I can't make it." Sticks said, leaving Amy in shock.

"What? Why?" Amy asked before Sticks took out her leaf book of schedules. "Well, you know...I'm slammed this week. See? Tomorrow and Wednesday, rummage through garbage. Thursday, get tetanus shot. Friday, rummage through garbage."

"I'm booked solid." Sticks finished. Amy didn't agree to that and argued, "This is the honor of a lifetime." Stealth Elf nodded and adds, "Yeah, and you might win a shiny trophy, and we all know how much you love shiny things." "I do love shiny things. But no, no. Uh-uh." Sticks said and looks away. "Sticks, my feather senses are telling me that you are afraid to go. Am I wrong?"

Jet Vac said. Sticks tried to deny it, but admits in defeat. "Sticks, there's nothing to fear." Amy comforts Sticks, who spoke after, "But look at me, I'm a feral badger. I'll embarrass myself." Sticks said before Sonic responded, "Who cares what people think?" "Yeah. Everyone at these parties is a windbag anyways."

Knuckles added as he acts fancy to Sonic, saying "What a robust moustache you have, Colonel Grumpkins." Sonic replied with a fancy accent as well "Why thank you, Madam Stinkbottom." Mist stifled a laugh from that as she says to Stick "Don't worry. You'll be fine." Amy nods before saying "I'll teach you to be a lady." Sticks was confused and asked "A lady? That's the thing that holds garbage, right?" Stealth Elf shook her head and says "Actually, a lady is a polite sophisticated member of society."

"And you can be that. Lesson one, don't discuss garbage." Amy responded, leaving Sticks with a disappointed look and says "I'm out." Mist pats her shoulder and says "Come on, you can do this." Sticks sighed with defeat and says, "Ok, I'll try." Amy was happy before saying, "A proper lady, or women because you are Mist were invited, require escorts for the gala." Just then, Comedy Chimp pops in the entrance with a happy look on his face. The group looked at him, not interested of him to go along.

He then frowned and says, "Why do I even bother with you guys?" With that, he left. "Well, with THAT cleared out of the way, I guess I'll be Mist's escort for tonight." Spyro volunteered and Mist groaned, annoyed. "Fine, but if you brag about this with the others back at the academy, I'll drown you." She threatened as he chuckled before saying, "You have my word, m'lady." He said and pretends to bow at her. She rolled her eyes as the girls giggled a bit.

"Now that we got Mist an escort, we need one for Sticks." Amy said. Jet Vac then spoke, "Leave the picking to the rest of us Amy. We'll put it to a vote." He, Eruptor, Pop Fizz, Spyro, Tails and Knuckles spoke in unison, "Sonic." Sonic wasn't interested and said, "No." Eruptor then says, "Come on Sonic, help a badger out. She can't embarrass herself in front of fancy folk."

With a sigh of defeat, Sonic says, "Fine, but I'm not wearing pants." Pop Fizz then blurted out, "Yeah, me neither. I don't wanna get TOO fancy."

*at Amy's house*

Amy, Sticks and Mist were in the living room as Amy gave the first step. "When meeting someone new, start with a compliment. Try saying something nice about their perfume." Sticks began to sniff around Amy and then says, "You don't stink." Mist laughed at that.


Spyro and Mist were at the backyard, holding each other's arms while Amy was at the other end of the backyard, holding a stopwatch a d says, "Annnd go!" and started the timer. Spyro and Mist began to walk towards her until a wooded stand of a fancy person appeared in front of them. "This is my consort." The teal haired elf said, motioning to Spyro. After a few minute of silence, she became intimidate and threatened, "And if you don't like it, I'll knock you out." Amy was displeased and say, "No Mist, a lady doesn't fight." Mist adds, "No, but they can finish it."

*inside the house*

Amy and Sticks were both holding a cup of tea. "When in doubt, pinkies out." Amy said as she let her pinkie finger out and sips on her tea. Sticks let her pinkie out and violently licks up the tea from her cup.

*in the afternoon before the gala*

Eruptor, Jet Vac, Pop Fizz and Stealth Elf watched Knuckles play the piano skillfully and were shocked. "If he's not that smart, then how is he playing that thing like a professional?" Eruptor whispered to Pop Fizz, who shrugged in return. Tails was playing the drums as Sonic and Sticks both watch Spyro and Mist as they demonstrate the steps in dancing, with Amy as an instructor. "One, two, step. One, two, turn. One, two, step. One, two, dip." Amy instructed as Spyro and Mist did the moves and ended with Spyro dipping Mist.

Sticks grew rather worried for her raging friend and asks, "Why is the music controlling them? You're not the music master's puppet, Mist." The two kept dancing, not hearing what Sticks said. "You're not his puppet!" Sticks said and tackled Mist, along with Spyro as they tumbled down. Sonic was drinking some smoothie while watching this and says, "Yeah, I think they're ready."

*at the party*

The gang and the Skylanders were dressed nicely while Sonic, Sticks, Mist and Spyro were up the stairs, waiting for Amy's signal. "It's my pleasure to introduce the Lady Sticks and the Lady Mist and their escorts, Sir Sonic of Hedgehog and Sir Spyro of Dragon." Amy introduced as the couple held each other's arms and walk down the stairs. While Sticks did horribly with compliments while Mist did well with compliments, Spyro, Sonic, Eruptor and Knuckles headed to the table. "Finally, some chow." Sonic said with his face lit up, but frowned a bit as he looks at today's menu. "Asparagus crostini? Hempseed quiche? Goat cheese with red radicchio spread?"

Sonic said with a disgusted look. "Well that's what fancy people always eat." Eruptor said before they heard a scream and saw that Sticks had accidentally spilled her drink on a beaver. "Uh oh. Gotta go." Sonic said and went to her. Eruptor took a bite of the goat cheese and immediately gagged a bit from that and says, "This cheese taste way worse than the chunks of the spoiled milk Pop Fizz likes to chew on." He put the cheese back to its plate.

Knuckles took the Hempseed quiche and eats it, and felt the disgust from the food before spitting it at Eruptor's face. Eruptor had a disgusted look on his face from that. "I'm getting a napkin." He muttered angrily and walked away from Knuckles. "Ugh, more like goat cheese on a red crud-icchio spread." Just then, laughing was heard behind him as two sophisticated gentlemen laughed at his words. "My dear champ, what a marvelously comical witticism." One of them spoke.

"Uh, red crud-icchio spread?" Knuckles asked with a confused look as the two gentlemen laughed again. The rat gentleman then says, "Sir, you have the audacity to say what we're all thinking." The beaver then added, "You simply must join us." Knuckles felt involved and says, "Me? Alright... Red crud-icchio spread." He repeated and the three laughed together.

Meanwhile, Mist was kinda having a hard time as she complimented on a female walrus. "Well, at least you're prepared for winter. With that healthy layer of blubber, of course." She said as the female walrus felt offended. "Well, I never!" She said and walks away. Mist chuckled nervously at that response. "Wow, did you seriously just call her fat?"

Spyro asked while drinking some juice. "I didn't, but at least I didn't told her that she's not prepared for winter." She answered as the mayor had everyone to gather around. He then gave his speech, "Welcome to the Awardy Awards. Where we award the Awardy award for award-winning sizes. Tonight, two of you nominees will be awarded with your own Awardy award." The guests stayed silent as the mayor then added, "That's it. I'm firing my speech writer."

"Check out that ridiculous hat!" Knuckles said, pointing at a hat with deer antlers on it. The beaver then say, "That, sir, is the official hat of the Jackalope launch, of which I am president." Knuckles became nervous for a moment until the beaver continued, "But upon closer inspection, it DOES look asidine." Both he and Knuckles laughed as they fist bump. Meanwhile, Sticks was currently sitting on the table with the mayor, a fox and Leroy the Turtle as she grew nervous. She looked at the knives and forks before pointing at one fork and asks, "What's that one?" "It's your pre salad, post soup, mid appetizer, post-post cocktail, tertiary thimble fork."

Leroy answered. There was sudden crashing and to Sonic's shock, Dr. Eggman came in with the Doom Raiders and sat between Leroy and Sticks. Sonic was confused and was about to ask, "Eggman? How did you guys-" "Get nominated?" Eggman cut him off before continuing, "Let's just say we have a loyal base of...supporters." Golden Queen noticed Sticks and asks, "You look familiar. Do I know you?" Sticks grew nervous until she remembered what Amy taught her: start off with a compliment.

With the oppertunity, Sticks says, "You have...healthy hindquarters." Golden Queen giggled a bit and says, "Why thank you, dear. I actually started taking spin classes." Sticks was proud of herself as she grabs her bowl of soup and drinks it like tea, holding her pinkie out. Golden Queen looked a bit disgusted, but Dr. Eggman looks at Leroy and says, "See that, Shelly? That's how a lady slurps soup from a bowl." The Doom Raiders and the two guests at the table were confused as Dr. Eggman began to do the same Sticks does. The mayor came up the podium with two envelopes as he announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to announce this year's winners."

He opened the first envelope and says, "And the second place Awardy goes to..." The Doom Raiders and the heroes waited patiently. "Mist the Elf." The mayor announced. Mist smiled a bit as Spyro cheered for her. After Mist got her trophy, the mayor opened the second envelope. "And the first place Awardy goes to..." Eggman and Sticks were eager to win the trophy, until..."Leroy the Turtle." The mayor announced.

"Yes, woo hoo! Score one for Leroy." Leroy shouts happily, leaving Golden Queen angry and Dr. Eggman confused "Leroy the Turtle?! That trophy was mine!" Golden Queen yelled, enraged. "Is it just me, or does something smell fishy?" Dr. Eggman whispered to Dreamcatcher. "I have irritable Bowl Syndrome." A random fish said.

"If you won't give us the award, we'll take it." Eggman said as he got out his ballot stuffing robot and the Doom Raiders prepared to attack the nominees. "With my ballot stuffing robot. Stuffing robot, stuff their ballots." He demanded and his robot coughed out ballots, leaving no effect. "Dude, seriously?" Wolfgang said with an annoyed tone. "This is not quite as menacing as I hoped."

Chompy Mage groaned and yells, "Let's just get this over with!" He used his staff to summon some Chompies. The guests screamed as they run away from the Chompies. Sonic, his gang and the Skylanders got to their attack positions to the enemies, but Sticks stayed behind. They began to fight off the Chompies, but there were too many of them and the mansion was a bit small for them. "Sticks, get them!" Stealth Elf said, but Sticks stayed put and says, "A lady doesn't fight." Sticks said and Eggman says, "That's how Golden Queen knows ya."

He pressed a button on his wrist and traps Knuckles, Tails, Eruptor and Pop Fizz on an electric bubble, doing the same with Amy, Spyro, Sonic, Jet Vac and Stealth Elf. Only Mist and Sticks are out. "Sticks, cut the ladylike act and help fight them off!" Mist yelled at her partner. "No! Must...remain...ladylike!" Sticks yelled, trying to keep herself from going primal. That's when Wolfgang tried to attack her, but Mist kicks him away, causing Sticks to run to the corner.

Sticks watched as her friends are trapped in electric bubbles and Mist fighting the Doom Raiders alone. Letting out a low growl, she came to her senses and yelled, "That's it! I'm sick of being proper." She rips the dress off to reveal her original clothes. "Time to get Primal!"

Sticks dodged the attacks from the villains to get closer to Dr. Eggman. Using a spoon, Sticks bends it into a boomerang and throws it to Eggman. He quickly dodged that, but the boomerang came back and hit the button on his wrist. That released Knuckles, Tails, Eruptor and Pop Fizz as they fell on a table. Knuckles got up and went to Sticks' side. Golden Queen attempts to turn Knuckles into a gold and blasted a gold beam towards him, but his two sophisticated friends tackled him down to avoid that beam. The beaver chuckled as he held a fist up and says, "Give us a pound, dear champ." Knuckles gave him a fist bump while Sticks jumped onto Eggman and pressed the button again. This time, it released the remaining heroes as Sonic ran around Eggman and the Doom Raiders, making them dizzy.

"Eat garbage!" Sticks yelled as she and Mist threw garbage bins at them. The machine went down and the Doom Raiders were covered in garbage. The heroes glared at them. "Retreat!" Golden Queen yelled as she and the Doom Raiders quickly fled the mansion. "We'll be back. And next time, I'll bring more ballots."

Eggman yelled as he got his robot work again before yelling, "More ballots!" He then left along with some Chompies. After everyone cleaned up, Pop Fizz walks to Leroy who was holding a gold Awardy while she held a silver Awardy as she says, "Leroy, you may have won the first place Awardy, but I think we can all agree that today, Sticks is the real hero." Sticks smiled at the words as Leroy says, "Yes, but I won the award." A second later, Sticks and Leroy were doing a little tug-o-war with the gold trophy while Sticks yelled, "Give me the shiny!" Knuckles says goodbye to his sophisticated friends as Amy walks over to Sticks and says, "Thanks for saving our skin, Sticks. I guess it isn't always proper to be proper." Sticks shrugged and says, "Just following the old instincts."

"Think you can teach me how to do that?" Amy asked, having Sticks smiling and grabs her arm. "Sure." She said as she ran to a dumpster and jumps in with Amy.

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