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Hi! If you're new, welcome to Slaves of the Empire. If you're not, welcome back!

I've received a lot of questions about character ages and key events in this story, so I figured I'd delve into my top-secret worldbuilding notes and compile a timeline you guys can use for reference. For the ease of readers cross-referencing this story with Wookieepedia and other sources, this timeline uses the established Before the Battle of Yavin/After the Battle of Yavin dating system (BBY/ABY), in which year 0 is when the Battle of Yavin occurs.

Since Coruscant's planetary particulars are what sets Galactic Standard time and they are identical to Earth's (24-hour day, 365-day orbit), I also split a year on Coruscant into twelve months. That way, I have the option to specify if the amount of months between events is relevant (which you'll see it often is). For example, the notation '32.3BBY' is thirty-two years before the Battle of Yavin and specifically three months into that year. I hope this helps, and happy reading!


Padmé Naberrie (known more widely by the surname she would later adopt: Amidala) is born.


Dooku leaves the Jedi Order, taking on his birthright as the Count of Serenno and adopting his new fief as a last name.


Anakin Skywalker is born.


Count Dooku Serenno is approached by Sheev Palpatine, alias Darth Sidious, and inducted into the ancient and secret way of the Sith as Palpatine's new apprentice.


Aluxsidrian (Lux) Noreino Bonteri is born.


Ahsoka Tano is born.


Following an impasse in much-needed negotiations to incentivize foreign companies into further developing Onderon's natural resources, King Ramsis Dendup is deposed. With his charming idealism and refreshing dedication to Onderon, Sanjay Rash is chosen to lead the planet in Dendup's stead.


Following several attempts on her life, most recently during the Battle of Geonosis, Padawan Anakin Skywalker spends four months with his lover Padmé Amidala on Naboo, seeing to her safety. The pair are relatively disconnected there, but across the galaxy, skirmishes between Republic and Separatist forces continue to mount.


War is officially declared on the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the need arises for Padmé to return to the Senate and Anakin to join his teacher, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the frontline. Terrified of what the separation will mean for their growing relationship, Anakin and Padmé secretly marry before parting.


In the hopes of instilling a sense of discipline in the hotheaded, recently Knighted General Skywalker by giving him someone to teach it to, Obi-Wan and Master Yoda collude to assign Anakin a Padawan Learner of his own: Ahsoka Tano. Despite their rocky start, Anakin and Ahsoka quickly become a formidable team.


After a devastating Republic ambush on his newly established outpost on Aargonar, General Zakhan Noreino Bonteri, a recent transfer from Onderon's military forces to the Separatist Armada, is labelled missing in action and presumed dead. He leaves behind his wife and primary partner Mina Bonteri, his teenage son Lux, and his secondary partner, Chrysilika Oveiden – who, unbeknownst to all, is pregnant with Zakhan's twin children.


Just under a year after the death of her husband, Mina Bonteri is accused of treason by the Separatists for receiving a visit from Republic Senator Padmé Amidala, and killed. Desperate to shield his planet from the fallout of his mother's actions and embittered by Padmé's involvement, her son Lux takes her place in the Separatist Parliament and endeavors to keeps his head down.


Thanks to some trickery on Anakin's part, he and Ahsoka escape Queen Miraj's clutches on Zygerria before things come to a head. They go on to free Captain Rex, Obi-Wan, and the Kiros colonists from their toil in the Kadavo system – a failure Count Dooku makes certain the queen feels keenly. However, unwilling to waste a capable pawn and beginning to see a certain wisdom in her culture he can apply to his own schemes, he decides to leave her alive.


Growing dissatisfied with the way King Rash is ruling Onderon and emboldened by the lack of Separatist retribution against his planet, Lux seeks out Steela and Saw Gerrera. Together they organize a series of protests against the Separatist occupation of the planet, but these quickly turn violent. As the need arises for someone to fight back, even though securing outside support proves to be impossible, Lux and his new allies take on the task.


Lux, Steela, Saw, and all their forces are captured following a catastrophic strategic misstep, for which Lux blames himself. Though King Rash wants the opposition against him dead, thanks to the timely intervention of his father, Lux is spared execution. Zakhan Noreino's subsequent investigation into Rash's affairs and discovery of corruption and misuse of Confederate resources leads Rash to be deposed and King Dendup reinstated, while Zakhan is named Lord Imperator and granted a never-before-seen honor: the Noreino family, common by blood, is elevated to the status of a Great House of Onderon.


Chancellor Palpatine is found dead in his home on Coruscant, and since they were far enough away from the Core at the time to be beyond suspicion, Ahsoka and Anakin are recalled from the frontline to investigate on behalf of the Jedi Order. Over the course of the next few days, as Anakin tackles a disorienting juxtaposition of grief for his lost mentor and joy that Padmé is pregnant with his child, Master and apprentice unravel a web of subtle conspiracies and dangerous enemies.


A week after the chancellor's death, Coruscant is attacked by a Separatist fleet of a size never before seen in combat. The Republic forces on hand fight valiantly, but finally fold and retreat in the hopes of regrouping and continuing the fight later. In the interim, Dooku names himself Emperor – a more stable leader of the Galactic Senate for such unstable times. His new power over the galaxy gives him freedom to explore massively powerful superweapons, spearhead new social structures to control the population, and develop secret techniques that will strip a Jedi of their midichlorians and connection to the Force.


Certain the new Emperor suspects her ties to the nascent Alliance to Restore the Republic (simply called the Rebellion by most) and is close to proving them, Padmé decides to flee the Imperial Senate on Coruscant. Her ship is tracked, however, and when she refuses to comply with her Imperial pursuers' instructions, the ship is fired upon and blown to pieces.


While Obi-Wan and his old comrade Commander Cody are searching for potential Rebellion base locations in dangerous, unmapped Wild Space, two black holes collide along their only known path home. The resulting gravitational anomalies prove impossible to navigate, trapping them far from any help.


An initiative of Ahsoka's to organize and unite the different factions making up the Rebellion goes badly wrong when the Empire pinpoints the location of their conference to the planet Felucia, and attacks it. Anakin is badly wounded defending the fleeing Rebel ships, and Ahsoka is captured trying to rescue him.


Ahsoka spends several weeks in an Imperial prison being tortured to extract her secrets, uncertain of Anakin's fate. Her tenacity proves so strong the interrogators resort to stripping her of her midichlorians to get her to talk – a process which mysteriously fails, unbeknownst to them. When Ahsoka still refuses to admit anything, they hand her over to an auction on Onderon, now a much different planet than it was before accepting Separatist rule and the return of Zakhan Noreino, and see to it that she is sold into slavery.



After spending eleven months being passed from owner to owner, Ahsoka takes the place of another slave in a selection for a gift to Zakhan Noreino, known among the slaves as a tyrant and horribly abusive master. There she meets his son, Lux, who is being tested for eventual leadership of House Noreino by his father with the selection of a pleasure slave. Ahsoka uses a Jedi mind trick to convince Lux to choose her, hoping Lux's connections and his family's high status on the planet and the Empire abroad will yield clues about what happened to Anakin.


A week after her arrival at Zakhan's palace, Noreino House, Ahsoka and Lux attend a slave auction where she witnesses the death of her old friend and fellow Padawan Barriss Offee. Ahsoka snaps and goes down the easier path, channelling the dark side of the Force to bend hundreds of weak-minded slaves to her will and push them to fight to free themselves. She comes back to herself and her mission – saving Anakin – in time to return to Lux's side and flee the melee with him to a family country villa.


In the month and three days she and Lux spend at the villa, Ahsoka splits her time between the fulfillment of four goals: honoring Barriss' memory by helping the villages she and Lux visit at his father's behest; training Lux to defend himself to foster his trust in her; getting back in touch with the Rebellion to do her duty as a Jedi; and enlisting the help of Senator Bail Organa and her old friend Rex in learning Anakin's fate.

Between visits to nearby villages on his father's behalf, Lux follows a trail of forgeries and thefts in the hopes of exposing a conspiracy – without much luck. All the while, Lux and Ahsoka learn more about one another and grow closer, forming a tentative friendship threaded through with deeper feelings.


Lux and Ahsoka return to Kyzeron and all its intrigues, determined to focus on their respective ventures in quiet rebellion and the pursuit of conspiracies amidst a flurry of preparations for a very politically charged Onderonian tradition: a midsummer gala.


Four days later, some near misses with political actors who are part friend, part enemy drive Ahsoka and Lux to the fringes of the gala's festivities in search of safe harbor – which results in some unexpected but long-overdue revelations.


After a weeklong stay with Bail Organa on Alderaan, Lux returns to Onderon and the confines of Noreino House, where he reunites with Ahsoka and they both work at getting back into the swing of things.


A week after Lux's return to Onderon, Ahsoka receives tragic news. Two days later, Lux sneaks her out to Iziz for the evening, hoping to raise her spirits with a change in scenery. This backfires horrifically when they encounter a squad of Elite storm troopers on the way back, and Lux learns that Ahsoka is a Jedi.

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