17: The Next Few Chapters Will Actually Be Interesting, I Promise

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"It's official, guys," Ryan said, walking into the coffee shop with a grin on his face.

"What's official?" Vinny asked, confused.

"I was getting there, dumbass," Ryan chuckled. "I can now call Angelo my boyfriend."

"Congrats, dude," Chris smiled.

"Wait, you guys weren't together before?" Balz questioned.

"I mean, I guess we were essentially, but neither of us had actually bothered to ask the other out," Ryan shrugged. "Until almost three o' clock this morning, anyway."

"What the hell were you guys doing at three in the morning?" Vinny asked.

"Eating breakfast," Ryan replied. "Oh, and splitting a milkshake."

"You really weren't lying when you said your goal was to be the most cliché boyfriend ever, were you?" Chris laughed.

"Nope," Ryan responded, laughing along. "Not at all."

"Well, since we're talking about our love lives," Balz spoke up, "I finally worked up the courage to ask Ryan-Ashley out on an actual date."

"Nice job, man," Chris responded. "She said yes, right?"

"Yeah," Balz nodded, smiling a bit at the thought of the girl with the silver hair.

"Well, I think something might be getting started with Devin and I," Vinny added in.

"You've known him for less than a week, how?" Balz scoffed.

"Hey, Ange and I had chemistry just by the third day we had known each other," Ryan pointed out. "So, really, you never know. It's different with everybody, I guess."

"Yeah, yeah," Balz said, rolling his eyes at his friends.

"Hey, why am I the only single one in this friend group all of a sudden?" Chris asked, chuckling a bit. "You three all met somebody within the past month. I've got nobody."

"Just give it time, Chris," Ryan exhaled.


A couple nights later, Vinny and Devin had a Skype call together. The two had been texting during the few days Devin had been back home, but this was the first time since Devin left California that the two were seeing each other's faces.

"You know, I still don't know why you're even still talking to me," Vinny chuckled.

"You're funny, Vin," Devin responded. "And I know I never said it before, but you are pretty cute."

"So you're just talking to me for my humor and boyishly good looks?" Vinny joked.

"No, you loser," Devin laughed, rolling his eyes slightly. "I'm talking to you because you have a personality that I'd like to get to know better. You think I would put your number to use if I didn't think you were worth my time?"

"I guess not," Vinny replied. "Still, I don't know how you think I'm worth your time after I failed repeatedly at flirting with you pretty much every day while you were here."

"Oh, trust me, I found your atrocious flirting skills hilarious," Devin laughed. "Although, it probably would be a good idea to brush up on that stuff."

"Yeah, you think?" Vinny laughed along.

"I take it you weren't much of a ladies man in high school?" Devin teased.

"Hell no I wasn't," Vinny replied. "I've only ever been on, what, maybe, six dates? Seven?"

"Wow, that's a shame," Devin sighed. "Your cute little face was put to waste because of your awful flirtation skills. You better fix that."

"That's the second time you've called me cute within the past five minutes," Vinny told him. "That's a new record," he said jokingly.

"Hey, it isn't my fault that your shitty ways of flirting got in the way with other people," Devin shrugged.

"At least it isn't getting in the way with you," Vinny said with a small grin. "You haven't run away in fear yet."

"Yeah, you're lucky I find your terrible flirting to be entertaining," Devin chuckled.

"I know," Vinny responded. "I'm lucky that I even got a chance to talk to you in the first place. You're a good looking guy, Dev. Like, really good looking."

"I know," Devin replied with a laugh. "You wouldn't stop staring at me while we were all at the beach. That kinda gave away the fact that you found me attractive."

"Can you blame me?" Vinny asked.

"I guess not," Devin said with an airy laugh. "My body is pretty damn hot, after all," he added, still laughing.

"I'm glad you ended up coming out to visit Angelo, by the way," Vinny told him.

"Yeah, me too," Devin nodded. "It was really cool to meet all you guys, and California was great, too. I had a lot of fun."

"Maybe you could come out to visit again sometime," Vinny suggested. "Not necessarily any time soon, I mean, you just got back home, but it would be cool for you to come back for a little while sometime. Maybe sometime after the summer's over or something, I don't know."

"Yeah?" Devin asked.

"Yeah," Vinny replied.

"I think I'd like to come back at some point, too," Devin told him. "I had really good time. Not just with Ange, but with you and your friends, too. The whole trip was a good time, really."

"And, hey, maybe if you make it back out here, I could take you out," Vinny said. "Maybe for dinner or something. Like, on a date. I-I mean, only if you're up for it."

"Of course I'd be up for it," Devin beamed. "I would never turn down a date with somebody as cute and funny as you are. As long as you're sure you'd wanna take me out somewhere."

"Well, of course I'd wanna take you out on a date," Vinny responded. "I would take you out any day. We've been over this already," he chuckled.

"I know, I know," Devin giggled. "I just wanna make sure, you know?"

"Yeah, I suppose," Vinny nodded, shrugging a bit.

"But, uh, hey, if we are gonna go out at some point, could you do me a favor?" Devin asked.

"Sure?" Vinny replied.

"Brush up on your flirting skills before you go anywhere with me," he laughed.

"I'll do what I can," Vinny said, laughing along.

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